After he left, I looked at the shaking figure at the edge of the village and said I couldn't go in during the day. The goal was too obvious. I had to wait for the night. So I leaned behind a big tree and thought about my action plan at night.

I've seen Liu Duzi's flower poison technique. Although it can be solved with a bite of ecstasy, this grandson was deceived once and may not give another chance. Wei Tiezhu's soul bag doesn't know how to crack it, and there are other good players. They know nothing about their tricks.

However, these bastards know my details very well, so I'm at an absolute disadvantage. It's no doubt a fool's dream to kill a path of blood in their siege.

After thinking for a long time, I finally decided to release Jibao!

Even if it is backfired by this thing, I will die with them!

I suddenly thought of a good idea. I opened the zipper, covered the backpack with a down jacket, and tied a red rope on the onion God's tail. I want to do an experiment to see if I can use onion God and thorn treasure to establish a psychic path. From last night to now, I didn't draw the symbol of connecting Yang and Yin on the onion God. Now this boy and Jibao are free.

I also tied a red rope on my wrist. Unexpectedly, after chanting the curse, Jibao is still in a dormant period without any movement.

On the contrary, the smell of the onion God faintly passed me a sentence: "Sir, did you decide to kill me?"

I said angrily, "it's a matter of minutes for me to kill you. I want to talk about life with Jibao with the red rope."

"Boring!" The boy scolded and then said, "if he runs out of strength, he will sleep all day. Don't expect to communicate with him now. But what do you want to do? Take advantage of now. When it wakes up, it's my sleep time, and you won't have a chance. "

What can I do with it? Unless you pierce the onion God's body with a needle and inject a rune water into the cub. This is a good way. Maybe it can make it stillborn and liberate the onion God from now on. But I thought I would use it tonight, so I gave up the idea.

No hurry, I'm sure I can think of a way. I looked back at the village. There was no abnormal movement. I knocked on the tip of my nose again.

After thinking for a long time, I saw the sun slanting West and didn't come up with a decent idea. I gave up with a sigh, turned around and observed the situation at the lower village. When I saw Liu Duzi through the telescope, my mind suddenly flashed. Yes, use magic!

Gu poison can be used not only on people, but also in ghosts and evil bodies. Many ghosts and evil spirits are manipulated by magicians with Gu poison. Although they are evil and fierce, they can't be subdued by any magic. What they fear most is to break them from the inside. Take Jibao for example. Using Rune water to deal with it is like bathing. It has no effect, but what if you inject Rune water into your body? This thing is bound to die. No, No.

However, I don't have any materials to make Gu. On second thought, I decided to try "water Gu". This thing is similar to black water bug. It can be completed with only Rune water. I immediately pulled out the white paper and drew a "water poison charm". After burning it was added to the water, adding a little chicken blood powder and a little oil in it. Then it is the key step to chant the curse and make the Gu. When everything is finished, put it into the needle tube with a needle and plunge it into the onion God.

"Sir, what are you doing?" The onion God asked with a pain.

I was stunned: "where did you learn to fly?"

"TV... Take it easy, it hurts to death..."

Wipe, you are so broken. You call yourself the great God. You really want to slap you.

After the needle was pushed in for a few minutes, it obviously felt resistance and seemed to stab into the thorn treasure body. This immediately awakened the cub, shocked the onion God, and immediately felt a cold breath spread to the palm of the hand along the needle. I pushed the rune water out quickly before it was fully awake.

At the same time, the needle whizzed out of the onion God, and I hit the big tree behind me. Now, although the sun was setting, the twilight was still enough for it to bear, and suddenly sent out a violent shiver in its bag. I quickly lay on my bag and covered the sky with my body.

In order to prevent it from tearing me up when it wakes up, he quickly recited the water poison curse at the same time. Sure enough, there was a stabbing pain in the chest and a large amount of cold air poured into the body. It was almost frozen. Fortunately, the water insect played a role. With the completion of the spell, the neglect of the air conditioner disappeared and the pain on the chest decreased.

I hurriedly pulled the mouth of the bag, sat up and found that a blood hole had been bitten out of my chest, and the blood was bubbling out. It seems that if the water poison spell fails, the eight achievements of the little boy will get into my body.

Just now, life and death were hanging on the line. Now I found that my palm was full of cold sweat. I took two breaths to test whether the water bug could manipulate it. As the mantra was chanted and channeled through the red rope to make it move, the backpack immediately began to vibrate violently. I told it to lie down and don't move, even if there was no movement.

I couldn't help but feel a burst of ecstasy. Unexpectedly, my brother successfully controlled Jibao, which is tantamount to adding an invincible baby to myself!

Now it was getting dark. I put away my joy and simply bandaged the wound. I took out two ham intestines and ate them. I didn't eat at noon. I have to add some energy. Then put on the headlights, hang the lights on your chest, and stride down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, it was almost dark, so I turned on the light.

Now the whole village is dark and there is no light. The scumbags hiding behind the corner of the house are no longer exposed. They are probably sharpening their knives and waiting for their brothers to jump into the pit.

I said with a smile, "come out, shrinking turtles. You know I'm early, and I know you're hiding in the dark. It seems boring to play like this."

Before I finished, a large number of people, at least forty or fifty, rushed out from the corners of several houses, immediately fanned out and surrounded me.

Liu Duzi looked at me and scolded with hatred: "son of a bitch, if I don't break you to pieces today, I'm your grandson!"

I stretched out my hand and said, "don't be my grandson. It's insulting me!"

"Fuck..." Liu Duzi scolded angrily and threw a snake.

At the same time, Wei Tiezhu also threw his soul capsule, and a dark shadow came one after another from all directions. It seems that Lao Chen has orders. An enemy like me can't waste time and set a poisonous hand when we meet.

I was ready. The moment Liu Duzi started, I opened my backpack and ordered to attack Jibao. The little boy is holding his breath. He doesn't dare to provoke me. He just vented his resentment to these grandchildren. So their evil things were torn to pieces by the cubs before they came near.

Wei Tiezhu cried painfully, "my soul capsule, ancestral baby!"

Before the words fell, the onion God rushed into his mouth and pierced out of his back and brain. After a cluster of blood splashed, he didn't even scream, so he fell on his back.

These people were originally a mob. Seeing Jibao's ferocious force, they were scared to flee.