The three of us listened quietly to President sun finish, and no one interrupted. I thought this happened after our college entrance examination, otherwise this kind of thing in the school could not escape my eyes. Although it sounds strange and evil, I think it is very true.

Because I could hear that what the divine man did was not made up. The layman watched the excitement and the expert watched the doorway. You can tell the true from the false.

As we said before, ghosts can't be sealed in the body for a long time. After seven days, they will mutate and form a frightening ghost. This kind of fierce ghost is quite terrible. It is difficult to eliminate it by integrating ghost and corpse. Then the female corpse stored in the warehouse must have died for more than seven days. Combined with the forbidden curse on the mask and the "blood nail", it is equivalent to nailing a bomb inside the school, which can't be touched.

Blood nailing is a method of nailing corpses to the ground in sorcery. It is cruel and evil. It's like the binding evil law of Hua's villa at first, but it's much more fierce than the cat spirit town. It's just this kind of thing. As long as you don't move it, it won't harm people. As long as you move it, it will have the same consequences as lighting the fuse and detonate the bomb.

For the sake of the safety of all the teachers and students, and of course for himself, President sun finally concealed the truth and blocked the warehouse. This practice is understandable. If you call the police, it's just a few more policemen. In those days, there was no one in Huangyu city who could suppress this evil law. It's not without. Luo Qian and Hu Mingtang can do it, but they won't take the risk.

Not to mention a complete crack, I'm not sure now. And the divine man can see that he is also an expert. It is the best policy to solve it by suppressing it first and then dissolving it. If you put on the rash Chen Xi, maybe you pulled out the nail directly, then not only will the school have an accident, but also the person who pulled out the nail will not live for three days.

However, in the past five years, the spirit of corpses and ghosts should have been almost dissolved. Why did resentment erupt again? Not only killed a girl, but also killed sister Zhou?

After President sun finished speaking, his mood seemed a little nervous again. He drank two glasses of wine to ease down.

So I asked him, "did you check whether girls or female teachers died in the school? Also, have you ever organized a literary performance, including a masked dance? "

Headmaster sun shook his head and said, "I checked, there is no one less in the school. And it's just the beginning of school. There's no adult ceremony or performance. Where the female corpse came from and who she is is is still a mystery. "

Chen Xi interrupted and asked, "since there is a masked female corpse hidden in the warehouse, why do you want to perform this dance?"

After hearing this question, headmaster sun immediately frowned and said angrily, "what programs do they arrange? I never watch them. Who knew they would make such a dance."

I asked, "did you play mask dance before school? Why don't I remember acting? Why are there feather masks in the warehouse? "

Principal Sun said, "that was later. Two years ago, the school held a 20-year celebration. Someone came up with an idea to ask the teacher to hold a masquerade ball. I didn't know the party needed a mask, so I agreed. Unexpectedly, the logistics department purchased a large number of masks, and I immediately rejected the decision and changed it to a party. Later, the masks were sold to other schools, and the rest were put into the warehouse. Before this event, I went out for a meeting and delegated power. I didn't know there was such a program when I came back. "

I nodded. At best, these things are the responsibility of the vice president. He doesn't have to do them himself. And the vice principal didn't know that there was a mask bomb buried around him.

"Then why don't you invite the divine man to come over this time?" I asked.

Mr. Sun sighed and said, "I let my sister-in-law contact me, but I didn't know. I was about to send someone to pick him up tomorrow, but there was an accident today. Bai Yu, I had a bad attitude towards you yesterday. I was disturbed by my face. Don't care. Whatever you do, help the school deal with it. Otherwise, I may not survive tonight and will end up like Xiao Zhou! "

In fact, President sun was a man. We all thought he was good at that time. And I was successfully admitted to the Medical University. For my alma mater and the president, I was only grateful and had no other complaints. Hearing what he said, I hurriedly said, "it's not your fault. At that time, Xiaoying and I didn't say hello and broke into the teaching building without permission. There was something wrong. Well, you take us to school tonight. I'll go into the warehouse and see what happens. "

Principal sun was so frightened that his whole body shook and his face turned green: "the warehouse is so terrible. Do you... Dare you go in?"

Chang Hao shrunk his head and said, "brother, are you drunk?"

"I think tomorrow morning is better during the day." Chen Xi followed.

I frowned and said, "I can't wait. The death of sister Zhou and the haunted meeting room are obvious signs that someone will die tonight. If we don't deal with it tonight, it will be late tomorrow! It's not too late. Let's go to school now. Chen Xi, come with me, Chang Hao. Drink yourself in the shop and come back soon. "

Chen Xi almost didn't cry: "master, I set up the Feng Shui Bureau yesterday. It doesn't work. I'm afraid we can't do it at night..."

"If you're afraid, stay with Chang Hao and have a drink. I can do it alone." I opened the bedroom door and pulled my bag from under the bed.

Chang Hao doesn't like Chen Xi's advice. He patted his chest and said, "are you afraid of a hair? You still want to be better than blue. I think it's black before it turns blue. Bai Yu, man, go with you. "

Chen Xi hurriedly said that he was not afraid, but just discussed when it would be better to go. In fact, I want him to practice more. Who knows, this boy always loses his chain at the critical moment. He can't change his fear of wolves before and tigers after.

Just now grandma came back. I told her to go out to see a patient and come back soon. After going out, Chang Hao really came out. I said don't be tough, and hurry back to the house. He straightened his chest and said, I'll watch the enemy for you. You go upstairs to catch ghosts, and I'll be responsible for watching the wind below.

Bastard, we're going to steal. Are you watching the wind down there? Well, he can go if he wants. Maybe he can help when it's critical.

The three of us got into headmaster sun's car and arrived at the school half an hour later. After entering the gate, I found that the whole school was dark except the guard, where the lights were on. Looking at the dark shadow of the building in the distance, it seems that there are countless ferocious dead ghosts hiding in the window and staring at us, which makes people feel a little hairy.