I'm depressed. How can green vines grow in the water? It's like raising a dog in a pigsty. It's so strange.

It's not strange to say that it's strange. This thing is evil. Since it can grow in the dark mountainside, why can't hair survive in the water? It's no use thinking so much at the moment. We have to find a way to crack it quickly. As soon as his eyes turned, he opened his mouth and bit on the green vine around his wrist.

My friend is experienced. He used this move to get out of the ghost hole at that time. After the old technique was repeated, the bite did not live up to expectations. The green vine trembled. It was like a long green snake trembling in the water lines. Then it slowly loosened my wrist,

I immediately held the ghost crystal in my left hand and kneaded the formula in my right hand. I introduced the witch fire in the lamp into my body and fought with it!

The fire of the witch God burned in my body. I didn't feel it, but the water around me was bubbling up. The green rattan tightly wrapped around the ankle finally couldn't stand the taste of raising live fish in boiling water, and suddenly let go. As soon as I got free, I immediately gathered a breath in my body and swam forward like a mermaid.

In the blink of an eye, she rushed to a headlamp and grabbed the green vine wrapped around her regardless of who it was. I didn't expect to break this thing. In fact, they were born from the same root. Three of them were destroyed by me one after another. The rest were hastily pulled down to the bottom like the end of the world.

I quickly accepted the fire of the witch God, because there was Yin in the water, which would lead to the abnormal change of water temperature. If it is a normal water bubble, it will never be affected. The water temperature is getting higher and higher, and they will hurt those girls later.

The three men came out of the water almost at the same time. At this time, they were not far from the other bank. They swam to the bank and climbed up in a hurry. Hua Wuying and LAN Xiaoying, leaning against the stone wall, couldn't breathe. They were wet all over, and their clothes were tightly attached to them. Long hair was wet and scattered on my shoulders, and my full chest couldn't stop undulating, which made me look a little distracted.

They thought they were abnormal, and their eyes asked in horror what was the matter? I coughed twice, turned my head away and said, it's okay. Let's see if you're evil.

LAN Xiaoying guessed the reason and glared at me. That's very clear. I'll settle the account when I get home.

The flower dance shadow was still unknown, so he shouted, "am I evil?"

"In this way, she can't see it. Only when you take off his clothes can you see it clearly." LAN Xiaoying deliberately picked up trouble.

The flower dance shadow covered his chest and asked, "why don't you take off? You said, "did you help your boyfriend pimp?"

I'm dizzy. She knows what pimping is!

LAN Xiaoying couldn't help smiling bitterly: "I want to tell you that he was not worried about our evil, but had a lust."

"He dares, I castrate him!" Huawuying stood up and stared at me angrily.

I have the impulse to hit the wall now. Girl, are you my girlfriend? Is there a girlfriend digging a hole for her boyfriend? Besides, I can't get up just now. How do you know? What if you're attracted to me? Thinking of this, I quickly covered my crotch and turned aside.

"Don't make trouble. It's important to be careful of people and foxes at any time!"

This sentence immediately distracted the flower dance shadow's attention and turned to look around vigilantly. LAN Xiaoying is also nervous, because just now the human fox disappeared here, and we rely on the protruding triangular stone wall. The land in front of us is only more than one meter wide. It either passes through the wall or hides in the water.

The triangular stone wall is as smooth as a mirror. It doesn't even have a trachoma. I feel that the little bastard must be in the water. Then it's close to us now!

"Bai Yu, you are responsible for watching the water, and we are responsible for looking for the entrance!" LAN Xiaoying got up and went to the stone wall.

My heart says that little bastard is coming out. Can you see it? At such a close distance, it bit us before launching Fushui.

The flower dance shadow suddenly lay on the ground, pointed to the gap at the bottom of the triangular stone wall and said, "there is a hole here..."

The triangle protruding from the stone wall is not closely connected with the ground, and there is a gap of more than ten centimeters at the bottom. I half knelt down and put my head on the ground to see that there was a hole with a big fist in the gap. The little bastard is not a normal creature. He has the ability to shrink bones. He can definitely drill through such a hole.

It's just that the light can't shine on the hole, so I can't see the situation inside. I made another effort and finally adjusted the light to the hole. The space in the cave is very far-reaching. It seems that there are stone statues and so on. Then behind the stone wall, it is definitely a cave. I just don't know where the mechanism for opening the door is.

After listening to what I said, LAN Xiaoying thought about it and said that the human fox may have drilled in through the hole. In that way, if the mechanism is opened rashly, it will be more vulnerable to attack. I said I wasn't afraid. Let the onion God go in and find out. I have more heart this time and brought the onion God.

There is a saying that it is necessary to keep the army for thousands of days. You can't be a waste. Keep it all the time? It's just raising waste. Ya's also a traitor!

So I took out the scallions and explained to the boy. He said to me, sir, just look. Well, he slipped into the seam and soon disappeared into the hole. After about a minute, the boy came back, drilled through the gap and said, "there is an empty cave with only four stone statues and no other hair."

Let's rest assured. Let the boy go back inside and monitor the news all the time, so as not to open the entrance and be attacked by the little bastard.

LAN Xiaoying is actually better at finding hidden mechanisms than I am. After half a day of searching, LAN Xiaoying was the first to find a groove on the bottom of the triangle. We just looked forward close to the ground and only paid attention to the inner hole. No one paid attention. There are mechanisms at the bottom of the stone pier.

She reached in and touched it in the groove. Then she said happily, "it's really a mechanism." Between her words, there were two clicks, and she quickly moved back half a step.

The triangular boulder suddenly vibrated slightly, followed by a rapid turn to the right, and made a 180 degree turn. The triangle turned inward, and now facing us was a concave hole in the inner triangle.

LAN Xiaoying said, "this may be a revolving door mechanism. We go into the concave hole."

The three of us entered the inner triangle. LAN Xiaoying found another pull ring at the bottom. She stretched out her hand and pulled it. The big stone turned again. This time, she turned us into the cave!

It's really a turnstile. I can't help but wonder that such advanced technology existed in ancient times. Did you say that the turnstile today originated in that era?

When we came in, we found that it was a square cave. It's just a convex triangle from outside, which seems to be a prismatic one, but in the direction of it, the direction becomes square. Just according to the square, each side is not due east or west, or due south or North. Only the triangle is positive.

In a positive sense, it's still a prism.

The space of this cave is not small, about more than 50 square meters. Only four stone statues are located under the four walls. I just looked around every corner, but I didn't see the onion God. His uncle's won't be taken away by the little bastard and made scallion cake, right?