Judging from the messy marks, it's just happened. It shows that either Hua Wuying or situ Jing once landed in this place. But they don't know life or death, and they don't know who dragged them away. Since I was dragged away, I was either dead or lost my freedom, which made me secretly worried.

LAN Xiaoying put her left hand into my cotton padded jacket, put it on her back waist and said, "why didn't we get attacked after we came down?"

I looked at the dark depths and said to her in my heart, "because we have tickets, we will enjoy membership treatment."

LAN Xiaoying pinched me gently and said, "can you be serious?"

"Well, I guess the correct code is used to provide us with bungee jumping transmission. For a moment, the other party didn't know how we knew this way to enter the valley, so he must be observing secretly. He couldn't find out our details and didn't dare to do it rashly. At present, as long as we are careful and don't touch each other's bottom line, we won't be attacked. " I then led her along the drag mark and walked forward step by step.

LAN Xiaoying doesn't think so: "don't forget that the other party should know us very well and know that we are with Hua Wuying and situ Jing. There can't be any patience to continue to observe. I think he is out of caution and wants to lead us into the trap step by step. "

The girl's consideration is somewhat reasonable, but at present, in each other's territory, no matter what kind of situation, the final result is very bad. But if you come, you will be at ease. Continue to fight for your character and see your luck.

After walking a few steps forward, another messy mark appeared on the snow, and then another drag mark appeared in front. We then understood that it was the falling point of Huawu shadow before, and situ Jing fell here. They had the same fate and were dragged away by something.

But there was no blood on the snow, which reassured us a lot. From this analysis, they should live. Otherwise, it is absolutely illogical to fall from a high altitude and spit blood and die. They were basically sure that they were not dead. They summoned up their morale and accelerated their pace along the drag marks.

The underground is uneven and feels like a rocky beach. After walking for about 50 or 60 meters, the light shines on a row of big trees, which are very dense. Almost the trees are connected and straight into the sky. It seems that there is no way to go, because the gap between the trees is too small for a thin body like LAN Xiaoying to squeeze in. The two drag marks are broken here, and we can't see whether the tree is still extending forward.

We were curious. Suddenly we saw two lights flashing between the cracks of a tree and disappeared in an instant.

My heart tightened, pulled LAN Xiaoying behind me, leaned forward and pulled out my mobile phone. But the mobile phone suck is too weak. So far away, we can't see what's behind the tree. Just to go further, suddenly a dark shadow swept over and the mobile phone was swept away!

Immediately before the dark, the mobile phone light was turned off. We couldn't help but be stunned. We stood still and didn't dare to move. We just felt the dead silence around us, as if we couldn't even hear our own breathing.

What is this? It feels the same as when the lights were removed from the wooden building in Northeast Village. When I was frightened, I was also secretly glad to take us down and turn us into dead bodies with each other's ghostly action. The other party didn't touch us. It seems that we have the meaning of further observation.

At the thought of this, I'm not so nervous. Anyway, if I stretch my head and shrink my head, it's also a knife. Why shrink my head? Then straighten up, pull LAN Xiaoying to the tree and look into the crack. It's so dark inside that you can't see anything. Just as I was about to take out my lighter and light it on a branch, a light suddenly lit up in the dark!

The light is very weak, if there is nothing, if far, if near, as if it is a soul guiding lamp fluttering on the road of yin and Yang.

However, through this weak light, I vaguely saw that there were towering trees in the cracks of the trees. Although the gap between the trees inside is enlarged, it is still very close, and the light comes from this narrow gap. I wonder why the trees here are so dense and grow so vigorously?

LAN Xiaoying said in my heart, "now is not the time to study tree growth. The lamp is OK, but the Yin Qi behind the lamp is very heavy. I think it's corpse Qi!"

I smiled bitterly and said, "how can we get in without studying these big trees?"

Just after saying this, the light in the deep forest suddenly went out and plunged into darkness. My heart said that no wonder the silly female ghost said that the ghost village was difficult to find. It was hidden in such a dense forest. It was difficult for a ghost to get in.

Thinking so, LAN Xiaoying suddenly pulled me and said that another light was on the left. My heart says that the ghost village has moved. It's still mobile. Let alone ghosts, it's a headache when immortals come!

LAN Xiaoying still said that the lamp was ok, but it was still hidden behind the dense tree walls, which made me very angry. Turning his eyes, he thought of a way. This dense forest is a little abnormal, so it must be developed by some kind of magic. In such a strange and evil place, it is the most right way to use the land shrinking skill!

In order to improve the success rate, he bit his fingers and coated the soles of his feet with blood, supplemented by the mountain penetrating method. Although there was no copper money, I had a whim and took out a key ring as a substitute. But there is no yellow symbol. It can only be written on the tree. It should have some effect.

Then I wrote the curse of shrinking the land with blood on another tree: "step by step, the land shrinks. Every mountain is flat, every water is dry, every fire is extinguished, and every land shrinks. I was photographed by the order of Mr. Sanshan Jiuhou! "

It was written in the dark with a faint light in the distance. I couldn't see the blood words on the tree. It doesn't matter if you can't see clearly, as long as God can see clearly. So the left hand knot thunder seal and the right hand pinch sword formula are exquisite. In the land contraction mantra, it can form "borrow the land to add steps and move thousands of miles"!

Who knows, just kneading the formula, there were two fleeting lights between the trees. This must be a pair of eyes. LAN Xiaoying didn't see the problem. It shouldn't be ghost eyes or demon eyes. I wonder, if it's human eyes and there's no light mapping, how can it reflect light?

The idea flashed through my heart and quickly read out the mountain through the wall mantra and the earth shrinking mantra. At this moment, the red light of the key ring flashed slightly, which gave face. At the same time, I took the girl and took a step forward. I just felt that my shoulders rubbed the tree. Then we found that we had stood in the deep forest in front of the light!

This is an open space surrounded by woods. Looking back, there are dense towering trees behind us. We can't believe it. We just came in like this!