The two girls added a green onion and all looked at me with disdain, which made my brother feel very ashamed. The key is not to play hooligans, but that I am trapped in a nightmare without knowing it.

I hurriedly narrated the situation in my dream to divert their attention. But it didn't work. Huawuying colluded with the onion God and dealt a humiliating blow to me.

"I didn't expect you to be so mean and mean. You poisoned Xiaoying while she was asleep, hum!"

The second girl said a word and the onion God repeated a sentence. The old face of her friend turned red, and LAN Xiaoying couldn't lift her head. But then, looking at the stone tower, I suddenly remembered a detail in my dream. When the stone wall collapsed and stretched out the green vine, it seemed to change its shape. The appearance fell off, revealing a picture of nine palaces and eight trigrams inside.

Immediately jumped up, rushed to the stone tower, took out the masonry cone and chiseled twice in the middle. Wow, a layer of stone flakes about inch thick immediately fell off the surface, revealing a circle of carved patterns of nine palaces and eight trigrams, which were painted with vermilion sand. At the moment, it seems that each position is as red as blood.

The three of them hurried over and stared at the pattern in surprise.

I said excitedly, "this is another kind of hidden mechanism. If it wasn't for the dream just now, I would never have thought that there was a mystery hidden on the stone tower."

"This is just a pattern, not an organ." LAN Xiaoying shook her head.

I turned to look at the four walls and said, "this pattern indicates that there are eight hidden doors here. The stone tower is located in the center, which is the central palace. There must be a hidden door in the eight directions. Look at what time it is now. You can infer from the hour which direction is the birth gate. "

LAN Xiaoying raised her wrist to look at her watch and said, "at 8:30 in the morning."

I said, "half past eight is the time of the day, which belongs to the earth. The Twelve Gods will be Gou Chen, leaving the ninth place... Although Gou Chen is very fierce, he rotates with the four sets of heaven, earth and human gods as the time goes by. It is located at the Jingmen in the East, which belongs to the middle level, with mixed good and bad luck. In this way, we can calculate the three Jimen positions. The opening door is in the southwest, the birth door is in the northwest, and the rest door is in the West. Although these three gates are all auspicious gates, I guess there must be hidden changes. Only one is the real auspicious gate. "

"Where is the real Jimen?" The flower dance shadow asked foolishly.

LAN Xiaoying shrugged: "he doesn't know. It's good that he can infer these things. Which of them is Jimen, only we can find it ourselves. "

"You mean opening it one by one?" The flower dance shadow asked with wide eyes.

I said, "good!"

I have seen the Eight Diagrams clearly. It is similar to the structure of the compass and is divided into four layers. The first floor is the site, the second floor is the human plate, the third floor is the heavenly plate, and the fourth floor is the divine plate. They can be rotated on each floor. Like the password lock of the safe, they can combine the corresponding positions of each plate in the current hour. I think one of the doors will open as long as it corresponds to the changing pattern of the current hour.

At that moment, I asked the onion God to guard on the stone tower. Before I went to the southwest to open the door, the two girls followed. I told the onion to turn the second layer to align with the dry position, and then the third layer "tianxinxing" turned around and straightened with them. Finally, the "nine heavenly gods" turn to the corresponding position.

With a "click", a stone door opened on the stone wall in front of me. The edge of the stone gate is not neat, because the stones are scattered and stubble when building the wall. When opening, the length must be different. This kind of stone gate structure is still rare, but it is also an extremely elaborate design. It feels like there's no door at all.

LAN Xiaoying immediately hit the bright flashlight out of the door. As a result, it was a dark lake. So I asked the onion God to close the door and open the birth door again.

Flower dance shadow followed and scratched his head and asked, "why don't you open several other middle level doors?"

As I walked to the northwest, I said that Zhongping gate had both good and bad luck. No one could guess what disaster was hidden outside the gate. Once we come across something like a brown corpse, we're finished. Before arriving at the birth gate, the onion God just turned four plates and opened a stone gate here. LAN Xiaoying took a flashlight and took a picture. The three of us immediately took a breath.

It's not water here, but a pit as deep as three feet. Sharp stone cones are erected at the bottom. They are very dense and have no place to stay at all. And there was no way out of the pit.

Now there is only the rest gate of Zhengxi. According to the route, we happen to go all the way west. This is probably a real student gate. The three of us also summoned up all our strength and stood in front of the west wall, each taking a deep breath. The onion God overlapped the four sets according to my instructions, and the door in front of him opened.

The three of us watched the outside with a sharp heartbeat, lest there would be a dead end outside. But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Under the tear of the flashlight beam, the dark scene was fragmented, revealing a long tunnel. Only the ground is full of sewage, and the walls are covered with green vines!

But as far as the picture is concerned, it is a fantastic ancient cave, with green vines winding, gurgling water and full of mystery. It is a yearning secret place to explore. But the green rattan is too terrible. In our eyes, it is very strange and emits a wisp of gloomy gas.

The three people looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes. This road is more than twice as scary as the other two.

I sighed to let the onion God close the cave door. LAN Xiaoying said that from the perspective of this tunnel, like the previous corridor, it is nothing more than a layer of green rattan. Well, this should be the right way to enter the tomb. The right road must be full of dangers.

After listening to her analysis, I decided to go this way. So I took out the duyang grass, which I found after looking around the crematorium for a long time. Don't be willing to use it unless you have to. The technique of grass holding stealth method is added in the duyang grass. Finally, it is only a little, which is enough for the three of us to use once at most, so we dare not waste it.

Now we have to cross this corridor full of green vines. We can only cross it by virtue of "invisibility". After the three people smeared Du Yang grass on their orifices, the green vine that was slowly stretching suddenly stopped. I was a little relieved. The effect of duyang grass was much better than that of duyang powder. In addition, the stealth technique and the huge evil gas magnetic field could not be completely washed away.

Then he pasted a seal on the onion God to prevent it from leaking any breath. Then I was the first one to go out of the cave. First, I used an iron drill to test it in the water. It was only about half a foot deep. At present, I couldn't care about the sewage, so I went there directly.

Because green vines occupy most of the space, many droop below one meter, and many branches and leaves stretch out horizontally on both sides. The space left for us is pitiful, because we can't touch this thing, let them touch us, get angry, and will bring disaster at any time.

The three of them could not help walking low and carefully sidled to avoid the surrounding rattan branches. It was like walking on thin ice all the way, with many dangers, and a heart hanging to my throat.