We all looked at the copper coffin in horror and didn't know what would jump out. I forgot the cold for a moment, as if the air had solidified at this moment!

He Yuxin shouted at the top, "the yin-yang fish can rotate, but it's very heavy. I'm hurt now and can't use my strength."

The three of us suddenly woke up from fear. I quickly shook my head with Chen Xi: "you go up and help!"

Chen Xi didn't move after a sound. It seems that she is scared silly. I shouted again, "go up!" The boy just trembled and jumped up. But just in the middle of the air, the black smoke from the copper coffin was like a blowout. We immediately wrapped the little one in it, followed by a scream. We saw Chen Xi flying out of the black smoke like a broken kite and disappeared into the darkness on the left.

After a long time, I fell to the ground with a thud, and then I heard the boy cry in pain.

I took LAN Xiaoying there and ran. As soon as I took a step, I felt a huge attraction behind me, so we both took a plane!

This plane ticket is really worth it. It seems to fly a long way. The two made a 180 degree circle and fell to the ground in a free fall. But this time the girl got lucky and I became the bottom. She almost didn't kill me. I finally realized how painful it is to be at the bottom, and the girl has been in pain many times!

"Finally back to Ben!" LAN Xiaoying was lying on me and couldn't get up. She was cheap and good.

"Get down and let me get up!" I scolded with a cry.

"Why are you rolling down? You'll die faster!" LAN Xiaoying's seemingly mischievous expression is actually full of desperate sadness.

I was speechless immediately. In this case, I can't get up. It seems that there is no difference. Both sides are dead!

But before you die, you can't give up easily. I said with a bitter smile, "you can't afford to lie on me like this. Do you want to confess to me before you die?"

LAN Xiaoying quickly rolled down on me: "give you four words, daydreaming!"

I smiled bitterly again. Isn't our present situation similar to daydreaming? This is more unreal than a dream. Besides, what if I have a daydream? People are dying. Will you die if you give in to me? His uncle forgot that he would die if he moved or not.

When I was thinking, a figure suddenly flew over me and just landed on the ashes next to me. For a moment, there was smoke and dust everywhere. LAN Xiaoying and I couldn't help waving and beating.

He Yuxin shouted in horror, "it's coming out, let's run!" She fell. It was her.

LAN Xiaoying and I got up quickly and saw a billow of black smoke sweeping towards us in the ashes, forming a dragon whirlwind with fierce momentum!

The flying soot was blown back and mixed with a piece of yellow sand. I felt a hot pain on my face and hands at the same time. At this critical moment, he Yuxin flew away early, leaving LAN Xiaoying and I stunned. Then subconsciously, he grabbed each other's hands and threw all his strength to one side.

When I was in the air, I felt a strong wind with a knife like chill. I swept close to my body. Half of my body was almost numb. At the same time, another large area of yellow sand came to us, making us close our eyes involuntarily. Then he fell to the ground and rolled forward a few meters.

But the dark tornado then rolled back, rolled up pieces of black ash on the ground, and slapped it with sand. Let's not get up now. It's hard to open our eyes. We can only hold our heads and shrink to the ground for our own blessings.

"Master, I'm coming... Ouch..."

Chen Xi was all right, but it seemed that she got a plane ticket and was beaten away!

Fortunately, he came here and temporarily resolved the dust attack. I shook my head and shouted, "go to the cave top and turn the yin-yang fish!" He opened his mouth and immediately ate a mouthful of sand ash.

LAN Xiaoying then pressed her finger on my back waist. At the moment, she didn't speak as fast as psychic information. Just listen to her telling you and me, there are two insect shells in her stomach. It seems that one of them is the rune water containing the town corpse. I said this thing is no longer a zombie. The corpse charm doesn't work at all. At present, we can only find a way to hold it and let Chen Xi open the exit to escape from Shengtian.

Just after saying this in my heart, a piece of sand hit us like thousands of pushpins. We grinned and couldn't care what to say. We got up and ran forward. After running for a few steps, I found that the wind and sand didn't catch up. I couldn't see where this thing went. I vaguely heard he Yuxin's gasping in the dark.

Probably the dead thing chased her. That's good. With her as cannon fodder, we can finally catch our breath. This is also due to the wise choice of our brothers. If we push these 38 out of the door, we can only find teeth everywhere now.

LAN Xiaoying sent a message in her heart: "what kind of ghost is this?"

I pressed her little hand with my backhand and hurried back to the coffin. While running, I told her that I saw it when it passed by just now. Wrapped in the black air is a human shape built of yellow sand, but the body is badly incomplete, the limbs are incomplete, and most of the face is missing. Only a pair of empty eyes can be seen.

There is a mysterious record in the supreme secret, which is called "peeling and sand". That's what happens when zombies and a very evil monster are kept together. As for where the thing went after peeling and sanding, the book didn't say. It only said that the sand was called "sand devil". Although it is only a skin of evil things, no one can crack and resist it.

Just finished with her about the origin of the sand devil, we went back to the three coffins. At this time, we saw the stone coffin and wooden coffin shaking violently and making a rapid collision sound!

I couldn't help swallowing saliva, and my nerves tightened all over my body. There is a sand devil in the copper coffin, so the things in the stone coffin and wooden coffin must be more powerful than it. Maybe the evil thing after peeling may have got into one of the two coffins. If we let this thing out, we will have no way out.

"Chen Xi, how's it going?" He looked up and vaguely saw the boy climbing on the top, so he shouted and asked.

"Just... Turning... Moving, too heavy!" Listening to his voice squeezed out from between his teeth, he obviously tried his best to nurse.

At this time, I suddenly couldn't hear what he Yuxin said. I just looked back and was immediately photographed by a violent wind and sand. LAN Xiaoying was also taken away, and they collided with the sarcophagus suspended in mid air. Then he fell from his head and feet. Unexpectedly, we both fell into a copper coffin.

Fortunately, the girl didn't get the bottom this time. I lay on her this time. Fortunately, there were tattered cotton batts at the bottom of the coffin, which didn't make her fall very painful.

"Get out of here!" LAN Xiaoying almost cried.

"Rolling down is also dead. It's better for me to confess to you while I still have breath!"