The hole we climbed out was the yin-yang fish in the center of the eight trigrams on the top of the cave, with a diameter of about one meter. Plus the position outside, the gossip map is very large, but it can't suppress the evil things in the coffin. Outside the cave, a seal pattern is also carved on the back of the eight diagrams.

This is the same as my previous speculation. In this huge tomb, two stone giant symbols were sealed. Only the two talismans were opened, and the things in the three coffins were difficult to trap. However, when building the tomb, the stone slab is very thick, and I think it can block their impact.

And before Shi juridical person leaves here, he will start the Eight Diagrams array and close the walls of the tomb. For ordinary people to understand, the start of the array is equivalent to the arrangement of current on the stone wall. Electricity will not kill them, but also make them lose their skin. With heavy stone slabs, they should be trapped in the tomb and difficult to escape. Although the seal is invalid, there is still the last line of defense of the Bagua array. It's just hard to say how long it will last.

Chen Xi gasped and asked, "what are these things? Why is it so powerful? "

I explained the sand devil to him first. I didn't see the things in the sarcophagus very clearly. I searched all the top secrets and didn't find the relevant records. In fact, these two evil things are not the protagonists. I guess the one in the wooden coffin is the Lord. Fortunately, we escaped quickly. If we wait until the coffin is broken, I don't think four people can even have a piece of bone residue left.

He Yuxin was seriously injured. Just now he fought with sand demons and sarcophagus evil things one after another. Now he almost lost his strength. The situation is not as good as LAN Xiaoying and I. Lying on the ground panting, looking very bad.

Chen Xi first regained his energy. I handed him the light and asked him to look around. It seems that the space on the upper floor of the tomb is still not small, and you can't see the scenery around at all. After Chen Xi caught the lamp, he saw a light and shadow quickly cut through the darkness and rushed forward like a meteor to the moon.

LAN Xiaoying looked at he Yuxin on the ground, then moved to me and pressed her fingers on my back waist. She felt that this mysterious space was a forbidden area created by sealing three coffins.

What she said is not unreasonable. Many religions have similar legends that seal the evil devil into a space beyond the reach of the world. As long as the seal is removed, the devil will wake up and the space will be opened. This space is not a third world, but a forbidden area in the human world.

No one will know where this forbidden area is and what it is. Otherwise, how can it be called a forbidden area?

I nodded and told her in my heart that from the perspective of the tomb, this should be a forbidden area. It's probably that the craftsman cultivated some evil thing. Before it was cultivated, it was found and sealed here. And this kind of evil thing must be related to human corpse birds and ghost birds. So Shiyan village also has the same mass grave, and copied the birth of human corpse birds.

But it seems as like as two peas, which are hung on the third floor of the corpse building, exactly the same as the three. The only difference is that there is a withered corpse in the copper coffin in the corpse building. Speaking of this, my heart was shocked. Is Kurong corpse slowly molting and becoming a sand devil with peeling and sand?

LAN Xiaoying got a hint of Enlightenment from my thinking: "so, the craftsman of raising corpse birds in Shiyan village is with zoying gate!"

This idea is too arbitrary. They don't necessarily belong together. It may be that a former craftsman used the strange corpse refining method of the shadow gate to cultivate and refine the evil things he wanted. Just like living corpses and human skin corpses, this is not the patent of the shadow gate. After several generations of research and experiments, some practitioners finally borrowed the shadow gate corpse raising technique to raise these two evil "demon corpses".

However, after going back, it seems necessary to go to Huaying Valley again to find out what kind of things these three coffins will eventually raise.

LAN Xiaoying smiled, "do you think we can go back?"

I said confidently, "I will be able to go back! I'm waiting for you to confess to me later! " Before he finished, he was severely twisted on his waist.

"Why didn't you confess to me?" LAN Xiaoying looked very angry.

"Well, that's it. I'll confess to you when I get back." Man, hit the snake with the stick.

LAN Xiaoying almost fainted. She accidentally fell into my trap. Then, my waist must be hurt!

While we were talking in our hearts, Chen Xi ran back and said happily, "this is a natural cave. There is an exit not far ahead."

LAN Xiaoying and I stood up immediately, and he Yuxin sat up with difficulty.

"What's going on outside?" I asked.

"There are still labyrinth roads outside..." Chen Xi said, looking extremely depressed again.

Back in the maze, you may be chased by the dead train, but it's not safe to stay here. If the thing in the wooden coffin is a demon that can subvert everything here, it is absolutely capable of breaking through the confinement of the tomb. I think the farther away from here, the better. I'd rather meet the dead train than play with them again.

At this moment, he Yuxin rested for a while, recovered a little strength, gritted his teeth and ran out of the cave with us. It is true that there are still labyrinth lanes outside, but these roads become a little narrow, and the hutongs are relatively short. This is actually good for us. As long as we are not blocked at both ends, it is not easy for the other party to catch us.

Walking into the narrow roadway, I found that the stone walls on both sides had changed color and were pitch black. But still braved the slightest chill, we dare not try ice with our hands. And in order to avoid touching the wall by mistake, four people walk forward in a row. Although I didn't encounter the dead train, I fell into the strange circle of infinite cycle.

I was busy running for my life in the tomb just now. I didn't care about anything. Now relax and feel hungry again. My stomach is almost flat. Chen Xi and he Yuxin are immortal "Xiaoqiang". They are fine if they don't eat for ten days. LAN Xiaoying and I are different. We are normal people.

I said weakly, "it's delicious to think of the baked cakes sold at the entrance of our alley."

LAN Xiaoying pushed back and said, "don't mention food. Think of something else."

But Chen Xi, who came last, said, "let's go back and eat old soup hot pot."

Well, it's more tempting than pancakes. My saliva almost didn't flow down. I smashed it, smashed it, and said, "don't mention the old soup hot pot. Do you know what seasoning is in it? Gutter oil, chemicals, the most deadly mutton is mouse meat... "

LAN Xiaoying quickly patted me and said, "stop it. I didn't have anything in my stomach. What makes me vomit?"

He Yuxin suddenly pointed to the right stone wall in the dark and said, "there are words on it!"

I hurriedly raised the lamp from the back. I saw the word "witch" carved on the dark stone wall. It's originally a black background. If he Yuxin's cat eyes are not sharp, it's difficult to find this word.

We can't help but be stunned. Why is there a witch word here? What does it mean? When I was puzzled, a familiar Yin wind suddenly came from the roadway behind me.

Here comes the train ghost!