This is exactly what I wanted, so I continued to stab with a sword and opened a road more than a foot wide in front. The scattered ice debris hit me and melted in an instant. And they both hugged their heads and followed, and the girl finally arched her head on my back.

With the help of the fire of the witch God, I didn't expect that the peach wood sword could exert the power of the ice breaking curse to an unimaginable peak. All the way forward, the momentum was like breaking bamboo, opening a huge wound in the ice city. At first it was still shaking, and then it turned into convulsions. We were caught in the narrow corridor. First, there was an ice wall blocking us, and second, there was a witch fire protecting us. Other little ice corpses just circled around on their heads, but none of them dared to come down and die.

Just through the whole ice city, the moment I got out, I felt that the strange power disappeared, and my own anger poured into the lights. Scared, I rushed out and cut off the outflow of anger, and the fire of the witch God withered immediately.

LAN Xiaoying grabbed my clothes tightly and rolled down with me on the ice and slid out, but Shen Yifeng didn't come out and was caught by the instant composite crack. We looked back and were stunned. It's too late to go back and rescue now. Even if you split the ice city again, you can't save his life.

Before Shen Yifeng was firmly clamped, he took off his diving equipment and threw it violently, and shouted, "Ding Hui's body is..." just now, the crack was completely closed. He vaguely saw his eyes wide open and frozen in the ice!

After the ice city sewed up the crack, it began to twist and deform. LAN Xiaoying and I didn't care about any more ideas. We grabbed the diving equipment that slipped to our side, got up and ran away. As I ran, I couldn't help throwing out the burning fuhuo and the eight side ground fire we cooperated with tacitly. Finally, I blocked the pursuit momentum of the ice city and successfully escaped to the exit.

Open the slate and dive into the tunnel full of sea water, and quickly seal the slate to avoid severe cold and freeze the sea water in the tunnel. So thousands of years later, someone may find two frozen human specimens.

In the tunnel, LAN Xiaoying carried an oxygen cylinder on her back, followed me through the cave and swam quickly to the front. Just after swimming for several tens of meters, I suddenly found a figure, quickly separated the shaking water waves, and swam to the front to block the way. After the headlights hit the face, we were all surprised. It was he Yuxin!

On land, we may have a chance to escape, but in water, there is no way out. I saw that 38 changed into a snow-white robe, rippling with the sea, like a mermaid.

Who knows, the girl pressed her finger on my back waist and immediately got the idea in my brother's heart. She said angrily, "is this Mermaid very attractive?"

"No!" The man denied it, and his tone was very firm“ No matter how beautiful it is, it can't be more beautiful than our girl... "She said in her heart, uncovering the eternal lampshade, and only by fighting hard to ignite the fire of the witch God. This kind of fire cannot be extinguished by sea water, and the flames immersed in the water continue to burn. The three of us were stunned by this strange picture.

But he Yuxin suddenly had an evil smile on his mouth, which seemed to say that no matter how powerful your technique is, it is waste in the sea. Suddenly, his hands spread out, and his face became extremely ferocious, just like an angry wild cat rushing towards us.

I put my hand on the fire and threw it forward. Suddenly, a more gorgeous and treacherous picture appeared. A piece of Mars rushed out of the sea and broke the torrent driven by he Yuxin, all hitting her. Mars met clothes and hair and burned strangely. The painful 381 grinned and hurriedly slapped the fire on his hair.

Seeing that this was a once-in-a-lifetime good time, I put out the fire of the witch God, took out a masonry cone and stabbed it into her back. I used my strength. The Stone Cone went deep into the meat and made these three or eight big mouths, obviously to scream. As a result, the sea water poured into his mouth and burst into bubbles.

To say that the cat girl is really fierce, with a masonry cone stabbed into the back of her heart, she swings her body like a swimming fish and quickly escapes to the distance. The fire on her body is still burning, and her clothes and hair are almost burned out. It seems that a nun is swimming naked in the sea, which is very eye-catching!

"Don't look, run away!" LAN Xiaoying pinched me and swam in the opposite direction of he Yuxin's escape.

We don't know how far we swam. When we broke out of the sea, we found that it was daybreak. The wind and rain have already stopped. At the moment, it is a clear sky, which makes people feel a burst of incomparable comfort. We were lucky. We saw a fishing boat not far from the left. We swam hard and found that it was Lao Xiao's boat.

After coming up, Lao Xiao escaped from the ghost area last night and waited for us in the middle of the night. This is about to go back. If we arrive a little late, we can only continue to take a bath in the sea. Lao Xiao asked us about Shen Yifeng. I said I had some trouble and might not come back.

Lao Xiao sighed, handed me a cigarette and said, "Alas, Shen Yifeng is a good man. He wanted him to ask for a son for me. Who knows it's gone."

LAN Xiaoying looked disdainful and turned her head to one side. It seems that he is still trying to steal Ding Hui's body for Shen Yifeng. Before he died, he failed to tell the whereabouts of Ding Hui's body, which may become a permanent regret.

Shen Yifeng was gone, so I couldn't let Lao Xiaobai go, so I took out my wet wallet and left hundreds of pieces, and gave him the rest of almost 4000. Lao Xiao declined, but obviously he was acting. Then he took the money and asked about the situation on Ghost Island. I said you'd better not ask to avoid nightmares. Lao Xiao quickly covered his mouth and nodded.

On returning to shore, we told each other in our hearts what had happened after our separation at sea. In fact, when the ghost ship was deformed, LAN Xiaoying also guessed that there was ice corpse. It was just that the ghost ship turned into a tube, firmly involved her, and then lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she found that Ding Jizhong was also in the properly arranged wedding banquet hall. He threatened LAN Xiaoying that if I didn't agree to this kind of marriage, I would never give up my heart to leave. Then it would be easy to be led to the sea and kill me. And Ding Hui's body will always be found. After finding it, it will be sent to Shen Yifeng's wife for treatment.

LAN Xiaoying didn't expect the old grandson to be so vicious, but under the threat of these two things and being trapped on an island, she couldn't agree. In fact, she promised openly and secretly looking for a chance to escape. Because after we were separated at sea, she was not sure whether I was dead or alive. She could only be relieved to see me alive with her own eyes. Fortunately, she had the idea of running away, deliberately refused, and finally delayed the marriage for two days.

Last night could not be delayed. She had already planned to die with the groom. Who knows, they had just finished worshipping the hall and entered the bridal chamber in an ancient wedding way, and I killed them. In fact, at that time, seeing me alive, she was happy to explode, but she was naughty and deliberately joked with me.

I was angry and said, "do you know this joke will play dead people? What if I take poison and commit suicide when I am discouraged? "

"Will you?"

"Won't I?"

"You are smarter than monkeys. How can you commit suicide?"