When the situ finished reciting the spell, he waved the formula forward. At the same time, a straight blue smoke came out of the lamp, which was very clear. At the same time, he Yuxin just passed us, and the smoke stabbed into her helmet like a sharp weapon.

"Er..." the 38 shivered in mid air and landed with a click.

But this is not the result, but the beginning of a nightmare. She tightly covered the eye hole with her helmet with her hand, rolled around and screamed bitterly. Situ Jing was stunned by this sudden madness, and he didn't know what had happened.

I told situ Jing not to worry about her. First drive away the ghost lamp and then clean up the demon girl. Situ Jing bowed in a daze, turned around and rushed to the hundred ghost lights gathered around. He couldn't help chanting and waving the formula. The clear and straight smoke immediately rushed into the lanterns like a tiger into a sheep, causing a burst of ghosts and wolves!

"Huhu" a piece of lanterns suddenly burned, and the fire expanded in an instant, leading the surrounding lanterns. Those scary faces, showing different expressions of fear, ran downstairs with the light of fire. I asked situ Jing to take advantage of the victory and run to the first floor. I found that these burning lanterns had fled outside the house and went out one by one in the dark night.

This is the signal that they escape through water. If Chen Xi is here, he can increase his mana and destroy some dead ghosts. But it's already good. I beat them and ran away this time. I absolutely dare not come again.

I was relieved and smiled happily with situ Jing: "withdraw the troops and go back upstairs to catch he Yuxin alive!" As soon as he finished, he found that the lights withered. This was because situ Jing had no accomplishments and was supported by the spell. As soon as the spell stopped, it became weak.

When we returned to the second floor, we didn't expect that Huasi had already started to hold he Yuxin firmly and was binding him with a rope. Situ Jing went over and took off his helmet. He Yuxin closed his eyes tightly, and blood spilled from the corners of his eyes. This situation is basically the same as LAN Xiaoying's injury. The cat girl's spiritual power has been seriously damaged. Now she is not as good as an ordinary person. Let alone the flower shop, even Ling Wei can subdue her.

Hua Si's technique of binding people really doesn't dare to compliment. It's just wrapping zongzi. That kind of binding method is easy to get rid of. Situ Jing asked her to get up and tied her again. It was an authentic tie.

I felt very happy when I saw that 38 was tied there like a dead dog. So he laughed loudly and said, "go up to the hall!"

The flower shop scolded angrily, "what hall is there? Is your brain funny?"

Situ Jing was angry and funny. He Yuxin returned to the house and threw it on the ground. Then he smiled and said, "master Bai, you come to the judge!"

"Master Bai..." Hua Si almost fainted. Pointing to situ Jing's eyes, he said, "white wolf is almost the same!"

This chick really doesn't give face, and she doesn't open any pot. I blinked situ Jing's eyes angrily, stared at her and said, "be serious in the court. Don't talk nonsense... He Yuxin, honestly, who is the mastermind behind this time?"

It's not the first time he Yuxin has dealt with me. It's not the first time he lost and was captured. He knows it's useless to play silence. Yu obediently replied, "it's my husband!"

Situ Jing was stunned: "your husband? Oh, Hu tiegua? "

I said, "yes, that's the old man. No, he's already dead."

"Is it right or wrong?" The flower looked defeated.

I coughed and said, "yes, that's Lao Wang... Hey hey... He Yuxin, who are you talking about? Hu tiegua has no ghost shadow. He is a dead dog in distress. Who will pay such a high price to help him deal with me? The mastermind this time is the yuan family? "

"No... but I don't know." He Yuxin shook his head with an uncertain look on his face“ My husband doesn't allow me to contact anyone, so he keeps everything from me. I do whatever it asks me to do, and never ask. "

This is a lie. I'm not afraid of being struck by thunder. I said angrily, "you're still cheating on me. Old Wang Ba is an ordinary dead ghost at present. Why do you listen to him? Please be professional when you lie, okay? "

Hua Si nodded and said solemnly, "I also think she lied very unprofessional."

I almost laughed out of anger, as if you lied professionally.

He Yuxin said with a wry smile, "you don't know the inside story. First, my husband and I got married in the dark. Our destiny is always tied together and we can't go back on it. Second, it has a secret to abolish me. As long as I don't obey, it can kill me at any time! "

She's very professional. No, it's the truth. When a stranger marries a dead ghost, he can't get rid of the shackles of this evil marriage until death, otherwise it will bring terrible consequences. And this kind of consequence is nothing more than death. Hu tiegua itself is a ghost. Of course, he is not afraid of death, but he Yuxin doesn't dare to move it easily. And her evil spirit power is all given by Hu tiegua, so the old bastard will definitely stay and master the way to control Ming's wife. Otherwise, like now, Hu tiegua will become an ordinary ghost and will not be slaughtered by he Yuxin?

Although I believed her, I still didn't believe that she didn't know who was the mastermind. Sneered: "with your shrewdness, why don't you know who is helping your husband? I advise you to be sensible, or I'll be rude. "

Before he Yuxin opened his mouth, Hua Si blinked and asked, "Why are you rude to her? Won't you move anything? God, you are a ghost. Oh, how can I become as impure as you? "

I'm going to cry angrily this time. I really want to tell her, second sister, can you stop making trouble? Your second senior brother is calling you to eat.

He Yuxin bit her lips and said in silence for a moment, "well, I'll tell you the truth. At first, the yuan family wanted to kill you. I admit it was my husband and I who provoked you, but after you died, the poison woman suddenly intervened, making things complicated. Because the poison woman entrusted a mysterious figure. My husband doesn't know who this person is. So my husband was so angry that he decided to turn his face with the poison woman and help you once! " She has one husband at a time, which is very intimate. It seems that modern women have a husband, which is very great.

But her words shocked me again. Your lying is not generally bad. Even if it's a little professional, it's OK. There's no need to thunder? I was angry and funny and asked, "excuse me, how did you help me? Will you help us to heaven? "

He Yuxin sighed and said, "you haven't seen it yet? In the vegetable market, if I didn't deliberately delay my appearance time and then deliberately escape, can you get the oil lamp smoothly? This oil lamp is the lifeblood of the poison woman. Without it, the Wuming train cannot be revived. So our husband and wife decided to give you the oil lamp and protect it secretly. Don't believe it. Would I have been hurt if I hadn't chanted a spell to make the oil lamp emit real power? Will the ghost lights be scared away? "

His uncle's, I feel that the outer coke and the inner tenderness have been cleaved by thunder at the moment. I smiled and asked, "you said you used a bitter meat trick?"

"Yes, believe it or not!" He Yuxin's tone was firm and resounding.