After a moment of silence in an extremely depressed atmosphere, I shook my head and said, "although Huawu shadow seems to be brainless, it is coarse and fine. With her good skills, she knows a little common sense of exorcism. It won't be so easy to get caught. From entering the bottom of the valley to breaking into the middle palace, I felt that there were mysteries everywhere, and many things could not be explained. Magic stone array and eight forbidden bodies are not as simple as I thought. We may have deceived ourselves. Come on, keep searching“

With my encouragement, everyone swept away the decline and moved forward in spirit. Although the two monkeys are still a little afraid, they are much better than before. The front is still covered with rubble, giving people the feeling that it is an underground natural cave. Speaking of this, we should question whether we should not be higher than the water level when we were washed by the river and climbed into the high place. How did we become underground?

In fact, this is what I just called. Maybe I deceived myself. Let's start with I fell into a trap and went deep underground to find the river. This shows that this is an underground river. I think it is in one continuous line with the Heisha River under Shashan town. But later, he was rescued by Bai tingfei and found that he had a "nightmare". It was his spiritual consciousness that had been to this place, rather than the river.

Then we found the stream all the way along the water vein, and finally found the strange underground river at the source. According to common sense, we came from the ground. It shouldn't be underground. It was just a nightmare before. An illusion, trap and human bone tunnel don't exist. Don't forget that when we walked along the stream, there was thick fog around, and we couldn't see the terrain at all. Did we go all the way down? Who can give an accurate answer?

In a short summary, the stream is an inclined waterway. The river is not its source, but the downstream end!

Therefore, although the cave is higher than the water level, it is still deep underground!

Some parts of the wooden frame on his head couldn't help dripping water. Chang Hao wiped the water stains on his forehead and scolded: "his uncle's, I feel smelly. Is someone peeing on it? I'm worried. I'll set you on fire... "

The boy didn't finish his words. It was really on fire. With a bang, the wood above his head was burning. Suddenly, there was a bright light in front of us, but it was strange that we didn't feel any heat. This makes me more sure of my previous guess that this is not real wood. Let's define it as ghost wood first.

But I wonder why the built model suddenly caught fire?

LAN Xiaoying immediately said, "you guessed right. Sure enough, the wood was transported here for combustion."

"No, it's a ghost pile!" Bai tingfei is stubborn and sticks to his own view.

I patted the girl: "I decided to overturn the previous speculation. It seems that it is not used to sacrifice the Dharma array." It's really possible that the heart is a ghost pile. Why it burns is still a mystery. I'm depressed at the thought of this. Why can Bai tingfei always guess the truth one step ahead, but I always follow behind his ass?

"Lying trough, I have become a prophet. I say it will burn immediately." Chang Hao looked up and felt special novelty.

"Prophesy, you mushroom head, get out of here!" I pushed everyone. Just then, the burning beams fell down and Mars shrouded the sky.

Everyone fled to the front in panic. Fortunately, they just ran away, and the burning wood hit behind them. The splashing Mars immediately fell on us. Fortunately, our clothes were wet and didn't burn. But I also felt bursts of burning pain, and my hair and eyebrows were burned and curled.

He ran more than 30 meters in one breath. When he looked back and saw a piece of wood falling above, he stopped the fire, but the beams falling on the ground were burning. So we breathed a sigh of relief, stopped and continued to observe the terrain.

By the bright light of the fire, I found that the top of the cave was very high, almost more than 20 meters high. The surrounding space can't see the edge at a glance, and in addition to the building model, there are wood on the left and right in front, revealing a corner from the darkness. Just about to turn back and tell Bai tingfei that it was indeed a huge ghost pile array. Suddenly, I saw two glittering lights in the dark above. It blinked a few times and disappeared, which was very strange.

That should be a pair of eyes? I was thinking so. I just heard LAN Xiaoying exclaim, "where's Chang Hao?"

I looked around in surprise. LAN Xiaoying and Bai tingfei were beside me, but Chang Hao didn't see anyone. Probably when he ran away just now, the boy ran in the wrong direction.

Bai tingfei didn't need to remind this time. He took out his compass and measured it. He opened his mouth foolishly and said, "he's gone!"

I thought you thought he was a rocket. If you said no, it would be gone. You must have stopped by. I clenched my teeth and looked around. My heavy breathing made everyone feel depressed. The people around us began to disappear one by one, but they evaporated in a short time. Can they still fly to Mars?

At a loss, I suddenly saw something crawling in a corner of the wood in front of me on the left. My heart suddenly moved, waved and said, "that should be a little turtle. Go and have a look."

The three people rushed forward and found that it was really a little turtle. From the head, it was the one raised by Huawu shadow. I was overjoyed to find this little guy. I'm sure I can find its owner with him. At the moment, let's ignore Chang Hao and find one.

The Little Turtle was very slow, so we had to be patient and follow. After walking forward for a distance, the light of the fire burning behind him is gradually weakening, so he can only light it by not turning off the light. It feels like we have entered a huge building model again, with gloomy air and biting cold air.

I was wondering, will this model burn too? Well, my brother has become a prophet. He only heard a bang on his head, and his eyes were as bright as day. I looked up and saw that, as before, several wooden beams of the roof skeleton burned up and scattered sparks down.

The little turtle still crawls forward so slowly that he can't get out of the house structure. He must be burned into three roast whole sheep. I took an arrow step forward and picked up the little turtle before I had to run forward. Suddenly, I saw a man squatting outside the model on the right, looking around like a thief. In particular, I felt very obscene with the nervous expression on my face.

"It's Chang Hao!" LAN Xiaoying found the situation and pointed to it in surprise.

The three of us ran to the right together, and then the burning wooden beam fell to the ground with a crackle of sparks. Seeing the boy approaching, I suddenly saw something rippling on his head. As soon as I looked at it, my scalp became numb.

It's the broken kite!

The lower part of his body was hidden behind Chang Hao, and only the iris head and flower face protruded out of his head. It seems that Hualian noticed my eyes and immediately cracked his mouth with a smile, which made me feel a burst of fear inexplicably. But at the same time, Chang Hao also had an evil smile on his face, which was surprisingly consistent with the smile on Hualian!