Tonight, she is beautiful, but he can only look at her from such a distance, how can people not melancholy.

The woman over there is holding a bag of crab roe and milk yellow, breaking it into small pieces and feeding it to Wei Wei.

"Ran Ran, go with me to the front table and have a toast."

"Ah, this girl is not a three-year-old. She can't even eat a steamed bun by herself. You're used to her. You haven't come into other people's house yet. This stepmother is more careful than her own mother!"

Wen ran and Wei Wei at the same time turn to stare at the side of Shan Ning son.

That facial expression God synchronization, see of good coagulate son simply Leng eye.

What's the situation of these two people? Even if they look like each other, even their angry eyes can be so strangely similar. It makes people wonder whether Wen Ran is the girl's stepmother or her own mother?

How could it be like this!

"Ning'er, can you stop talking in front of children?" Wen ran stares at an eye good to coagulate son, opening a way.

I'm afraid vivi would mind what she said about stepmother.

As soon as the word stepmother is heard, it subconsciously makes people feel that it is a synonym for malice.

And Wei Wei didn't speak, the mouth also pouted of old Gao's stare good to coagulate son, hum! If she can eat by herself, can't sister Ranran feed her?

Who stipulated it!

Shan Ning'er was so stunned by the two pairs of big and small eyes that she stood up with the wine glass in her hand. "I'm going to toast. Do you want to go or not?"

Wen ran was not sure whether he wanted to propose a toast or not. He hesitated to make up his mind.

"Ranran elder sister, you go with her, I will go to find Chenchen."

Weiwei thinks that her role of fixing Poseidon needle has almost been completed. The men who look around Wen ran may have seen her sitting in her arms for a long time.

And the dust in her house

Oh, the woman while she is not, and began to be uneasy about the dust!

Weiwei finished, then ran back to the left from the right.

Wen ran picked up the red wine glass and asked Shan Ning'er, "is it to the left or the right?"

"The left, of course!"

Left! Isn't it all the Chu family!

In an instant, Wen Ran's heart became tight and uneasy.

There is a kind of ugly daughter-in-law to see the feeling of mother-in-law!


If this words let Chu Mo Chen that man know, afraid is to laugh at her again.

Shan Ning'er pulls Wen ran to the left main table.

Generally, people at different tables will shuttle back and forth to toast before the banquet starts.

And it usually starts from the main table of the host's house.

So without a certain amount of alcohol, it's easy to get drunk when you attend such a banquet.

When Chu Mo Chen lights the second cigarette, he sees that Wen Ran is pulled up from his seat by Shan Ning'er. Then, two women walk towards him with graceful steps.

Looking at the red figure, sitting there, looking at the man with no change in facial expression, the fingers holding the cigarette were tight.

As the shadow of the body gradually approached, the man's heart lit up a wave of joy that outsiders could not detect.

His little woman came towards him, Chu Mo Chen put out the smoke in his hand, took the red wine in the glass and shook it gently.

When Wen ran approached the Chu Mo Chen table, he was not only worried, but also excited.

I don't know if he will be unhappy because of her sudden appearance, or if he will like her dress today.

"You see, that's your daughter-in-law. Isn't she beautiful?"

Chu Mo Chen is not the only one who stares at Wen ran. Most people on the main table are staring at her.

So, when she came, Chu Mo Chen was not the only one excited.

Luo Yi directly has no cover up of pull beside of Chu white excited to say.

When Chu Bai saw Wen ran, he was shocked.

"She, she, she..."

"What's the matter? How excited are you to see your daughter-in-law? " Roy can't help but curl his mouth.

"She looks like Xiao Xi!"

In a word, let Roy also Leng for a long time.

Chu Bai and Luo Yanxi grew up in childhood, and their familiarity with her can be imagined.

"Remember, don't say that in front of Xiao Xi, or she will miss her daughter again."

Roy reminds her husband.

"But your son's eyes are similar to yours." She made another joke.

Chu Bai helplessly looked at the women around her. She had spent most of her life, and she also mentioned those things about Chen Zhima and rotten millet.

"I don't mean anything else. I think the doll is good. Well, I don't want my son to marry that woman anyway

Roy glanced at Yan Rui.

"Uncle Chu and aunt Chu, long time no see. How are you?"In front of the elders, Shan Ning'er changed her usual pungent temperament, bowed her head politely and said hello, looking like a lady from a big family.

Chu Bai nodded with a smile. The elder was full of fan, and Roy stood up with a smile and took shanning'er's hand. "Ning'er, the more you grow up, the more beautiful you are..."

Loila with good coagulation son a garrulous, eyes but from time to time to the side of the Wen ran body peek.

"Well, it's not Little girl, is that you

Wen ran looked at Roy and turned his eyes to him. With a stiff smile, he said, "Hello, aunt, we meet again."

This aunt is really able to pretend!

I saw her a long time ago, but I pretended to find myself.

"Uncle and mother Chu, do you know each other?" Shan Ning'er is slightly surprised.

"Yes, I did. When I was in Nancheng I just said that I was predestined with Miss Wen. It's really... "

Luo Yi said intermittently, only Wen ran knew the reason, and could not help feeling guilty.

She actually sent her future mother-in-law to the police station.

Ah, I don't care about the money if I know. Let her kill me.

What a pity!

Loila was warm and kind. Ning'er didn't say a few words, but suddenly the conversation changed and touched Chu Mo Chen. "Ning'er, you haven't respected brother Mo Chen. He has been in the South City for so many years. It's hard for him to come back. He used to grow up together. Don't talk with me here. You young people have a good talk about the past."

Wen ran hears this words, slightly frown, Ning son and Chu Mo Chen grow up together?

Never heard of it!

Good Ning son can't stop in the heart for a long time, who grow up with that man together!

That man is so much older than her!

There's no intersection of sincerity, OK!

"Yes, brother Mo Chen has come back. Where is he? I brought a beautiful woman here..."

Although shanning'er is dissatisfied in his heart, his mouth is still sweet.

That "Mo Chen elder brother" call of intimate, Wen ran almost scared didn't grasp the cup in the hand.

This girl usually looks at her carelessness. She didn't expect that she has such good communication skills in the business circle. It's easy to talk to people and ghosts.

"Over there, the boy didn't say hello when he saw Ning'er coming." Luo Yi pulls Shan Ning'er to Chu Mo Chen and scolds him falsely.

Chu Mo dust sits there, Mou son lifted to lift, the corner of the mouth takes to wipe the smile of shallow meaning, "sit for a while."

Shan Ning'er takes Wen ran and sits down.

The seat on his left side is empty. Shan Ning'er directly presses Wen ran to the seat. Yan Rui, who was originally sitting on the right side of Chu Mo Chen, is also empty. Shan Ning'er sits on it impolitely. "Honey, take me to brother Mo Chen."

Shan Ning'er picks up the red wine on the table, reaches for her body and adds wine to the wine glass she is holding.

"Brother Mo Chen, you don't mind if I ask someone to take me to the bar. This is my elder sisters. They are more intimate than my elder sisters. You can't give up..."

Suddenly, Chu Mo dust left and right, surrounded by beautiful women, attracted the attention of many people.

Even the right side of the main table sitting a few usually play with Chu Mo dust better childe brothers also began to coax up.

"Mo Chen elder brother, Yan · Fu is not shallow --" I don't know who started to shout across the air.

"Brother Mo Chen, one left and one right. If you don't want to fight, you can have a drink with brother Mo Chen! “


It all happened so fast!

Wen ran didn't know how he sat next to him.

Feel his body strong gas field, and good after Ning son mouth, the man toward her cast eyes, Wen ran only feel palms are out of thin layer of sweat.