Time is like a train without darkness. It was killed in the blink of an eye. Although time passes too fast, I am not unhappy at all, because it is time to graduate. Although I can't get a doctor's license until one year after graduation, at least I'm one step closer to my goal.

Many interns stayed in the hospital. Even Chang Hao fell into the surgery department of the central hospital through relationship, but I was denied this treatment, man. Because I'm a terrible legend in the hospital. Maybe one day, it will bring another bloody disaster to the hospital.

However, Huasi had this ability to make me fulfill my wish, but I gave up. In my life dictionary, there is no cheating. Only those who struggle by themselves will feel at ease. If I want to find a good job, I can go to Huashi group as an executive. Why stay in the hospital and be a little doctor?

LAN Xiaoying resigned as early as Hua's. her reason is that she can't serve Hua Si, a big and brainless sister. In fact, I know that Hua's work is incompatible with her major. Everyone has ideals and dreams. If it's not for dreams, why do we study Archaeology and medicine?

I don't have to go to practice, so I have enough time to deal with business at Lao Zhang's and Chen Xi's shops. Although life is busy, it is full of flavor.

Just when she left the hospital, Ling Wei watched me cry in a mess. We had lunch that day, but Chang Hao was present, but we didn't dare to ask LAN Xiaoying to attend, and lied to her that we would get together with some classmates.

Ling Wei's eyes are red and her little face looks more and more beautiful. She looked at me tenderly and asked, "what are your plans in the future?"

I haven't opened my mouth yet, but Chang Hao answered: "what else can I do? It's probably cheating everywhere, helping people read eight characters and looking at a cemetery." The boy said and drank a little wine. What he said was very damaging. In fact, he didn't feel good in his heart.

I thought the boy farted, stared at Ling Wei, smiled and said, "let's mix for a year, then get a license and open a small clinic to support my family." To be honest, in my heart, I like Ling Wei very much. If I'm not from Shiyan village, but an ordinary citizen of Huangyu City, I think a beautiful story will happen between me and this little girl.

Ling Wei's eyes were red again. It seemed that she was going to cry. I smiled and said, "in fact, I hate the hospital. It's too free. I have no choice for internship. After that, I can finally let birds fly. You should be happy for me. "

The little girl nodded wisely. She knew what I said was against her heart, so she smiled and said, "even if we leave the hospital, we are still friends. Remember to come and see us and have breakfast together. Come on, I respect you! " She actually picked up her glass and drank it up. She doesn't drink. Chang Hao and I are all dumbfounded.

After I had a drink with her, I changed the topic and talked about some relaxed and happy things. Who knows, with the dizziness on his head, he began to talk about life, ideals and unfair hidden rules. The more I said, the more angry I became. At first, I stopped Ling Wei from drinking. Now I take the initiative to touch the wine with her.

That day, all three drank too much. Ling Wei was sent back by Chang Hao. I was sober. After checking out, I left the restaurant with a toothpick in my mouth and humming a tune. As a result, when I came out, I saw our overlord standing in front of me with a murderous face. At that time, I seemed to see a lioness with soft legs and almost didn't lie down. I thought, why did she come?

This problem has never been clarified, because she began to ignore me when she got home. She spent all day writing papers in her bedroom and would not speak more than three sentences when she came out for dinner. Although some people say that silent women are the most lovely, how do I feel that silent women are like bombs? You don't know when she'll explode. It's scary.

Fortunately, she no longer mentioned going to Beijing, which made me feel more at ease.

That day, I stayed in Chen Xi's shop until dark. When I was ready to go back, it began to rain. In the rainy season, the rain won't stop for a while. I asked Chen Xi to drive me back, but the boy said, you're in a bad mood these two days. Why don't we have a drink? It's just like my heart. When I go home, I also face the girl's cold face. It's better to drink some wine to adjust my mood.

There was a restaurant next to the shop. They ran over to order two dishes and drank cold beer. I haven't drunk for several days. A bottle of beer passes through my intestines. I feel great.

Due to the rain, the restaurant only drank with us. We were not afraid of being heard. We talked about the missing he Yuxin and the crazy yuan se. I said that these two people actually dare to be so rampant. It's nothing more than whether there is a dark train behind them. When the train is finished, they will wilt. And the craftsman, don't you have any news?

Just because they don't ask for trouble, we have been very comfortable in the past six months. It's just that I always think about the mysterious space. Sometimes this person is curious about something and has a strong desire to get an answer. In fact, it's not doing nothing. I really want to understand why grandpa wants to get on the train and why grandpa wants to hang to apologize.

These are forced by the ghost train, but I don't think it's that simple. Why did the nether train force them and why the train was trapped in the abyss of the red world Jedi? All these are related to this mysterious forbidden area.

I asked Chen Xi what colors he saw on the stone wall after turning around the red world Jedi? Because the girl didn't find grandpa's ghost, she didn't bother to mention it again. After drinking some wine today, I thought of this clue again.

Chen Xi thought for a moment and said that there seemed to be six colors. We all know black and white, and the other four are yellow, blue, blue and green. We know that black represents witchcraft, and we don't know what the other five colors mean. And does this witch represent witchcraft?

Even if it represents witchcraft, it is also black witchcraft. White witchcraft is not so evil. Like chasing corpses in Western Hunan, it belongs to white witchcraft.

We talked and drank a box of beer before we knew it. When I was about to have another box, I suddenly saw a woman standing outside the window, pestling there like a telegraph pole, watching us move. My heart said, where's the second girl? It's silly. It's raining outside, but take a closer look, dizzy, it's the overlord of our family!

I hurried out. Before I could ask why you came, the girl stared at me coldly and said, "if you are so interesting drinking, I don't have to pick you up." Then he turned around and left.

The car had already been returned to the flower shop. The girl came by bus to send me a poncho. I hurried to catch up, but my dizzy foot didn't listen to me. I tripped and fell into the muddy water.

LAN Xiaoying turned back and pulled me up. She said angrily and hatefully, "brother, can you stop fooling around like this. You know, I always wash your clothes. It's causing me trouble! "

I didn't turn my head at the moment. I raised my hand and said, "I didn't mean it. I swear to God..."

The girl burst out laughing, "look what you look like now, like a duck in soup."

Her smile finally reassured me that the cold war between us was finally over.