The man was dressed neatly, in a suit, about his early forties. Facing the solitary grave, he burst into tears and whispered something in his mouth.

Xiaobing and suihang said that this was not from the Ding family. Did they recognize the wrong cemetery? Just came forward to drive him away, but I stopped him because I had guessed who he was. I told them to wait here, walk forward by themselves, turn their heads and look at the surrounding terrain.

To say that this piece of land is very well selected, with its back against the mountain, Xuanwu hanging its head, and a stream flowing in front of it. The terrain on both sides is stacked and staggered, so it forms a geomantic treasure land surrounded by sand and water and storing wind and gas. This is definitely the land seen by people with clear eyes. Otherwise, it wouldn't happen that the grave is located in this excellent position.

When I approached the grave, the man heard the sound, quickly wiped away his tears and turned back. This man is also very good-looking. If he goes back 20 years, he must be a handsome boy.

"You are..." the man stared at me with a somewhat alert look.

I sat beside him, smiled and said, "I'm Xiaoying's friend, Bai Yu. She mentioned you to me. You must have chosen this cemetery, too? "

The man's doubts disappeared, but he was surprised and asked me, "why did you guess who I was when we first met?"

I frankly said, "Xiaoying told you a story about Aunt Ding, so I guessed that it was not relatives who came to see Aunt Ding, then it was you. I don't know yet. What should I call you? "

The man nodded and said, "my name is Shen Yifeng. Xiao Ying calls me uncle Feng. You call me that, too." He smiled at me, but his eyes were full of melancholy.

I turned my eyes to the flat ground in front of the grave and said, "although the feng shui of the grave is very good, it has been tampered with. Although nothing has happened in the past few years, once the house is weak, it is bound to harm relatives. "

Shen Yifeng looked at my eyes and was quite surprised: "do you know Feng Shui?"

Obviously, a young man in his twenties should not master this knowledge. Even if you know it, in Feng Shui, there is a stress that "three years to place, ten years to point points". Without 13 years of Kung Fu, you can't have the ability to "point points". In fact, since I was a teenager, I have almost ten years of skill. In addition, I am more proficient in this magical secret method than those who have spent a lifetime in the cemetery.

"I know a little. I checked it online." I smiled humbly.

Shen Yifeng said with interest, "Oh? I checked it on the Internet, but I can hit the key. Tell me, where did you move? "

I pointed to the land in front of the grave and said, is this called Xiaoming hall? The flat land close to the grave is called Neiming hall, also known as Xiaoming hall, and the farther place is called waiming hall, also known as Daming hall. However, it's good for ordinary people to have a small Ming hall in front of their graves, so it's very important in Feng Shui, and it's the key to storing wind and Qi.

Shen Yifeng nodded without interrupting me, so I went on. Xiaoming hall can't be higher than the foot of the grave. Just be flat. If it is higher than one inch, it is flat, if it is higher than two inches, it is secondary, and if it is higher than three inches, it is uneasy at home. In turn, the higher the height, the greater the disaster at home. According to my visual inspection, Xiaoming hall should be six or seven inches higher than the foot of the grave. This is also gradually increasing year after year, so that there is no major disaster in more than ten years, but when the Ding family's luck is low and weak, it will break out.

After listening to my words, Shen Yifeng's face was very calm and asked faintly, "is it gone?"

"Yes!" I pointed to the stream ten steps away, "Feng Shui Feng Shui, no water, no game. With this stream, a good pattern of sand surrounded by water can be formed. However, there is a saying that there is no willow in the water in front of the grave. Once it comes, it will break the water into a fork flow, which is very fierce. Second, the willow is a shade wood. Fierce water plus shade wood, combined with Xiaoming hall, is higher than the foot of the grave, which can nourish the corpse and not rot all year round! "

Shen Yifeng was completely shocked and looked at me in a daze. He couldn't speak for a long time.

I stared back at him and said, "you obviously know the pattern of the cemetery, but you haven't changed it. I think the person who moves his hands and feet is uncle Feng you?" Then he smiled, but a kind smile.

"Like you, I know a little. What do you call Xiaoming hall? It's higher than the foot of the grave and there are no willows in the water. I don't understand. " He got up, patted the dirt on his ass and was about to leave.

I then said, "you hate the Ding family, which I understand. Make an invisible means to make their house uneasy. But why raise a corpse? What's good for you? In a few years, aunt Ding is afraid that she has already turned into a shadow corpse. If she moves the grave and opens the coffin rashly, many people will be killed! "

"You've had enough!" Shen Yifeng suddenly turned around, lost his previous gentle demeanor, and stared at them like a hairy lion“ What raising corpses? You're talking nonsense. I advise you not to talk nonsense. It's not good for you. " Then he threw down his arm and walked out of the cemetery.

When he walked away, Xiaobing and suihang ran over. Xiaobing pointed to Shen Yifeng's back and said, "we remember seeing this man. After Xiaoying's mother died, it seemed to be the cemetery he ordered. He was also there on the day of burial, crying very sad. "

"Don't ask so many questions. I want to see Ding's ancestral tomb again. Do you know where it is?" I said in my heart that we really can't talk nonsense about this matter. Even LAN Xiaoying can't tell her for the time being until we understand Shen Yifeng's real intention.

The soldier shook his head, pointed to the lower left front and said, "when Aunt Ding was buried that day, remember to hear that dingjiazu's grave was on the hillside over there."

So I and the two of them, according to the general direction, walked around the village and up the hillside over there. There was almost no need to look at it again. I also knew that there was a cemetery within a dozen steps ahead. The Feng Shui pattern here is several times better than Ding Hui's grave. There is a small mountain depression in front, which surrounds the cemetery. With a wide Daming hall, there are green dragons and white tigers on the left and right. This is the real treasure land!

Sure enough, through the gap between several trees, I saw a grave in the valley, more than a dozen in size. Several mulberry trees are planted on both sides. The mulberry trees on the cemetery are called "umbrella right tree", and there will be noble people at home. But planting trees in front of graves is also exquisite. It must be 15 meters away. Otherwise, the tree roots will be buried in the coffin, and the relatives will not think of peace.

However, these mulberry trees are very close to the grave, and they are thick and big. I think the roots must be in the coffin. Such a broken situation can no longer be resolved. There is no good plan except to move the grave.

It's probably dried by Shen Yi. Ordinary people don't know how to plant trees. If he wants to vent his resentment, he can directly beat Ding Jizhong. Why does Mao want to harm other people's ancestral graves and innocent people?

If you understand what's going on, you'll turn around and go down the mountain. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of a mulberry tree, which seemed to be carved with patterns. I approached curiously and found that the pattern carved on the tree was a strange face. It seemed that I had seen it somewhere, but the carved lines were scrawly and couldn't remember anything for the moment.

But it's definitely a symbol of evil!