After I took out the diamond, Wu Yunhan changed color again, but the woman's psychological quality was very good. Then she calmed down and sneered: "did you just pick it up in the tunnel? Maybe it fell at the gate and was just picked up by you. Also, it may be a coincidence. How can you prove that it fell off my earring? "

Situ Jing then rubbed his temples and looked at me with a contemptuous look. It seemed to say that he was really a fool. The evidence was really bad.

I snorted coldly and said, "when taking evidence, I went with officer situ. There was a full video. And this diamond was found before you came back. Also, don't underestimate the technical identification ability of the police. Whether it fell off your earrings or not, you don't count. The technical department is the authority! "

Situ Jing was stunned. Unexpectedly, I had a divine turn and secretly gave me a thumb.

Wu Yunhan suddenly appeared stunned and uneasy. The police had the whole video, so the evidence found in the tunnel could not be sophisticated. I'm not talking nonsense. The police definitely have this technology. She lowered her head and looked uncertain for a moment, obviously flustered.

"You have nothing to say?" This time it's my turn to ask her.

The woman looked up and sneered, "you're really talking nonsense this time. You said you found it before we entered the door. It's impossible. It was only a few minutes before we left the tunnel and got home... "When she said this, she stopped with her mouth wide open and a look of great surprise appeared on her face.

At the moment, all the people reacted. She slipped her tongue!

I couldn't stop laughing. My heart said that you were still too young. Although you had a lot of heart, you were inexperienced after all. In a panic, you finally got confused and revealed your flaws.

"Excuse me, is your so-called tunnel in the barren mountain or behind the wooden building?" I asked with a smile.

"When... Of course in the barren mountains."

"Then you said you were outside the mountain after waking up. How can you remember that there is a tunnel in the barren mountain?" I asked aggressively.

"This... This... We are sometimes awake and sometimes confused." The woman was still quibbling, but the people had heard it and immediately pointed at her and talked about it.

She also knew that she had done a stupid thing. No matter how she covered it up, she couldn't make up for it. He lowered his head again, breathing very fast.

Situ Jing then interrupted, "since you are sometimes awake and sometimes confused, don't you remember any obvious marks in the barren mountain when you are awake?"

"No, I don't remember."

I sneered: "it doesn't matter if you don't remember. Later, let the old lame help you remember where you are."

Wu Yunhan looked up in surprise: "he's dead. How can he help us remember?"

"How did you know he was dead?" I grabbed another braid of her hair, but I couldn't let it go easily“ The whole village didn't know he was dead. Did you see it with your own eyes? How did he die? "

The woman was speechless and looked at me with a wide mouth, as if she thought I was not a person, but a terrible Warcraft.

"He... Even if he doesn't die, what can he testify against me?" Wu Yunhan retreated step by step. This flustered move has completely betrayed her.

I gave her another more powerful news: "the old lame caught the ghost of Lao Wan's daughter-in-law, including Lao Wan's death, the truth of Lao Wan's son, and how you killed and dumped your body, all of which will come to light."

Wu Yunhan sat down on the ground with a thud. Her face was very surprised. It seemed that she had mastered so many secrets for me, which was hard to believe. But she followed closely, flashing a cruel color on her face, stared at me coldly and said, "I killed Mu Ziping, and we did hide in the tunnel. So what can we do?"

Everyone was shocked when she admitted it. Wu Yunhan's mother called her daughter, what's going on, and then burst into tears. Wu Yunhan didn't even look at his mother. She slowly stood up from the ground with an extremely cruel look in her eyes. She swept their faces one by one, and everyone trembled.

For a time, except for the cries and comments of the woman's relatives and friends, no one dared to speak casually. They are not afraid of a woman, but of a murderer!

At this moment, the flower shop has slowly retreated and walked around to me. Situ Jing held out her thumb to me again. She could see that she was very relaxed now.

I sneered and said, "do you think you can do whatever you want with the ferocity of the wooden building? You can't kill everyone here! "

When they heard this, fear and panic filled their faces. I don't know who shouted, and they all fled out of the gate in panic. Situ Jing hurried to avoid, or she would be squeezed out.

Wu Yun snorted coldly, turned her head and waved to these people. I know she wants to spread the plague, but now she doesn't know. Her eyes have been completely removed. I was dazzled just now. The red line has disappeared.

Because I just quietly chanted a mantra and started the Vulcan heart chiseling, cutting off the psychic path between the snake cave and the outside world. At present, the dead things in the snake cave are suffering from the pain of heart. They are unable to dissolve the power of the four elephant sky lamp.

After waving, Wu Yunhan immediately realized that she had become a normal person and turned back in surprise. The look on his face now was more frightened than just now. You know, the curse of eyesore is unbreakable.

Xiao ran stood there all the time. At the moment, he suddenly smiled and said, "enough, don't hurt people again!"

Wu Yunhan said bitterly, "shut up, you've done everything! I'll tell you to die first! " As he said this, Xiao ran jumped at her with open teeth and claws, and slapped her on the ground.

"What's going on? How can I beat you? " Wu Yunhan shouted in panic.

I squatted down and said to her, "because I have taken away your evil spirit. Don't say you can't beat Xiao ran now. You can't even provoke the flower shop. "

Wu Yunhan's face was instantly filled with hatred and said, "even if I don't have any ability, someone is helping me, you will die!"

As soon as her voice fell, she heard an old voice outside the door saying, "you're talking about Baimo. She's been wounded and escaped."

I immediately recognized the voice of the old lame, so I stood up. Then he saw sun Chenghai carrying the old cripple, LAN Xiaoying and Hua Wuying behind him, and entered the yard together.

Hearing this, Wu Yunhan saw the four of them again. Suddenly, her face was as gray as death, and she hung her head and said nothing.

I can't help but wonder, didn't huawuying accompany Huasi at Xiao's house and when we came together with them. I smiled and said hello to the old cripple, and then asked, "who is Bai Mo?"

"The woman you stripped off her clothes!" The flower dance shadow said loudly.