The stone platform suddenly overturned, and they immediately slid down the abyss. At the moment when our hands were about to slide out of the stone platform, we saw the seven concave holes on the table and held one firmly. LAN Xiaoying took advantage of the situation to jump up. Although she didn't jump high with the reverse impulse, she stepped on a concave hole on her toes and jumped on the iron cable bridge above again.

She threw down a rope and pulled me up. As soon as I climbed to her side, the suspension bridges on the left and right sides began to vibrate, making a loud noise of clattering and violent shaking of iron chains. It seems that the two suspension bridges will break soon, and looking up, I can see the green rattan on the iron cable in front of us, quietly approaching us.

"Climb up the coffin!" I made a quick decision and squatted down. LAN Xiaoying tacitly raised her foot and stepped on my shoulder. When I stood up, the girl's toe was light and threw it over the coffin like a swallow.

She easily grabbed the iron rope that hung the coffin, and then dropped the rope in her hand. I grabbed the rope and just climbed twice. There were several thrilling sounds from the suspension bridges on the left and right sides, all of which broke, and the semi inclined stone platform finally fell down. Although the suspension bridge wrapped with green vines in front is not broken, it can lose the three-way balanced pulling force and fall into the abyss.

But the green vine bridge was broken, only half of it fell, and the other half remained as firm as a stone column. A familiar shadow suddenly appeared at the broken bridge, which was the mysterious guy who played the flute in the ghost cave at that time. At the moment, he still sat on the ground, turned his back to us and sent out a burst of flute.

The sound of the flute was a signal for the green vine to attack. I hurried up the rope. LAN Xiaoying was already bending over to check the coffin cover. I looked up and found that as expected, the coffin cover was another color, cyan!

Just, the oil lamp is gone!

LAN Xiaoying was slightly surprised and said, "where's the oil lamp? And how can there be four colors on a coffin? "

I turned over and climbed up and said, "the oil lamp may be an illusion. Don't mind these things. Open the coffin!"

"With what?" LAN Xiaoying frowned at me.

I immediately took out two stone cones and two hammers. These two kinds of equipment were supplemented in Yaoshan town. LAN Xiaoying was given a set of equipment and each of them directly chiseled into the coffin plate. As soon as we nailed the masonry cone into the coffin cover, LAN Xiaoying suddenly looked up and said that the green vine opposite had spread a few feet away, and a child had climbed over.

Hearing this, I looked up in surprise and saw four bright green vines stretching from the darkness like four iron cables, building a suspension bridge out of thin air. On one of the green vines, there was a child. Under the light, his face was purple and black, and his head was pierced with glittering silver needles. We couldn't help but open our mouths. Isn't this the child of the Yang family?

At this moment, the dark shadow with his back to us quietly turned around. With the illumination of LAN Xiaoying's headlights, he immediately saw his face. We were even more shocked. It was Gu Jiuyuan's daughter, Gu Xiaodie!

Xiaodie is like a sculpture and a zombie, with no expression on her face. Facing the dazzling light, a pair of godless eyes did not blink for a moment. Their hands were on their lips. It seemed that they were holding a green vine leaf and blowing a beautiful and moving song.

LAN Xiaoying said in surprise, "how could she be a little butterfly? Is she a demon herself? But why can't I see? " The tone seemed very depressed again.

I tried my best to suppress my inner horror, picked up the hammer and said, "little butterflies are destined to be the substitute of evil spirits and pay their Yin debts. She is not evil herself, but she has been possessed by evil. " At the same time, I smashed the masonry cone several times and chiseled a hole in the center of the coffin cover.

"Where's the child?" Knowing that time was pressing, LAN Xiaoying took back her eyes and dug the coffin.

"Children, too, may be an important chess piece used by them. At present, don't worry about anything. First kill the owner in the coffin! " I pulled out the masonry cone, chiseled out several holes in four places, and then hit it with a hammer, and the coffin lid collapsed into a hole of about a foot. Suddenly, a strong cold breath came out, and the two of us shivered.

I put away my flashlight now. With the help of LAN Xiaoying's headlamp, I vaguely saw a hairy body lying inside. So he took out a corpse talisman and threw it in. In fact, he knew that this talisman didn't play a big role, but he couldn't feel the situation inside, and he didn't dare to use the talisman water casually. There are not many equipment, so he must preserve his strength.

Next, LAN Xiaoying also opened a big hole. They chiseled in the middle and almost opened the whole coffin cover. At this time, it was clear that the owner inside was a large and long yellow haired animal with slender and shiny hair. Obviously, it was not a dead body, but had been sleeping all the time.

We were stunned. Although we had long guessed that it was a demon fox, it looked like a fox in shape, but its face was a woman's face. The skin looks smooth and delicate, fragile, slightly closed with slender eyes and long eyelashes bent upward, which is extremely charming!

It is not surprising that the fox is so huge. It is strange that it has a human face. Although it is said that there is a human face fox, it is the result of the change of the demon fox itself. At present, even if it is not a corpse, it is also the original shape after being suppressed, that is, under the seal array, this is its original shape before.

I felt a little scared for a moment. Is the legend of nine tail Star Glass true? It has cultivated nine tails, and its appearance has turned into human form? If this is true, at least at the same level as the black sand demon soul, we can't destroy it at all.

"You see its appearance is changing and looks like me..." Lan Xiaoying's beautiful eyes widened.

Deja vu, as like as two peas, had seen the same situation before. It was a stunned moment. The face of Lan Xiaoying changed his face. It is exactly the same as his face.

This must be a kind of magic. When encountering angry stimulation, it will become your appearance like a chameleon. I was about to explain. LAN Xiaoying exclaimed, "it opened its eyes. It told me that you finally came. I've been waiting for you for hundreds of years!"

I was stunned. The demon fox still closed her eyes. The girl seemed to be possessed. However, on second thought, he suddenly felt that the other party was talking to her with psychic skills. In her eyes, the dead fox's eyes had opened and radiated vitality.

"Close your eyes and hold the ghost crystal!" I raised my elbow, bumped her aside, took out a demon talisman water, which was with a needle and stabbed directly into the chest of the dead fox.

LAN Xiaoying suddenly hugged me from behind and dragged me away. She only heard her anxiously say, "you can't do it rashly. It told me that if you kill it, the whole demon cave will be destroyed. It doesn't matter if we die. The whole village will become funerary objects! "

"You let go of me, you are confused by it, which is called bewitching the public..." I stood up and tried to break away her arms, but the girl's strength was not small, and she didn't dare to make too much effort to break away in this square inch of space on the coffin.

When we both refused fiercely, the children of the Yang family jumped up, put their little feet on the coffin head, and flew to climb the iron rope. The two of us quickly stopped, looked up and saw that the little guy was looking down. A pair of small eyes were full of ferocious evil smiles, which made us cool at the bottom of our hearts.