Poison woman's sentence is like a stone stirring up thousands of waves. It definitely belongs to a heavy bomb. We were stunned. LAN Xiaoying and I were stunned. Unexpectedly, we turned around and saw that both Bai tingfei and Huawu film opened their mouths. You two followed blindly. Do you know what Jiuwei Xingli is?

Hu tiegua said with disbelief: "you're talking nonsense. Jiuwei Xingli is in the wolf bridge demon cave. I got the oil lamp there. Don't you know the truth. There is also the main lamp, which is sealed with the main soul of Xingli. At first glance, it is a demon embryo that has been banned by magic for many years, and can't fight with nine tail Xingli eight poles. "

The poison woman scolded, "shut up and listen to me."

Hu tiegua endured his displeasure and shut his mouth. As the poison woman continued, Hu Yunfeng hid a fox bird brought by Mo Li in the last carriage of the train. In fact, this is not a bird, but a kind of evil spirit raised by craftsmen wrapped in fox skin. Its real name is "mourning Fox". Their purpose is very simple. They use the mourning fox to bring the train into the mortal Jedi and break the seal.

The poison woman is not a fuel-saving lamp. After getting on the bus, she found their intention. At the same time, she used its famous stunt "wear fire sword" to pierce the heart of the dead fox and break the demon heart. As soon as the dead fox died, the train failed to break through the seal as they expected. But the moment the train evaporated in the world, it had been integrated with the dead fox and connected with fate.

The train was stuck in the pool and could no longer leave. Hundreds of ghosts on the train all turned into nameless ghosts and wild ghosts. Hence the name of Wuming train.

At the same time when the fox died, the outer layer of fox skin peeled off and was tightly held in her hand by the poison woman and suppressed with a Dharma curse. So over the years, the black eye hole turned out by the fox skin has always been ordered by the poison woman. Its obedience also made the poison woman master the life and death power of the Wuming train.

But what the poison woman hated was that at the time of the train accident, Hu Yunfeng picked up Mo Li and jumped out of the car to escape. The woman didn't dare to stay in hujiazhuang and hurried back to xiaolongkou. After witnessing the failure of the plan, I guessed that I would be retaliated by the poison woman in the future. I went back to xiaolongkou to frantically find a way to avoid the disaster.

Although the Wuming train was sealed in the mortal Jedi, during the competition between good and evil, that is, the ghost pile was formed and then burned by the Dharma array, the ghost train got a chance to get in and out temporarily. Wuming train and countless dead ghosts formed a terrible devil. Even if Hu Yunfeng was the embodiment of fox night, he could not escape death. He was killed first by the poison woman, forcing Hu tiegua and Dou Jinhua to be buried on the guillotine according to his own will.

Hearing this, I suddenly felt a little ashamed. At that time, I thought of so many reasons to explain why Hu Yunfeng was buried on the guillotine. It turned out that they were all wrong. The real reason is that the poison woman wants to suppress this evil seed. The two ribs of the dead body pierce the skin and flesh and intersect into a cross. This cruel situation should be the hatred of the poison woman.

After Hu Yunfeng died, Hu tiegua went to Shanxi to get the seven star lamp in order to avoid the poisonous hand of the poisonous woman. But it's useless not to get the main light. As a result, when I returned to Hu family village, I was killed by the poison woman and formed a ghost shadow. Dou Jinhua was pregnant at that time. In order to continue the incense for the Hu family, the poison woman saved her life. Since then, Dou Jinhua has been forced to obey orders. It seems that he is around Hu tiegua. In fact, the real boss of Hu family villa is the poison woman.

The seven star lamp obtained by Hu tiegua is just used to ban fox night, and also raise ghosts and shadows at the same time. It was just Dou Jinhua's concealed action, which was not found by the poison woman. It was the little black cat. One more thing, the poison woman didn't guess, there was a life soul of Jiuwei Xingli hidden in the seven star lamp.

Dou Jinhua is the daughter of Snow Demon Mo Li. Combined with the ability of psychic women, she is no inferior to her mother. It found that the life soul of star glass was hidden in the seven star lamp, so it quietly raised a little black cat in the gap of the seven star lamp. Over the years, the life soul quietly transferred to the black cat. When the poison woman found something, she deliberately didn't kill he Yuxin. She stayed to transfer Xingli's life soul to he Yuxin for the reason that Hu tiegua raised his wife.

In fact, strictly speaking, he Yuxin is not a cat woman, but a fox woman. But Xingli's life soul was wrapped and hidden by the spirit of the cat, and only showed the characteristics of the cat spirit in her. But this special ability actually comes from the life soul of Xingli. The cat spirit is not so powerful at all.

Another soul of Xingli was kept in the coffin of the master's temple and had inhaled the oil lamp. At present, he Yuxin is the only one who needs this. When Xingli, who peels and turns sand, returns to the wooden coffin of the group burial tomb, her life soul will be sucked away, and then a huge disaster will be caused.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. I didn't expect that Xingli's life soul was kept in the coffin of the master temple. No wonder the oil lamp would go out after absorbing the soul. Later, the master temple was banned. No one is allowed to take away the oil lamp again.

What's more depressing is Hu tiegua. It doesn't raise a cat woman, but a fox woman. She doesn't even know herself.

It shook its melon skin hat and said, "you're talking nonsense. How do you know this?"

The poison woman snorted coldly: "over the years, I have gradually read a lot of truth on the fox skin. It itself is a piece of skin stripped from Xingli. After rushing into the red world Jedi, it wants to return to its master and help him get out of trouble as soon as possible. But I don't need it today. After raising peeling sand for so many years, I finally help Xingli complete its transformation. This skin returns to the oil lamp. Just wait for the last soul to return, and it will be completed! "

"But how does Dou Jinhua know this?" Hu tiegua still doesn't believe it.

The poison woman didn't have a good way: "of course, the evil fox night told him that he was trapped in the Hu family villa. Of course, he wouldn't be reconciled. Only in this way can he help Xingli out of trouble, and then he can have a chance to get rid of me!"

Hearing this, the truth of the train accident has been completely revealed, but everything else is still a mystery. I asked, "how many souls are there in Xingli? Why are they separated? What's the relationship between the three coffins in the maze and the three strange coffins in the shadow gate? Besides, what's the matter with my ghost heart? "

The poison woman immediately smiled grimly: "your ghost heart, this is a secret. You will never tell you the truth, and you will never find the truth. As for other questions, I only know the results, I don't know the details, and time is limited... "

As soon as he said this, he Yuxin let out a dull hum, and the oil lamp in her hand lit up strangely. We were surprised and immediately remembered the so-called last soul of the poison woman, with goose bumps on our backs. My heart said that no matter whether what the poison woman said is true or not, in short, we can't breathe in our souls while watching the oil lamp.

I took out a seal and a forbidden sign and put it on the oil lamp. The poison woman sneered, "it's useless. Even the golden gong immortal can't do anything."

Whether it is useful or not, what should be done must be done. In case the oil lamp sees me handsome, it will give me a chance. Who knows, when this symbol is about to be pasted on the oil lamp, it burns loudly, and the burning speed is very fast. It burns on your fingers in the blink of an eye. I was so frightened that I quickly threw out the talisman. At the same time, he Yuxin threw down the oil lamp and covered his head with both hands. A charming face was distorted and deformed, which was particularly painful.

The oil lamp clanked and sat on the ground steadily. Not only did it not spill any oil, but the lamp did not flicker at all and burned straight.