Chapter 1105

Some brave people went to the inner room. As soon as they took two steps, the old woman suddenly poked out her bloody head from the inner room. Suddenly, they were frightened and shouted and ran out one after another. The people standing outside the door didn't know what was going on, so everyone crowded with each other.

"Water... Give me water..." the old woman's voice was dry and hoarse, and stretched out her hand to climb out. The light in the room is not very bright. It's a real ghost film.

I know she has been plagued by evil for a long time. She eats a lot of things she shouldn't eat. Thirst is a normal manifestation. But Xiaomeng's water must not be drunk. I found a bottle of mineral water in situ Jing's bag and threw it to the ground.

Suddenly, I found that situ Jing's palm was bleeding black blood. My heart moved, and I reached out and grabbed her wrist. She didn't die, except that her pulse was a little weak, everything else was normal. Seeing the flower dance again, it was the same. I couldn't help but be surprised and happy and breathe a sigh. Just now I used the force disgust symbol, not to explore what poison they had, but to use this tiger and wolf medicine to force out the toxicity.

This is a method of attacking poison with poison. I haven't used it before, and I don't know whether it is effective. But this time I was forced to a desperate situation. I took a risk and did not expect to succeed.

The old woman grabbed the water bottle on the ground, didn't screw the bottle cap, directly bit the bottle wall and drank it. At the moment, several people peeped in from the door. Seeing the old woman, they were frightened and retracted their heads.

"Thank you, thank you... Saved my old woman..." the old woman drank a bottle of water, looked up at me and cried.

All the people in the yard looked puzzled. Didn't I kill? Why did the old woman say I saved her?

Xiaomeng wrinkled her nose angrily, like an angry wild cat. She only heard her say, "aunt Hui is unconscious. Don't listen to her. This man poisoned two women."

As soon as they heard this, they turned their eyes to situ Jing and Hua Wuying. Now they haven't heard anything. In the eyes of outsiders, they must be two dead bodies.

I sneered at Xiaomeng, squatted down and adjusted the talisman water to restore their vitality to drink. However, for a moment, the two girls woke up leisurely and opened their eyes. The flower dance shadow rubbed his eyes and asked, "what happened just now? It feels so painful. "

As soon as they saw that the two women were alive, it was a farce, and they talked about it and broke up.

Xiaomeng followed the crowd and obviously wanted to slip away. My heart said, is it so easy for you to escape? Get up and chase outside. Unexpectedly, you ran out of the door, but the little dream disappeared without a trace.

"Uncle, do you see where Xiaomeng is going?" I asked a 50 year old middle-aged man walking beside me.

The man shook his head to show that he didn't see it. Then he looked like he wanted to say something, but at last he held back and walked away quickly. All of a sudden, all the spectators walked away, and there was no one in the street.

I dare not go after this little girl film, for fear that it is a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain again, and the flower dance shadow and situ Jing will disappear again. So I returned home. Situ Jing and Huawu Ying were sitting in chairs, rubbing their heads with a splitting headache. The old woman leaned against the wall to gasp and didn't make any special moves.

I went to the old woman, squatted down and asked her, "do you know the details of my little dream?"

The old woman shook her head, wiped the old tears on her face and said to me, "I don't know how many years I have been evil. There is no name Xiaomeng in my impression. But I know that this family is very strange. There is only one single woman who disappeared when she lived to be twenty. In two or three years, a little girl of two or three years old will run out of the family. "

I was stunned. Why is this situation similar to Gu Jiuyuan? It's just that Xiaomeng's home is a circular output, and Gu Jiuyuan is a single line operation. However, after careful consideration, the difference between them is still very big. Gu Jiuyuan is a victim in his mother's womb, and xiaomengjia seems to be a reincarnation curse. One is a monster, and the other is probably just an ordinary person.

If Xiaomeng is a monster, he doesn't need to set up this bureau at all and will kill us directly.

Situ Jing and Hua Wuying were not so afraid when they saw the old woman returning to normal. Situ Jing asked, "doesn't anyone know what's going on at Xiaomeng's house?"

The old woman sighed and said, "there are many frightening legends in Lianhua village. Before liberation, a woman was killed every 21 years. Everyone thinks this family has something to do with it, and no one dares to approach it. Usually, the women of this family seldom go out, and they will talk to the villagers when they go out. They are always Lala, but they don't have much contact with their neighbors. Today, this is the first time someone has entered this house. I seem to have done it more than once, but I can't remember what happened. "

I then remembered the situation where the uncle wanted to stop talking just now. The reason why they dared to enter Xiaomeng's house was because there were so many people. If it was one, 80% would not come.

The flower dance shadow asked with pity on her face, "mother-in-law, who else is there in your family? Is there no one to support you?"

The old woman looked at her blankly for a long time before she said, "at home... I seem to have never been home. I forgot what I looked like when I was young. I just remember going to jiunvfeng, and then waking up and confused sometimes. It seems that there is not much time to wake up. Sometimes it's like waking up from a nightmare, and then I don't know anything. "

Looking at her like this, 80% of her young age was possessed by evil, which has been a scourge for a lifetime. During these decades, she didn't know how to survive.

I asked her, "did you go to jiunvfeng later?"

The old woman tilted her head and thought for a long time. Finally, she said, "I seem to have been there more than once, but I can't remember anything."

Situ Jing and I looked at each other. Jiunvfeng seemed fishy. After her first visit, the old woman was possessed by evil spirits. She has been there many times since then. However, the boundless Dharma of CI Ning nunnery can't suppress this evil spirit. Then it's worth pondering.

We decided to go to jiunvfeng to find out, but what about the old woman? I'm afraid that after we leave, evil will return and kill the old woman to vent our hatred. Situ Jing took out her mobile phone and found that there was a signal, so she called the command center and sent someone to Lianhua village. However, sending large troops requires high-level signatures, and the director went to the city for a meeting.

It was only in the afternoon that the director signed and sent people, and in the evening that five police cars came. We handed the old woman over to the police for protection, and then they divided into two groups. One group stayed in the village to investigate, and the other group followed us to jiunvfeng.

Lianhua village is four or five miles away from jiunvfeng. Situ Jing asked for a police car alone. He took me and huawuying head to lead the team, followed by two police cars. Who knows, we didn't see jiunvfeng seven or eight miles ahead. Finally, we got out of the car and looked. His uncle's drove to the mountain depression in the early morning!

Looking back at the two police cars that followed, he was even more shocked. There was no one in the car, but it followed us here without driving.

The three of us were in a cold sweat. What about them? The bus didn't stop halfway. How did they disappear?