Fortunately, xuangen has sharp eyes and is an orthodox Maoshan disciple. If he wants to exchange it for a bargain, he may not be able to see what the black cross means.

I looked at xuangen, and the old boy looked over with worry, but we couldn't tell the truth in front of Huang Bingcun and his wife.

Huang Bingcun answered my question just now: "I heard that someone went into the temple at night and came back to become a madman. He died that night. After death, the skin of the whole body was peeled off. It was really miserable. So, someone said, "you can't be disturbed when the immortal sleeps at night, or you'll be angry and peel your skin!"

The flower dance shadow shivered and asked, "is it true that it's so scary?"

Liu Yufang nodded and said, "it's true. That man is from our Huangjia village. After he was skinned, no one dared to enter the temple at night."

I paced back to the couple and asked, "did anything happen to the man who served incense during the day?"

Huang Bingcun shook his head and said, "those who burn incense during the day get a blessing. If there is no accident, they will increase their life expectancy. Several old people in our village live to be 100 years old. They come to the immortal temple every year to pay their vows. Some people who do not believe in the immortal Temple die when they are 50 or 60. "

I was stunned and looked at xuangen with surprise. Are we wrong to guess that the cross on Liu Yufang's back neck does not represent a broken head, but an amulet? How can a special amulet be made into a killing mark? You know, this is the general rule of evil killing. It is the experience left by our ancestors for thousands of years. We can never be wrong.

"Aunt, have you felt any discomfort or skin problems during this period of time?" I can't get clues from other aspects, so I have to find the reason directly on Liu Yufang.

Liu Yufang shook her head and said to me, "I'm fine and my skin is fine. There used to be a lot of white hair. Since I came to the immortal Temple several times, the white hair has disappeared. They say I'm young again. " He smiled happily without any disguise.

I stared at her dark hair, shining healthily in the sun, which made me wonder to the extreme. It seems that xuangen and I are worried about the sky. Even if there is a human skin grave under the immortal temple, they are worshipped by these good men and women all year round. They do not harm people, but give blessings.

Combing your hair at night, the white spots in your pupils and the intersection on your back neck are not playing cards according to common sense. No matter how they like to play, as long as they don't harm people, we don't have to mind our own business.

So I sat on the ground and asked the last question: "uncle, has anyone ever been on Zhengdong peak?"

Huang Bingcun said with a smile, "Zhengdong peak has no way to go. I've never heard of anyone going up. However, it is said that some people have seen ghost shadows on Zhengdong peak at night. Some people also say that it is the place where the immortal lives. The shadow they see is actually the immortal walking. No one knows what it is. "

Is there a ghost on Zhengdong peak? Can't it be Ding can? He came here to avoid trouble. He was a little suspected of looking for clues to the Jedi in the world of mortals.

Thinking of this, I got up and said, "while it's still early, uncle and aunt, hurry on the road, so as not to stay in the mountains for another night."

"OK, when you return to Huangjia village, remember to come to us."

Huang Bingcun and his wife said goodbye to us, took a few steps, turned back and waved to us. Then their backs gradually disappeared at the foot of the hillside.

LAN Xiaoying couldn't wait to ask, "did you and xuangen find anything?" The girl's eyes are very poisonous. Xuangen and I flirted just now and didn't escape her sight.

Khan, what do I use this word to flirt with the old boy? He's a good mouth, man. He doesn't like it yet.

So I told xuangen about finding the human skin grave, and the flower dance shadow jumped up and said, "won't that uncle and aunt be skinned? How can you drive them away? No, I have to get them back. "

Situ Jing stopped her and said, "Bai Yu has just asked very clearly that they don't feel uncomfortable, and many people live a long life, so we don't have to add to the snake. Otherwise, it will backfire and harm them. "

LAN Xiaoying and I followed and advised. Er Niu won't go now. But she pointed to the temple and said, "we don't care about uncles and aunts. We have to destroy the human skin grave, right? In the future, the gods will be covered with human skin, which will certainly harm people. "

She's right. I'm actually thinking about how to kill this thing. But xuangen couldn't help shaking his head and said that the human skin tombs couldn't move, because they all arched into the gods and formed a climate. In case we can't make it, there's no place to run. Mind your own business. It's still important to find a life symbol.

The old boy is right. In case of danger, there is a steep hillside below. There is really no way to escape. Besides, the tragedy of situjing, Chang Hao and Huawu shadow can't be repeated on her. With this in mind, I said let's go around and find out the trace of Ding can.

This is a serious matter. Everyone has no objection. Then they separately explored near the small temple. When we went up the mountain, we carefully observed the hillside. The vegetation here is very poor. There are few big trees. The whole hillside is basically clear at a glance. There was no trace of people in other places except the path stepped by pilgrims.

Xuangen and I are together. I have to watch him all the time. They bypassed the small temple and went to the West. It was a cliff. They didn't find any clues, so they turned back to the temple.

It was expected that no one found anything when several people finally met. Although the incense in Xianren temple is not strong, people often come and hide near the small temple, which is easy to be found. We climbed to the top of the mountain, and the upper slope began to be steep again. Finally, we climbed to the top with the help of climbing equipment.

The area at the top of the mountain is not large. It is very desolate. There are no trees except scattered boulders. On the other side is a cliff. The cliff below is cut. It is not deep enough to go down at all.

Looking up in the distance, there is a rolling hilly area, bare, and the environment is very bad. This kind of place where birds don't shit is difficult to survive. Ding can shouldn't choose this kind of place. But in addition, we have basically searched chaowangpo. Where can he hide?

Thinking of this, I turned to the Zhengdong peak and stood on the top of the mountain. This giant pillar still made us look up. I still felt that he was more likely to hide on the Zhengdong peak, so I called everyone down the mountain. While it's still early, go to the foot of Zhengdong peak to explore the way.

Everyone returned to the temple and found the body of Huasi missing!

It was a big surprise. We felt that there would be no accident on this inaccessible barren mountain, so we left her where she was. Unexpectedly, we miscalculated.

Everyone panicked, so they searched all over the temple and looked down the slope for a long time, but they didn't find any trace.

LAN Xiaoying said whether Xia Yu did it at night? I shook my head and said, standing on the mountain, there is a rabbit below. We can all see it clearly. When I went up the mountain just now, I kept paying attention to the movement in front of the temple. I didn't see anyone at all. Do you think she can really spread her skills and get rid of the body?

I suspect that the flower shop is still facing the Wangpo and hasn't gone far. It is likely to be in the temple!