The incense burning ceremony mentioned by Professor Ma is not used to eliminate the killing thoughts of dead bats. In fact, it is a mechanism to open the exit. But this mechanism is very clever. Who would have thought it was so simple to light three incense sticks?

The three of us rushed out of the hole and ran along a long inclined tunnel ahead. Not far ahead is a right turn, and then another long inclined tunnel. Who knows, after running for a long time and turning a few corners, the tunnel is endless and can't run to the end, which aroused my doubt. Plus at this time, the three people really couldn't run, so they stopped to catch their breath.

Panting, I turned my head and looked at the four walls. The stones were stacked very smoothly. I didn't see anything all the way. Obviously, the government suppressed the soldiers and did not enter their lair. But since the entrance was found, if it was blocked, it was bound to suffocate in it, so it abandoned its nest and fled.

Before they left, they also started various internal organs. Although we broke through the first line, I'm afraid this endless tunnel is the second line of defense. I haven't seen the exit after running for so long. It seems that the entrance into the interior is very hidden. This has become a difficult problem without solution. To find a door in the long tunnel is not to look for a needle in a haystack, but it is also very difficult.

LAN Xiaoying said, "we've smeared duyang powder on our heads. Bats should chase them to the right. Now we don't have to worry. We'll recover our strength first, and then look for it slowly. If we can't find a clue, we'll withdraw immediately. "

"How can I withdraw? I won't stop until I can't find the flying corpse!" The flower dance shadow is still coming.

LAN Xiaoying and I smile bitterly and dare not tell the truth. Besides, now to tell the truth, she may not believe it.

Just gasping for breath, I suddenly heard a running sound, and then they both heard it. But we are behind the corner and can't see the situation there. I immediately got up and looked over there. The headlights tore through the darkness in the tunnel and illuminated a shaking figure from a distance.

LAN Xiaoying asked, "who is it?"

I frowned and said, "long hair floating, waves in front of my chest..."

"What are you looking at?" LAN Xiaoying gave me a twist angrily.

"No, I mean, from these two points, it's a woman... See, it's Miss Xia! This woman is really a cow's fork. She hasn't died yet! " I can't help but be very interested in this mysterious woman. How did she survive and what kind of space was she dragged into before? Don't tell me you're in a time black hole!

"Long hair floating, chest waves... Why are there waves in the chest?" Hua Wuying asked a very childish and embarrassing question.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He's never passing by." LAN Xiaoying quickly fooled her“ What are you looking at? Let's go. I don't want to be with this woman, otherwise I feel very uncomfortable. "

"Don't worry, she's coming. Let me see if there are bats behind her?" My heart said that the other party saw the light anyway, so wait until you see the situation.

"It can't be a bat. She can't escape at her speed." LAN Xiaoying said.

I nodded: "it's really not a bat. Eh, what's the dark one behind?" He looked at them carefully and immediately his hair stood up. He grabbed them and turned around and ran away.

"What's the matter?" The two girls asked in unison.

"It's the tomb moth!"

The flower dance shadow said, "what is the tomb moth? I think you talked about it. "

LAN Xiaoying said hurriedly, "it's a very cruel man eating insect!"

"Isn't it just flying insects that can eat people? As for being afraid of being like this?" The flower dance shadow said disdainfully.

We almost didn't faint. At this moment, we didn't care to talk to ER Niu, so we shut up and ran forward. After turning a few more corners, I suddenly heard noisy footsteps in front of me. I couldn't say that I might have hit my head with long Xuyang. After the idea came into my mind, I felt very curious. Why did we meet? Is this a tunnel for mutual ventilation?

After turning forward, I came across a fork in the road. I chose to turn right without hesitation. Whether or not long Xuyang will catch up with them, the main consideration is that Miss Xia has no choice of time under the pursuit of tomb moths, and will be in an inertial thinking to the left, because the left is relatively smooth, and the right is a big turning point. Therefore, in order to avoid the tomb moth, it is more rational to turn right.

Unexpectedly, I was completely wrong. Soon, several people behind me rushed into the fork. They went to the left. From the back, it was definitely long Xuyang and the four of them, but less than ten seconds later, Miss Xia also entered the fork and turned right to catch up.

Don't you mean to kill us?

Despite the long-distance attack, Miss Xia has surprisingly good physical strength, especially with a "God of death" behind her. She runs faster than the shadow of flower dance. In the blink of an eye, she caught up with a few meters behind her. At the same time, we looked back and saw a dense tomb moth, flashing countless Dawson green eyes, like an overwhelming trend, which made us feel creepy!

"You can't run away. Find a way to stop them!" In fact, Miss Xia is at the end of her strength. After she gritted her teeth and said this sentence, she gasped.

His uncle's, she did not dare to throw the hot potato to long Xuyang, but deliberately dragged us into the water.

I can't think about it now. I pull out a fire from all directions and push it behind Miss Xia. LAN Xiaoying will throw it out with a lighter burning at the same time.


A fierce fire jumped straight back, immediately involved these little animals, made strange noises, and then fell down. However, the earth fire is much less powerful against demons, and the number of tomb moths is too large. Under the suppression of the huge evil spirit, we haven't been happy for a long time. The earth fire suddenly fell down, and the tomb moths in the rear swarmed again.

Miss Xia didn't catch her breath, so she only bit her teeth and continued to run for her life. But she just breathed a sigh of relief and it was difficult to continue her previous efforts. A small beast jumped on the back of her head. Although we looked back and saw this shocking scene, we couldn't help it. Fortunately, the woman's special ability was very awesome. She took a few deep breaths while running, and all the tomb moths that jumped on her fell.

However, she was not much better. The long hair at the back of her head was bitten by the tomb moth, and there were many bleeding. It looked like a bitten watermelon!

"My mother, the tomb moth is so powerful. Run!" The flower dance shadow covered his mouth and slipped forward, leaving us a large section.

I quickly pushed back and shot a pipe of omnidirectional fire. Now only this thing can resist it for a while. But after turning left in front, I suddenly found that the straight tunnel was empty and the shadow of flowers and dances was gone!

No matter how fast she is, she can't be fast enough to turn and disappear. That's a rocket!