If you let three zongzi run away, it will be a big deal. Two dead bodies are white and stiff, and the whole Shashan town is not enough for them to fill their teeth!

His uncle's, how do I think we fell into the pit at the same time? Thinking so, I didn't care about any reconciliation. I immediately pulled out a dagger and cut the rope on huawuying.

"Find a way to bring your zongzi back to Huaying Valley!" I took out a golden light talisman, added witchcraft techniques, and chanted and burned.

It happened that at this moment, a whirlwind blew in front of the three of us, and was blocked back by this Rune fire. But being hit in the face by a piece of flying sand, I feel burning pain!

The flower dance shadow jumped up and recited the spell, but the wind and sand was too big. He immediately ate a mouthful of sand and couldn't recite the spell completely. At the same time, the talisman on the forehead of the three zombies was swept away by the wind, and Bai Jiang, buried under the sand, suddenly stood up steeply. The flying corpse's eyes were blood red and looked at the three of us. The saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth!

"It's no longer possible. The three walking shadows are fascinated by the Yin wind. They may not recognize me as the master!" Huawuying was a little flustered. Looking at the three zongzi, she couldn't help going backwards.

LAN Xiaoying said angrily and anxiously, "you can't control the zombies raised by yourself when you go through the shadow gate?"

Hua Wuying shook her head desperately and said, "I suspect this is the black sand pit, because there is a legacy from her ancestors. Once Zou Ying comes to the black sand pit and encounters the black wind, they will refuse to recognize each other!"

I'll go. Elder sister, you don't know. Is this the black sand pit? With your IQ, you dare to avenge yourself. You're sold and still counting money for others.

"This is the black sand pit!" LAN Xiaoying almost fainted.

The flower dance shadow puffed, sat on the ground and said at a loss, "this is really a black sand pit. I was cheated! What shall we do? What shall we do? "

I grabbed LAN Xiaoying and said, "what else can I do? Let's escape your three poisonous hands of zongzi first." The two of us turned around and ran towards the road without bothering to talk to her again.

This is not the time to be a hero. I can't save my life. How can I protect the whole Shashan town? Only by letting yourself escape the poison first can we find a way to kill these three zongzi.

We just ran a few steps forward against the strong wind. A white shadow swept over the top of our head and fell on the sand. The flower dance shadow was probably hit by our own zongzi, right?

A dark shadow flashed in front of us, and the flying corpse suddenly fell in front of us, staring at two blood red eyes, which looked very terrible against the cross background of darkness and light!

After LAN Xiaoying and I looked at each other, they were connected. They licked the blood on their lips and stopped breathing. Then he made a gesture to cover his mouth and nose with the flower dance shadow lying prone on the ground and slowly slipped towards the houses. Hua Wuying knows how to avoid zombies better than we do. She may have been in a panic just now. Now she is attacked, so she covers her nose and gets up to chase us.

The flying corpse turned his head and couldn't help sniffing his nose, looking for the smell of the three of us. Two white rice dumplings also jumped from the sand and stood next to the flying corpse, humming and laughing as if they were communicating.

It is recorded in the supreme secret that there is a door to listen to corpse language, which can not only understand the simple words of zombies, but also hear a hidden message from the corpse. I thought the flower dance shadow must understand, so I watched her reaction.

The flower dance shadow changed color on his face, shook his head with us and ran desperately to the door of the house. At this time, the two white zongzi jumped left and right, and the flying corpse flew up and circled with the whirlwind. At first I didn't understand what this meant, but then I saw that the three zongzi couldn't help spitting out a black gas in their mouth.

They want to use corpse Qi to stimulate people's body to produce the breath of strangers, so as to find out the position of the three of us. I didn't expect the flying corpse to have IQ, which is terrible. It is: zombies are not terrible. They are afraid that zombies have culture!

Fortunately, we walked to the house in advance, not far from the door. Hua Wuying rushed in first. LAN Xiaoying and I followed up quickly. Hua Wuying quickly closed the door. The room seems to be an office, with only a table and an electric fan and nothing else.

Huawuying closed the door, took out a handful of blue powder from her body, sprinkled it along the crack of the door, turned around and sprinkled some on the window, and then opened her mouth to breathe.

She gasped and said, "this is a powder to stimulate the nose of zombies, so they can't smell us."

LAN Xiaoying said anxiously, "you don't have a way to deal with zombie counterattack when you go to the shadow gate?"

"Yes..." Hua Wuying nodded, but she was out of breath for a moment“ Only to deal with those above flying corpses, we need to set up a "golden wood array" to break its corpse Qi. But the golden wood array is in Huaying Valley, and you burned it last time... "

I rubbed my temples and thought I didn't say it. After frowning and grinding, I suddenly thought of something. This evil wind must come from the black sand pit, and the black sand pit is definitely related to peeling and sand. Thinking of this, I asked Hua Wuying, "what's the matter with the three coffins on the third floor of the corpse building? In addition to Bazi's corpse array, what else can we do to suppress them? "

This seemed to touch the secret of the shadow gate. The flower dance shadow immediately said vigilantly, "what does this have to do with the three coffins?"

I solemnly said to her, "it doesn't matter! Because we have seen the same three coffins under the black sand pit. One of the zombies has peeled and turned into sand. Although it is sealed in the coffin, the shady wind on the sand field is definitely related to this. I think the method of suppressing those three coffins will certainly dispel the Yin wind! "

Hua Wuying looked at me in surprise and asked, "have you ever entered the black sand pit? Even know how to peel and sand? "

I nodded and said, "yes, we went into the black sand pit and accidentally entered a mass grave below. We saw these three coffins in the tomb." In fact, we are not sure whether the mass graves and red dust Jedi are under the black sand pit. The situation is urgent at the moment. There's no time to elaborate. It's right to insist on being under the black sand pit.

Hua Wuying murmured, "no wonder in the last words of our ancestors, we don't want future generations to take the shadow close to the black sand pit. That's why."

I hurriedly said, "don't think about the last words. Is there a way to suppress the three coffins?"

The flower dance shadow immediately replied, "yes, it's the eight child palm corpse array! To set up an array here, you need to go back and get the oil lamp... "

I asked about the method other than Bazi's palm corpse array. She still mentioned this. I don't know whether she is really confused or pretending to be confused with me. I really have the impulse to take off my shoes and pat her!

"Yes, yes, there's another way. It's a two sentence formula..." Hua Wuying saw that I was a little angry and hurried to change my words“ The formula is... Thousands of wrongs and thousands of crimes are eliminated, and the nine evils and three disasters are eliminated. Go and listen to the order! " Then he took out a bell from his body. It was a Dementor bell. Shaking his white wrist, there was a crisp sound of tinkling bell immediately.

As the mantra bell rang, the wind outside suddenly stopped and suddenly calmed down!

The flying corpse also fell to the ground with two white stiff pestles.

The flower dance shadow extended his thumb to me, opened the door and went out to "collect the body". At this time, a drunken man, humming a tune, staggered to the battlefield house. Suddenly, the flying corpse burst up, swept forward quickly, and took the man away like a huge ghost bird!