The attack of evil poison was very rapid. In a few seconds, I felt that the blood of my whole body became cold and confused in my mind. I know that if I completely lose consciousness, I will become a mad dog and the girl will be killed by me immediately!

I tried my best to keep my mind clear. Then he clenched his teeth and said, "run quickly and lead the people of Langqiao village to find a way to live..."

But the girl refused to leave me, shed tears, touched my face and said, "you should hold on and tell me how to draw the blade Rune and what kind of Rune water to mix... You tell me..."

Luck can only temporarily suppress the evil poison, but the blood becomes colder and colder, and her eyes become more blurred. She can't see LAN Xiaoying's face or hear what she's talking about. It seemed that she couldn't help kissing on my face, hot tears fell on my face, and then slowly slipped down.

But before long, I felt a chill in my right eye and gradually saw something. It was the girl who wiped the ghost crystal on my eyeball. With the deepening of the spirit of the ghost crystal, the evil poison was slowly pressed down again. I tried my best to tell her how to mix the first runes in my bag. I couldn't make a sound before I finished.

LAN Xiaoying pasted the ghost crystal on my eyes with tape, freed her hand, took out three kinds of runes and began to mix them according to my instructions. At this time, the evil poison slowly raised its head, and the Qi of ghost crystal could not be suppressed. My eyes became blind again, and my limbs were stiff. I felt that I had become a dead body!

A moment later, I felt a cool water pouring into my throat, and my body gradually got hot. With the recovery of blood gas, the limbs thawed, and the eyes could see a little light again. I struggled to raise my hand and asked LAN Xiaoying to bring paper and pen. She almost held my hand and drew a blade opening symbol.

She burned the talisman, opened the yin-yang blade of the dagger, scraped some powder on the ghost crystal and fell into my eyes. The ghost crystal powder immediately integrated into the eyeball and immediately stripped off the evil spirit that blinded the eyeball. I shook my head and felt my limbs stronger than before. He looked down and saw that his hands and feet were cut by LAN Xiaoying, and black blood was flowing out.

My life was saved, thanks to the girl's perseverance. If she cares, it will be chaotic. If there is a slight delay, I will die!

After I gradually recovered some energy, I took out two Fushui to mix. This is a way to fight poison with poison, which is difficult for ordinary people to bear. Especially in this case of physical weakness, it is just like the terminally ill old man suffering from the medicine of tiger and wolf, and it is easy to die.

But this method is relatively fast and can quickly remove the residual poison in the body. Because I can't wait, there are more than 100 lives waiting for me to save. I must recover as soon as possible.

I swallowed this adjusted medicine of tiger and wolf, and suddenly felt that my limbs and bones were pulled by countless claws. The pain of contraction and swelling was really worse than death. I couldn't help but roll on the ground in pain. The girl chased me and took a paper towel to wipe my sweat.

The pain lasted for two or three minutes, and in this short time, it was better than going to hell. Although I don't know what hell is like, I think hell is just like this.

After the pain completely disappeared, I felt unspeakable for a while. I looked up at LAN Xiaoying. She was still crying, but she had a smile on her mouth. I just heard her say to me, "you are an immortal god of war in my heart. There is no mountain that can't be turned over and no threshold that can't be stepped over!"

I was inexplicably moved at the moment, holding her hand together. At the moment, we have the same heart. There's no need to say more. Whether I am the undead God of war or an ant with weak life, as long as we are together, we will tide over the difficulties.

I can't live without her, and she can't live without me!

They stared quietly for a long time. The girl took her hand back and took out a bandage to bandage my wound. I sat up, stretched my arms and said, "I just had a good dream."

"Huh? What did you dream of? " LAN Xiaoying asked curiously, but her hand didn't stop.

I smiled and said, "I dreamed of a fairy and kissed me on the face. It's a wonderful taste... Er... You should be gentle and be poisoned for Mao?"

LAN Xiaoying pulled me up with a cold face and asked, "did you really dream, or was it fake?"

I said with a smile: "fake!"

LAN Xiaoying had a pretty face. After the rain, she smiled and said, "that's good! Let's go! "

I moved my hands and feet, and found that I seemed to have completely recovered my blood, and my energy was much stronger than before. After taking a few steps forward, I couldn't help but say, "that dream is really false, because it seems to happen in reality... Ha ha, I run!"

"Bai Yu, I'll kill you!"

I ran all the way and didn't let the girl catch up. A gust of wind rushed into a cave in the middle of the road. This is the sixth astrological position, Tianxuan!

The area of this cavern is very large. More than 100 people stand inside and look very loose. But there are broken and collapsed stone columns everywhere, and the ground is full of rubble. These stones look very irregular and vary in size, but many of them are carved with patterns. It seems that there must have been some stone carving buildings here in those years. With the seal of the demon cave, these things have been destroyed.

After LAN Xiaoying chased in, she accepted the mischief in front of the crowd. He looked at the cave with me and whispered, "it looks like a main hall, similar to an important gathering place. I think it looks like a king's hall."

I lowered my voice and said, "do you really think this is a country in the mountains? There was a queen? You always know Liangshan. I think this is a righteousness gathering hall. It's hard to say that it's a place where these craftsmen gather people to commit adultery... "

"Can you be pure in your mind?" LAN Xiaoying glanced at me, went everywhere and bent down to check the patterns on the stone pillars and riprap.

I also followed her and said, "it has nothing to do with my purity. From a historical point of view, it's all true. What do you mean by sexual sacrifice, that kind of unhealthy... "

"Please don't pretend you don't understand." LAN Xiaoying interrupted me unhappily. "Sacrificial rites are incompatible with the ritual system, that is, crooked ways that are not recognized by politics."

"Almost anyway." I scratch my head“ What's the use of looking at these? It's very safe here. Let's wait here. Let's go to the next and last star to find the exit. "

I was about to go to the opposite cave door when Li Erguo shouted, "there seems to be a mummy here!"

When they heard this, they shrank back in fear, and no one dared to come forward to watch. I told him not to move and ran over with LAN Xiaoying immediately. Under a stone wall, a corner of the mummy was exposed from the gap between the broken two stone pillars and the riprap. When the flashlight shone in, it seemed to see the side face of a dried corpse, completely dehydrated, and the withered and dark skin was like a piece of dry bark.

I have never seen a corpse since I entered the demon cave, which makes me very curious. Who is this man and why did he die in the collapsed and destroyed hall?

Li Erguo lay on the ground and saw something through the stone crack: "the hand of the mummy grabbed a transparent stone protruding from the wall..." he said, reaching into the stone crack.

I was surprised: "stop!"

But it was late. The boy had touched the stone and seemed to pull it hard. Immediately, a heavy "squeak" sound came from the stone wall, and then the whole hall trembled!

Those scattered stones also made a strange sound, as if it was a prelude to explosion. I can't help taking a breath. Won't countless stone monkeys burst out?

"Everybody run..." I waved my arm and shouted.

The voice didn't fall. I just heard a loud noise in the direction of the entrance. A Qianjin stone gate fell from the top and sealed the cave door!