Speaking of foreign witchcraft, Li Xingxiang only has a rough understanding and is not proficient in it. He was in exile to the United States, bent on revenge, took out all his savings and learned the magic of a voodoo doll. In the process of learning, I heard the origin of other witchcraft in the teacher's mouth.

For example, bone wrapped baby spirit, in a strict sense, is no longer a kind of voodoo doll. It is a more vicious way of curse. However, puppets are still used in form, so they are usually classified as voodoo dolls. The origin of these curses comes from the evil sacrificial rites of a religion, which is the same as the cruel sacrificial rites of residual dragons and urn immortals in our country.

The prototype of these dolls was the woven fabric of animal bones and straw, which gradually evolved and developed into all kinds of ferocious and strange puppets. Originally, voodoo dolls originated in Africa, but with their spread all over the world, they have been divided into many schools. Therefore, like our southern black witchcraft, they continue to innovate and change, adding many kinds, which is very different from the original voodoo curse.

At the end of Li Xingxiang's speech, there was no way to crack the bone wrapped baby spirit. Because the move he learned is at most intermediate, and the bone wrapped baby spirit is an advanced spell. Moreover, the voodoo doll is different from the bone wrapped baby spirit in essence. His set of spell solving method has no reference value.

However, Li Xingxiang knew what to pay attention to when he got the curse. The black puppet could not move freely, especially the filled green line. After pulling out, the victim immediately festered and died. Due to the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, this kind of magic is in serious conflict with Chinese Taoist magic. Do not use Taoist spells without authorization, so as not to accelerate the outbreak of the curse. In addition, the curse lasts for half a month. If you don't understand it for half a month, you will die.

I was surprised when I heard that. Isn't the half month deadline already here? Yes, last night was actually an outbreak. The curse will happen whether I move the female corpse or not.

Seeing my panic, Li Xingxiang hurriedly comforted me and said, "half a month is a saying, and the time is not fixed. However, entering the sleeping period is basically no different from the dead body, so there is a final three-day deadline. If the curse is not solved within these three days, the victim will suddenly wake up, make unimaginable crazy actions, and then die... "He stopped here. Obviously, the death will be very miserable and can't bear to go on.

I immediately got up and said, "thank you. I'll leave now." Picked up the black puppet, rushed out of the office and hurried back to the store.

There are still three days left. Half a day has passed now. To be exact, there are only two and a half days left for me. You can't use Taoist spells, but you don't know what happens with witchcraft. I think it's OK, because I used the forced disgust symbol last night, and the girl didn't respond. It seems that there is basically a reason for witchcraft at home and abroad, and there is little conflict.

Then I wonder what kind of witchcraft to use to resolve this mysterious curse. When using the force disgust symbol, the stone sinks into the sea. What else is effective?

The more I couldn't think of a way, the more anxious I was. I couldn't help looking up at the wall clock. Time passed minute by minute. I've wasted more than an hour, but I still can't think of any clue. I'm so anxious that I'm about to collapse.

At this time, Ling Wei came, but Chang Hao walked in with her heels. Ling Wei seems to want to say something, but she stops talking to Chang Hao and finally resists.

I sighed and said, "just tell me what you have. Anyway, it's a mess now. There's no need to hide it from Chang Hao."

"Lying trough, what happened?" Chang Hao looked at us in surprise.

Ling Wei said sadly, "my brother is in a very unstable mood today. He has been walking around the clinic and doesn't accept patients when he comes. When I clean his bedroom, he seems very nervous and yells at me. Ask him not to say anything, and sister Xiaoying didn't come today. I feel that they are very abnormal today. "

My heart says is this boy still acting? Anyway, I think he is the culprit, because four girls have had an accident, but he is safe and sound. There is also the magic of bone wrapped baby spirit from abroad, and the female killer Bai Mo also came back from abroad. I don't believe there is no connection between them.

"There was an accident last night. Don't ask for details." I'm not in the mood to say more now. After a pause, I said, "Ling Wei, you go back to the clinic to closely monitor Ling Feng's every move... It seems very difficult for you to do so, but in order to find out the truth, I think you will stand on my side."

Ling Wei stopped talking and seemed to want to ask what had happened, but she gave up when she saw my anxious look. Finally nodded: "well, I'll go back to the clinic. If anything happens, I'll send you a text message." With that, he turned around and went out of the shop in a hurry.

"My dear brother, what's the matter?" Chang Hao sat opposite me and asked suspiciously.

I waved my hand and said, "don't ask me anything. I'm upset at the moment. You hurry home and try to invade Ling Feng's computer. If you find any eye-catching information, tell me immediately. "


"Stop talking nonsense and hurry to work!"

"Alas, it's bad luck for me to make an unreasonable friend like you..." the boy muttered that he had rushed out of the shop.

After the boy left, I still couldn't think of any way. Finally, I wanted to surrender and kowtow to Ling Feng. But I know it's useless. If he did all this, he would kill us. How can he be soft hearted? Besides, in my dictionary, there is never the word "beg"!

Thinking of this, he picked up the black puppet and went to LAN Xiaoying's room to see if she had changed. Open your eyelids and have a look. It's still the same. It's no problem to feel your pulse again. I squatted down in great frustration and stuffed the puppet under the bed. Suddenly at this moment, I suddenly remembered that people who still need to tie the bell to untie the bell. If they want to pull out the bone wrapped green silk in their bodies, they must find the baby spirit!

But what I saw last night was an adult female corpse. Where is the baby spirit? The baby spirit here is not a simple baby ghost, but raised from the baby corpse. Why use an adult female body? Even if foreign magic is very unique, it will not deviate from its law. Is there still a baby corpse under the female corpse?

When I think about this, I can't help but see. No wonder Ling Feng doesn't advocate calling the police, because once I remove the female corpse, I will find the bone wrapped baby spirit, so I can defuse the curse. After I leave, he will move the baby's body elsewhere and hide it. He will never find it again.

But you are too stupid to see my Bai Yu. Won't I find the whereabouts of the baby's body through the black puppet?

I slapped myself on the forehead. Why didn't I think of it just now? The curse is done through puppets, and puppets are channeling with bone wrapped baby spirits. This is the best clue!