Hua Wuying and Hua Si took a flashlight to take photos below, but they didn't dare to jump. LAN Xiaoying, Si tujing and Xia Yu climbed up the stone platform and looked down. They couldn't help taking a breath. It's not so deep below. It's seven or eight meters high. Even flower dance shadow and other lightness skill experts may not save their lives, let alone us?

However, the flying tiger's claw fell on the layer of resentment shadow and didn't come and take it back. He had no choice but to jump down with his eyes closed. It just takes great courage to make this determination, and I admit I don't have this courage.


At the moment, two more firemen fell under the coffin. The fire lantern has been completely opened, like a fire kite rushing towards us.

"Jump!" I shouted and jumped first.

Jumping may still have a glimmer of vitality. If you don't jump, you can only wait to become a fire man. It's better to fall to death than to be burned!

The horror of the fire kite and the appeal brought by the shouting of the brothers made everyone jump down one by one like dumplings. The fire kite didn't catch up, but we all know what fate will wait for us next, so we closed our eyes and were ready to die!

Just when my friend felt that it was time to touch the ground, a heartbeat entered his throat. Suddenly, his arm was pulled off by a cold claw, so he flew away involuntarily and followed the whole man on the uneven stone wall.

I almost didn't shoot my intestines. After I fell to the ground, I lay on the ground like a dead dog. I couldn't even move except panting.

I couldn't help wondering. Didn't I say I would fall to death? Why didn't I die? Who obstructed us and destroyed our collective desire to commit suicide? Wipe, suicide is not voluntary. Who doesn't want to live? Am I brain pumping?

I opened my eyes and saw myself lying on a pile of rubble. LAN Xiaoying, situ Jing and Xia Yu curled up on one side, while the flower dance shadow and flower shop were under the opposite wall. There is a raised stone pile between us, which seems to be formed by the falling of coffin platform and sarcophagus debris. Although they were all in a mess, they were alive because they could be distinguished from their heavy breathing.

Of course, it's great to live, but I can't figure out why we didn't fall to death? Whose cold paw is that?

Just thinking about it, I heard a woman in the darkness on the right say, "give me medicine..."

I suddenly understood what was going on. Just now, at the critical moment of life and death, ice language saved us.

Unexpectedly, it hid under the coffin and saved us at the critical moment. After careful consideration, it seems that there is a divine will. We haven't arrived at the time of death.

Now I can finally move, turn over, face up, gasp and say, "come and get the medicine myself. I have no strength."

LAN Xiaoying said, "thank you, ice language!"

Hua Wuying laughed and said, "if you don't die in a great disaster, you must have a blessing. You always didn't die before. Of course you can't die this time."

Khan, what nonsense theory, not dying before doesn't mean not dying in the future. This time, we can only say that we have had another shit luck!

Ice language slowly climbed over. It worked so hard. Obviously, it exhausted the last bit of strength when saving us. He knew which pocket the ghost medicine was in, took it out and poured it into his mouth, then lay beside me and couldn't breathe.

I asked him, "how did you hide here?"

The ghost women smiled bitterly and said, "I don't want to hide here, but as soon as I entered the tomb, I was suppressed by magic and tried my best to escape to the bottom of the coffin. There is just a round hole under the coffin. Otherwise, there is no way to enter the earth. Who knows, after coming down, there was an exit on the left, but it was blocked. From time to time, groups of centipedes climbed in, and I kept shrinking in a stone crack to survive. I didn't bite my teeth until I saw you fall down. "

We've slowed down a little now. We sit up slowly and look around the space. Apart from the high point, the area is not large, and it is an unmodified natural cave. There is indeed a porch like exit on the left, but it is blocked by rubble. Centipedes climb in from here, so brother Xi and long Xuyang must be guarding outside the cave. The so-called blocking in Bingyu should refer to them. These rocks can only block us, but they can't seal it.

Although it is a dead end that makes us despair, it is also very satisfying that this place can let us survive.

I looked up and saw nothing but darkness, no light, no sound. Eight adult skin ghosts were burned, and those bastards farted. Although it seems too easy for human skin ghosts and Lao Chen to hang up like this, it is also an inevitable factor to think about it carefully.

Originally, Jibao was formed to crack the human skin grave. Although the cub only tore the lantern changed by the human skin ghost and didn't kill it, it was also a fatal blow. You should know that all ghosts and evils look strong on the outside, but they are the weakest inside. If the cub cuts a wound from the inside, it will directly hurt its vitality and make it unable to resist the attack of magic in a short time, which will give the ground fire an opportunity.

In the final analysis, Lao Chen did it himself. Raising such a rebellious little boy, he finally lost his wife and broke his army, even his old life. Alas, man, it is ambition that brings disaster. Do you say you are short of money? You have money and a bunch of younger brothers to make you famous, which is enough for you to live a decent life. But this man is not satisfied. It's OK to become a woman, but can you stop playing with bombs?

Xia Yu asked sadly, "where's Chen Xi?"

We are all stunned. Yes, forget Chen Xi. Don't you have a special function? Why do you ask us?

When she finished this sentence, she immediately pointed to the stone pile in the middle and said, "he's down there. It seems that he's still alive!"

We were overjoyed before we went to pick up the rubble. Unexpectedly, the pile suddenly vibrated and fell off with a crash, and Chen Xi arched out of it. His face was covered with a mixture of mud ash and blood. His eyes were frightening red. When he exposed half of his body, he gasped and stopped moving.

Xia Yu's tears rolled down at night. She rushed over to pick a stone. Chen Xi stopped her: "don't move... It's still in my stomach. Now it's very weak. Don't... Let him out. I don't have much time. I just want to talk to you... "

LAN Xiaoying, Hua Wuying, Hua Si and situ Jing all burst into tears. The elder brother took his hand and said, "stop talking and save your strength. I have a way to cure your injury." I'm definitely lying against my conscience. In his case, the golden gong immortal can't have a way.

Chen Xi gave me an apologetic smile and only heard him say, "master, i... I took three black needles from you. Don't blame me..."

I immediately realized why he could be so abnormal. He had inserted the three black needles pulled out at that time into the back of his head. When Jibao gets into his chest, he is integrated with him and is not afraid to suppress the Dharma array. Then the needle will take effect and turn him into a superman.

I held his hand tightly and had thousands of words to say, but I was stuck in my throat.

He smiled and shook his head, then looked at Xia Yuye and said, "sister Xia, I love you..."

"I love you too!" Xia Yu was already sobbing at night.

Suddenly he closed his eyes. We found that he reached out and took off the black needle inserted in the back of his head!