I slowed down, endured a violent heartbeat and walked down the path step by step. The heart said that nothing should happen to these two girls, but this situation had to make me think of the worst result in my heart. I can't think of the terrible picture of two bodies falling in a pool of blood in the car, and my fingers tremble.

When I got to the front of the car, I suddenly saw a bright light in front of me, and the lights were all on, which almost blinded me. Subconsciously raised his arm to block the strong light, only to hear the door click open, and Hua Si shouted, "Bai Yu? What are you doing furtively? "

Hearing the girl's words, a heart fell to the ground. But there was something wrong with what she said. I couldn't help being angry and joking: "what's sneaky? I'm looking for you."

"Come to us if you want. Why do you walk like a thief?"

Faint, I'm nervous. What's like a thief? You two girls never talk through your brain. I doubt you have a brain to fill up your organs.

"Bai Yu, get on the bus." At this time, Ling Wei said with concern.

I hurried around to one side and opened the door. Ling Wei immediately handed me a dry towel. While wiping the rain on my head and face, I asked them how they drove here. If I hadn't looked for it along the ruts, I would have called the police and you would have disappeared.

Lingwei immediately flashed a trace of fear in her eyes. Huasi tightened her face and said, "we began to wait for you at the entrance of the village, but then there came a woman with a face pasted on the door and blood on her face. We were scared to death. Fortunately, I was quick, turned around and drove away, and then ran here to hide. "

I stared at her and asked, "are you sure you deliberately ran here to hide?"

Hua Si bowed his head: "I didn't think so much at that time. Later, it felt safer to drive here."

"Tell the truth!" I accentuated.

"It's a panic. Are you satisfied?" Hua Si pouted and stared at me.

I almost didn't laugh. I knew she was running around. If you have a little sense, you must run to the highway. Who will choose the field path and slip in the mud.

Ling Wei then said, "in fact, the tire skidded here and couldn't move. We both huddled in the car and felt so scared. Fortunately, the woman didn't come again and finally waited for you. Just... "

"Just what?" I asked.

"When I turned and ran away, I felt as if I ran over something under the car." Ling Wei looked worried.

I was stunned immediately. The little girl looked weak, but her heart was very thin. She noticed something the car ran over. Couldn't it be the woman? I carefully recalled the place where the wheels turned. It was a flat ground without any obstacles. The more I thought about it, the more frightened I was. But I immediately thought, if I really ran over someone, why didn't I see the body or blood just now?

I hope the little girl was in a panic. It was a wrong feeling. I smiled at her and said that maybe the turning was too fast and the car was bumpy. The little girl still trusted my analysis very much, so she nodded and didn't think more.

Hua Si asked me about the situation in the wooden building. I didn't dare to tell them the truth. I just said it was an empty building and didn't find anything.

"Then you went so long and made mud all over?" Hua Si asked puzzled.

I sighed and said, "it's not because I'm looking for you? I wasted time and fell twice while running. "

"How stupid." Hua Si scolded and laughed.

I suddenly remembered the pair of high heels. I opened my bag and said, "do you remember what shoes Wu Yunhan wore yesterday? And what size does she wear? "

The flower shop stared warily, "what do you mean? What do you care about girls' shoes? "

I looked up and said, "I found a pair of high heels in the fence yard."

"Oh, are they black high heels? She wears Panax notoginseng... "

Listening to her, I think this pair of high heels is probably Wu Yunhan's. But his hands didn't touch the shoes in his bag. He couldn't help lowering his head curiously and suddenly saw a pair of bloody broken hands in his bag!

Hua Si was also looking into his bag. As a result, he screamed, leaned back involuntarily and bumped the back of his head against the windshield.

Ling Wei hurriedly asked what was wrong and said to probe over. I hurried to close my bag, my heart beating fiercely. What's the situation? When did you have a pair of broken hands in your bag? Even though I only looked at it, I could tell that my hands had just been chopped off, and that blood was still seeping on the broken wrist. It seemed that I had stained silver nail polish on my fingernails.

"Bai... Yu, whose hand did you cut off?" Hua Si covered his face and couldn't help shaking in the front seat.

Ling Wei looked at me in surprise and immediately understood what Huasi had just seen.

I felt very depressed. When I put a pair of high heels in my bag, they suddenly became two broken hands. If they were secretly switched by evil, it would be excusable. I would be caught, which is unforgivable.

"I don't know why I have more hands. Don't say anything now. Try to drive the car out!" I said in a deep voice.

Hua nodded wantonly, took his hand off his face, stepped on the accelerator and tried several times. Finally, he poured the car out of the field. Then, under my direction, I drove the car all the way onto the road. Although the rain hasn't stopped, I finally feel more secure when I see the light of the oncoming car from time to time. I feel this northeast village is a hell. Leaving it makes me a lot easier.

It was already five o'clock in the morning when I returned to Shashan town. I meant to rush back to Huangyu city. But Huasi was too nervous and hurried on a rainy night. For the sake of safety, she temporarily checked in at a hotel. We didn't dare to stay in yesterday's hotel and found another one.

When I entered the guest room, I told them to go to bed. However, Hua siruo was afraid, but his curiosity was very serious. He had to look at his hands again. Ling Wei dared not go to the next room alone, so they both stayed in my room and opened their backpacks.

At the moment, everything in the bag has been dyed red by blood. Those hands can't see the original appearance under the blood. Although Ling Wei was used to seeing blood and wounds in surgery, she saw two severed hands cut off for the first time, and Hua si all covered her mouth and sat motionless by the bed. I went to the bathroom to wash away the blood from my broken hand. After taking it out, the two girls still maintained their posture just now, like statues. I wonder if they are not tired.

After the blood on the broken wrist is washed clean, it will no longer bleed. It is estimated that part of the blood in the blood vessel flows out and the other part coagulates. I turned around and saw a lamp on the table, so I turned on the light and checked it carefully. I immediately saw that there was a problem. The wound of the broken wrist is slightly black. Judging from this situation, it is not just cut down tonight, and the blood does not flow out of the wound, but a plastic bag is sandwiched between the fingers, and the blood comes from it.

"These two hands should have been cut off yesterday. Huasi, come and identify your nails. Is it Wu Yunhan's hand?" I turned back and waved to the flower shop.

"Don't look." Hua Si answered firmly.

"Well, I'll show you."

"Ah... Indecent!"