Lao Wan's daughter-in-law is the sister-in-law with mental problems? How did she die in the wooden building yard? Fortunately, no one saw me enter the wooden building, otherwise it would be unclear. After pondering in place for a moment, he pretended to be watching the excitement and strolled slowly.

In the crowd, I saw the two old men who chatted yesterday. They also saw me. My eyes lit up for a while. I felt very angry. In their eyes, I seemed to be a package of Greater China!

But now there was no cigarette in his pocket, but he still hooked up with them with his eyes, and the two old men walked out of the crowd. I pulled them aside and said with a smile, "see you two again..." I pretended to take out a cigarette in my pocket, then took out my hand and said, "I forgot my cigarette in the car. When the driver drives over later, one person will send you a box."

As soon as the two old men heard this, their mouths cracked and their ears burst. I struck while the iron was hot and asked what had happened in the wooden building. An old man said that Lao Wan couldn't find his daughter-in-law anywhere just now. Finally, he ran outside the fence and looked in and found that his daughter-in-law died in the grass. Lao Wan was almost scared to death. He shouted all over the street.

In my heart, Lao Wan knows that his daughter-in-law is mentally ill. What are you doing with her if you have nothing to do? Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing. I don't care what my husband is looking for his daughter-in-law. Isn't this meddling. I asked who saw Lao Wanjia's daughter-in-law and when she entered the fence yard?

Another old man shook his head: "no one has seen it. Everyone is talking about it. Maybe he died in it before dawn. Because her clothes were wet, she guessed that she didn't go in after the rain. "

This surprised me a little. Was she already outside the building when I came out? Thinking about it, I saw some brave men cross the fence and carry out the dead body. So I followed the two old men to the front and looked in on tiptoe. The woman seemed to have died a long time ago. She stared at her gray eyes, which was very frightening.

There was no blood on the body, but the chest was strangely sunken, because the clothes were tightly attached to the body, which was clear at a glance. So people began to talk about it one after another. It must have been hit by some heavy object, and the whole chest collapsed. But I don't think it was smashed. From the shape of the depression, I think something crushed it.

Suddenly, she was surprised. Didn't Ling Wei say that the car seemed to hit something when turning? And there happened to be a woman by the car, isn't it her? I carefully looked at the width of the dent and was almost sure it was the rut left by the wide and thick tire of Huasi car.

But after she was run over, who helped throw the body outside the ghost building? Is this man helping us, or does he have an ulterior motive?

An old man of about 60 years old with gray hair squatted on the ground and cried loudly. Someone whispered, "look how sad Lao Wan is crying. His daughter-in-law is actually him."

Someone advised Lao Wan not to cry, but to call the police. Everyone felt that his daughter-in-law's death was not an accident, but murder. When I heard this discussion, I couldn't stand any longer. I turned back and said to the two old men that the driver hadn't driven the car up to now. I went to see what was going on and hurried away.

I just came to the intersection and saw Huasi driving over. I opened the door and said, "don't stay for a moment, get out of the village!"

"What's the matter?" Huasi and Lingwei asked in unison when they saw that I looked bad.

"I may have run over people last night. The body was thrown in the wooden building yard." I stared at the two girls and felt very confused for a moment. Unexpectedly, this case is like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, trapping us deeply, and it is difficult to pull out our legs.

Without saying a word, Hua Si turned the front of the car and drove the car to the road to stop. Looking back anxiously asked me, "I didn't deliberately run over her. Now should we report the case and hide it again, the crime will be serious!"

Ling Wei looked at me in a panic. I felt that she had let the little girl wade in the muddy water again. It was very bad in her heart. I rubbed my temples for a long time and decided not to report the case. I told them that if the body didn't move at the scene of the accident, it would be no problem to report the case. Now the body is thrown into the wooden building yard, and my footprints are in the yard and next door, so it is suspected of killing and throwing the body. Even if we go back and report the case voluntarily, it is difficult to say whether we can get rid of this suspicion.

I am not afraid to live in a cell, but as the chairman of Huasi group, her every move will affect the fluctuation of stock price. Even if he is finally acquitted, Hua's losses are incalculable. Besides, whether it was run over by our car is still uncertain, and someone helped throw the body. It seems that he is digging a hole for us and waiting for us to jump.

Therefore, we should first stabilize at this juncture and not rush to the police. It takes some time for the police to find out the case. During this time, we have a race with the police to see who finds out the truth first.

Although Huasi is not afraid, he still cares about his company. After listening to my analysis, he nodded and said, "listen to you. What shall we do next?"

"It's already noon. Find a place to fill your stomach first." I shrugged.

"Please, such a big thing has happened. Are you still in the mood to eat?" Hua Si stared at me, as if surprised to see the Martian.

"No matter how big things are, we have to eat. Only when we have enough food can we have the strength to work. I remember there is a restaurant near the road. Go and have a look. " I pointed West with a smile.

At present, we can't go back to Dongbei village immediately, otherwise we will collide with the police. Isn't that a trap? After the police left, I brought two boxes of good cigarettes and went to find the two old men to inquire about the news.

Hua wantonly glanced and reluctantly drove to the West. Ling Wei smiled at me secretly. I know the little girl is always on my side. I then asked them what happened to Xiao Ran's family. Hua Si sighed and said that the Xiao family had become a pot of porridge. Wu Yunhan's parents and relatives had been quarreling for two days. They put all the responsibility for the disappearance of their daughter on the Xiao family. If they couldn't find their daughter, they would never let them go.

In fact, I sympathize with the Wu family very much. I sent my daughter here for marriage all the way. As a result, my daughter and son-in-law suddenly disappeared. They didn't live or die. It's strange that their resentment didn't spread on the man's house. But on the contrary, the Xiao family is also very poor. Isn't his son missing?

Driving a few miles west, I saw a "Tongxin restaurant" on the north of the road. The name is very chic. It is precisely because of the name of this restaurant that I was impressed. There is a forest on the west side of the restaurant. I asked Huasi to drive into the forest. It's an extraordinary time. Be careful everywhere.

The three of us entered the restaurant. Although it was noon, there were no guests. Find a window seat so that you can observe the outside at any time. A waitress came over and didn't speak. She and I couldn't help but be stunned. Then we both laughed.

"Bai Yu, why are you here?" The waitress said and turned to look at the flower shop and Ling Wei.

"I was passing by. I didn't expect you to work here. What about Dongyang? Are you all fine? " I said and stood up. The waitress was none other than Yao Xin, who used to work in Shashan town!

"Good, we're all right." Yao Xin finished this sentence happily, turned back and shouted, "Dongyang, come out quickly, Bai Yu is coming!"

"Bai Yu is coming?" Jiang Dongyang heard the sound and ran out of the inner room. When he saw me, he looked excited. He came forward and took my hand and asked, "brother, where did you come from?"