Huasi's body not only poked out its head from the body bag, but also opened its eyes. A pair of gray dead fish eyes are more and more terrible under the cover of messy long hair!

Looking at this strange situation, I suspected that the ghost of Huasi had returned to the body and wanted to make a joke with us. But LAN Xiaoying didn't see any evil spirit. It must not be it. Is xuangen playing tricks?

The Huli fire stick first flew towards us. LAN Xiaoying and I hurried to roll away on both sides. The fire stick then whirled around the hole and flew back under the body. The spearhead was still aimed at us.

We were lying on the ground and looked back at the hole. They slept soundly. It doesn't matter if Hua Wuying and situ Jing wake up. If Huang Bingcun and Liu Yufang see it, they must be frightened out of order. So I turned my eyes and winked with LAN Xiaoying. The girl understood, slowly got up, walked away to the left and right sides, and wanted to lead the body and the fire stick to the distance.

They also turned their spears, pointed the fire stick at LAN Xiaoying and pointed the body at me. This was just what my buddy wanted. He took out a corpse talisman and ran away. Huasi's body didn't hesitate to catch up immediately. Over there, LAN Xiaoying also ran to the left. In the dark, the fire stick was like a string rocket, chasing after her back and immediately behind her ass.

The girl has rich escape experience, so I don't have to worry about her. So I took out the lamp and chanted a curse while running. At this time, the body caught up with the back, made a sharp turn to avoid it, and then turned left and right like a rabbit. The body was still not able to catch up.

I ran out about 50 meters. There was a sunken mountain gap here. I dodged and hid in. Huasi came to a sudden stop and turned around to fly in. I calculated the time and distance and raised the corpse talisman. It flew forward very fast and couldn't stop at all. It was like sending it to the door and sticking the Yellow talisman on my forehead.

I'm relieved. I'm quite satisfied with my move to lead the corpse to defeat the enemy. No matter how awesome you are, you can't live an episode in front of your friends.

But suddenly I found that Huasi didn't fall to the ground. The momentum of the forward rush didn't decrease at all. He slammed his forehead and hit me in the face. It hit me like a whirlwind. It seemed that my nose was bleeding. Involuntarily, he took two steps back, and his back was tightly close to the stone wall. There was no way back!

After Huasi hit me, he didn't let me go. Then he continued to rush forward. After his head hit me hard in the face, his legs fell to the ground, his whole body stuck up and squeezed forward. Fortunately, its head is low and its forehead is against my chin. Otherwise, it will be troublesome mouth to mouth. If you give me a mouthful of corpse gas, I can't eat and have to walk around.

I was dazed and completely lost my resistance. I was depressed. Why did the Yellow talisman fail again? What the hell is manipulating the body? So don't say live one episode, I think it can survive the finale!

"Well, isn't it very comfortable?" A familiar woman's voice sounded in my ear, which surprised me. How could it be her? How is it possible to transmit sound through Huasi's body?

Who is this man? It is Xia Yu night with mysterious and special functions!

When I was surprised, my brain was clear for a few minutes, and then I found that the voice was not from the mouth of the flower shop, but that the woman was just outside the crack in the mountain. She manipulated the dead body with her special powers and drove me into a dead end. In fact, it's a little wrong to say so. The dead end is the one that the brothers want to drill. It seems to be their own sin.

After knowing it was her, I was relieved that she just wanted the secret of the immortal master and would not poison us. I gasped and said, "Miss Xia, is this kind of meeting interesting? There are many ways to bully me. Why make fun of my friend's body? "

"I think this way of meeting is very interesting. You are a smart man and should know what this means." Xia Yu spoke at night and appeared outside the mountain crack. In the light, the woman was dressed in a white mink coat. She looked elegant and full of beauty. I just thought she was beautiful before. I've never found that she was so beautiful. Although a little older, but more mature temptation, more attractive than young women.

I laughed at myself, and of course I knew what she meant by this technique. If I don't cooperate obediently, I will become a corpse like the flower shop!

"Well, you let go of my friend's body, and I'll tell you the secret of the immortal master right away." I'm really going to tell the truth now. Anyway, I took away the secret long ago. Let them dig three feet in the Yin mirage.

"First, let me hear if I'm lying?" The woman doesn't believe I'll tell the secret yet.

This makes me a little depressed. When you say that a person wants to tell the truth, the other person may not believe it. Is this ironic?

I was about to open my mouth with a bitter smile. Xia Yu's face suddenly changed, holding his heart in his hand and bending down looked a little painful. Then the special ability given to Hua Si disappeared, and the body fell back to the sky. I wonder if I had a heart attack?

At this time, he suddenly heard xuangen laughing outside the mountain crack: "with your three legged cat, do you still want to come out? Fall! "

With his last cry, Xia Yu fell to the ground obediently.

I wipe, the old boy knows how to deal with special functions. But it's not a three legged cat, is it? If you don't know how to crack, you will only be trampled by the other party.

I stepped over the corpse of Huasi and walked out of the mountain crack. I saw the old boy squatting next to him and gasping. Obviously, he was tired to run here. When he saw me coming out, he looked up and said with a smile, "little man, this woman is very beautiful. If you are interested, drag her into the crack of the mountain and do whatever you want. I'll go back and support LAN Xiaoying."

"Fart! Little man, am I that kind of person? " In fact, I swallowed my mouth when I said so. His uncle said so. It seems that I am really a coyote at the sight of color.

"I'm wrong, little man. You're a righteous gentleman. Why don't you give her to me? " Xuangen said with a smile.

Looking at his thief smile, I really wanted to kick him down the hillside, but then I reacted that the old boy was not lecherous. He was acting. So I turned my eyes and said, "just in the crack of the mountain, don't go far. When you're done, you'll see the corpse destroyed." Turn around and go back to the mountain crack and take out the body of the flower shop.

Xia Yu panicked at night. Although she was still in pain, she clenched her teeth and said, "you can't do this. I'll tell you what you want!"

Xuangen winked at me, and I asked, "what's Lao Chen's real name, is he Chen Xi's father, and where is he now?"? Also, tell me the details of your organization! "

Xia Yu nodded gently at night, gasped and said, "old Chen's name is Chen Bu Ren. He is Chen Xi's father. He lives in..."

Just now, I heard a gunshot, and the bullet came to me. I immediately rolled away with the flowers. The old boy reacted very quickly and ran away with his head covered. Don't be polite. I got up and ran forward with the dead body!