Repaying Yin debt itself is a reasonable punishment. When you do all bad things and lose Yin virtue, a Yin debt will be formed in the hell. Therefore, he ended up in hell and suffered all kinds of torture. However, this will not catch all the wicked. There are loopholes in front of the craftsmen. Find someone to pay their debts instead of them.

The most suitable person to repay Yin debt on behalf of others is their relatives, and none of their relatives is their children. It's natural for father and son to repay their debts, so having children to help pay off their debts can greatly offset the sins committed by their parents. However, it is extremely evil to use children to repay Yin debts. The so-called tiger poison does not eat children, but people make such a shameful animal behavior, which is heinous.

Xiaodie's situation is obviously not ghost life. Ghost life doesn't recruit poisons. Poisons can't escape when they see her. Since Xiaodie feeds the poisonous snake by cutting meat to feed the eagle, it shows that this is an act of accumulating Yin virtue and repaying Yin debt. What can such a little girl do? Obviously, Yin debt is to help relatives pay off!

This optimistic and lovely little girl deeply touched my heart, because I think her fate is the same as when I was a child. After I turned against Gu Jiuyuan, I made up my mind to save the girl from fire and water!

Back in the village, I had a heart to heart exchange with LAN Xiaoying about the situation just now. The girl also felt that the child was too poor. She agreed with my decision and took Xiaodie away from this hell. However, the girl was calmer than me at this time. She analyzed that Gu Jiuyuan was mysterious and on his territory. She would never let us take people away easily. He has a good reputation in the village. If we mobilize the masses, we will become traffickers who abduct and sell women.

We may not be able to beat him if we fight hard. We must think of a comprehensive strategy. First of all, we should show evidence to expose Gu Jiuyuan's true face and let the villagers stand on the same front with us. Secondly, find his weakness, eradicate him and never suffer from it.

Finally, I would like to add that before eradicating him, we should find out the truth that he drew symbols on his mask.

The two agreed so well that they were not in a hurry to act rashly. From now on, they monitored Gu Jiuyuan's every move. What bad things the grandson wants to do must be done at night, so there is no need to work blindly during the day and inquire at night.

Uncle Cheng's madness was not cured this time. Instead, he let the old man run away. Fortunately, the old man often wanders around. Cheng chuanzi doesn't worry about accidents. It's just that Cheng Chuangzi was so dirty that he was scolded by his wife. And seeing that it was noon again, we didn't go yet. His wife obviously didn't want to take care of us for dinner.

I took out a thousand dollars and handed it to Cheng Zaozi and said, "you go to the town to buy clothes and food. Let's go out and have a walk. We won't come back for dinner in the morning."

His wife immediately saw the money and took it away from Cheng Zaozi. She smiled at us and said, "you saved the Russian family. Why do you want your money? I'll cook now and remember to come back later. " The woman said she was sorry, but she held the money tightly in her hand, lest I should take it back.

LAN Xiaoying and I came out. There was no other place to go, so we went out of the village and walked in the direction of Langqiao demon cave as Li Erguo said at that time.

At the foot of the mountain, I looked up and saw a bare mountain wall near the top of the mountain. It's green all around, but it's as conspicuous as a bald head in the middle. Li Erguo said that it used to be a cave. Later, I don't know who blocked it, but there has been no grass for many years.

LAN Xiaoying and I climbed up to have a look. This bare mountain wall is full of soil, which has been washed out by wind and rain. I squatted down to dig and took the soil in front of my eyes. The soil was grayish brown. It was full of water in a dry climate. Gently pinch your fingers, slightly sticky.

Take out a plastic bag and squeeze the soil in your hand into a ball. LAN Xiaoying asked me in surprise why. I said this kind of soil was called "vulva soil", but it had nothing to do with the vulva fetus. It was said to overflow from the underworld. It has magical curative effect on many rare and strange diseases and ghost diseases.

We walked around again and found no other noteworthy traces. Of course, the remains of wolf bridge have not been found. After all, it is a legend. Besides, this kind of bridge, like the magpie bridge on Tanabata, is temporary. After it is built, it will dissipate without trace.

We didn't plan to go back to our son's house for dinner. We ate ham and bread on the mountain and drank a few mouthfuls of mineral water to fill our stomach. Then he leaned against the mountain wall, blowing a cool breeze and chatting happily. We didn't go down until the sun set.

It was completely dark when we entered the village. We quietly came to Gu Jiuyuan's house and hid behind a corner. Due to the lack of electricity in the village, many villagers went to bed after dinner early. Dim candlelight came from a few houses. This little faint light, just like the ghost eye visiting in the night, looks strange to people.

The light on Gu Jiuyuan's window clearly reflected the figure of Xiaodie. She seemed to be eating. The thin figure clearly emerged in our minds, which made us feel sad for a while.

The darkness was medium for a long time, and Gu Jiuyuan didn't see any movement. When I was feeling stuffy, I suddenly heard an interesting conversation between a young couple from the window of the house around me.

"Sunspot dad, I want to..."

"If you want a fart, you will have three children. You can't afford to raise them anymore."

"What are you doing in the dark? I can't sleep... "

"Russian grass, it's really disappointing... Come on, come on..."

LAN Xiaoying put her finger on my back waist and looked very surprised: "what's not good?"

I said with a bad smile, "what's the worst when men and women are in bed?" Well, man, I got a hard twist.

Can you blame me? Who asked you? My answer is implicit enough. If you say it directly, will you be slapped in the face? While gritting our teeth and enduring severe pain, suddenly two dark shadows came, and we immediately put away our mischief. But too close to the window, a woman's clear gasp came out of the room. His uncle's, I'm almost out of breath!

"Don't listen!" LAN Xiaoying gave me another twist.

I smile bitterly. My voice goes into my ears. What do you want me to do?

At this time, the two shadows went to Gu Jiuyuan's door, reached out and knocked on the door. Before they spoke, they just heard Gu Jiuyuan say, "are you coming? I'm going out now. Xiaodie, go to sleep. No matter who knocks, you are not allowed to open the door. "

"I see, Dad." The little girl promised in a sweet and crisp voice.

After the door opened, Gu Jiuyuan came out and closed the door. The three whispered and went north. I couldn't listen to the sound of rolling sheets at the moment. I pulled LAN Xiaoying forward.

Because the west of the village is a demon cave, the villagers are quite taboo, so they built the cemetery in the north of the village. Soon after the three of them left the village, they saw a dark shadow of a raised grave in front of them in the vast night. And these three people also ran to the cemetery!