Chapter 70 - [Smut] Use Me However You Want

For the whole day at the start of a new arc, Daoist Panda had been out of it.

He knows exactly how things will happen upon the arrival of the Fleurys anyway. And the next arc after that, and the next, and the next.....

It's all boring and troublesome to deal with. The only thing that keeps him going.....

Is that morning.

That morning when he woke up with Zhe Chouhen watching him sleep.

He could not stop repeating it again and again in his mind. It never goes away. His brain is only occupied with that scene, like a broken record. It keeps him wide awake, yet drowsy and tipsy at the same time.

"Panda-laoshi! Why are you doing this to me!? Why are you pushing me away all of sudden, when I have done nothing wrong to you!? Explain to me, huh! I want to hear you explain, okay!?"

"Sigh... I'm sorry for shouting at you... I...." 

"I need you right now." 

"I need you so badly, someone I can talk to about..... about myself."

"You're the only one who knows the real me."

"I felt like I can talk to you about everything. But you keep pushing me away, suddenly grown distant without telling me why.... Ah, I feel dumb right now."

"Don't hate me."

How can he not hate him?

"Don't hate me, please."


"Panda, you're all I have."


"Don't you know how much it hurt me to lose you?"

Can he not see how much he's hurting too?

"I don't like being alone, I know this feeling with Stein wouldn't last. So don't leave me as well."

Lies! Liar, liar, liar!

"Please, please, please..."

He had been constantly stuck and sundered from his internal fight with himself, that part of him that keeps on holding on to these words and believing they are true vs the part of him that knows this was all bullshit that Zhe Chouhen spouted out of his disjointed emotions. The irrational vs the rational. Their fight had been tormenting Panda-laoshi so much that he just wants to get a knife and scoop his brain out.....

Until he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Mr. Clerval, would you like to talk for a while with me outside? There is some business I would like to discuss with you."

The root of his torment himself was the one who woke him up from these repeating thoughts. How terribly appropriate.

"What is there to speak of between us, Mr. Storitz?" He scoffed, as he lifted his plate and brought it to the sink.

He then narrowed his eyes, and blinked. "Wait... Where is everyone? Where is Stein and the Fleurys?" 

"You really are out of it." Zhe Chouhen frowned. "I just told Stein to give the Fleurys a tour of the house before taking them to their room and returning to prepare for bedtime."

"Why..... Why would you do that?" Daoist Panda stammered from the shock. "That's not part of the script....."

"Panda-laoshi, tell me what's wrong right now." Zhe Chouhen placed a hand on the wall beside him so he cannot escape. It seems that he had already been expecting the BL author's movements.

Zhe Chouhen had sensed it from the start. That blank stare..... That disturbed expression.... and just now, the shudder just from his light touch.

"There's nothing wrong....." Daoist Panda looked away, hoping his trecherous face that goes red easily won't reveal anything, or if it did, he hoped it's not too much. Or...

He secretly hoped Zhe Chouhen is even denser than he seems.

But he was wrong. 

"Don't lie." He said, grabbing him by the chin. "Look at me."

Daoist Panda's eyes widened. He did not expect Zhe Chouhen to be this forward. Sure, he may have been wrong about him being dense... But Zhe Chouhen is more rational than this. he makes stupid decisions from time to time, but in the end, he is still in touch with his logical side and knows that each action has a consequence. The only time he becomes rash is when...

He is completely overcome with emotions.

And most of the time, that only happens towards the MCs. Those pretty blondies that he falls in love so fast with.

The third party had him wrapped around their pinky finger, and he is not even aware of it.

But Daoist Panda will save him from them. Will make him lose all those illogical thoughts.... those hindrances to their plans to reunite in the real world and live in a more relaxed and harmonious relationship.....

"Please tell me... Daoist Panda, tell me." 

He pleaded with all his heart.

How can Daoist Panda resist? He can never resist him? No matter how hard he tries, he keeps on succumbing to Zhe Chouhen. He knows that Zhe Chouhen knows already. He just needs him to speak it.

He's waiting for him to say it out loud. He tried to open his mouth, hesitated and closed it, then opened it again. He did it some many times that in the end, he just became flustered as he always do, and looked away, shaking his head.

"I can't..... I really can't...."

Zhe Chouhen growled in frustration. "If you can't say with words, use your body to communicate."

"My body... Umpfh!"

His soft, pink lips were wrapped by Zhe Chouhen's roughed ones.

Hands traveled through his supple flesh, stroking up and down his stomach that he once revealed to gain this former hater's attention. Zhe Chouhen easily lifted him up from the waist and above the kitchen counter, to which he yelped. "Ah!"

That short sound was like a drug to Zhe Chouhen. He wanted to hear more, and hear more he did the more he attacked Daoist Panda's neck. Panda's eye widened in disbelief from what i happening, but he could not stop himself from making noise. Moans keep on escaping from his airways, desperate and breathless.

He must have felt so euphoric from being caressed by Zhe Chouhen like this.

The man wearing the face of a gentlemanly doctor bit into his neck, wanting to torture him for being so stubborn. Panda gripped his shoulders as an act of defiance, yet they just stayed there, unable to puh him away as he left love marks on his upper body, making a mess of his clothing and his mind as well. His lecherous hands moved towards his belt....

And in quick movement, unbuckled it and pulled his pants down.

"Wait, what are you....!? Nngh!" 

He squeezed the firm ass of the body Daoist Panda was inhabiting. Captain Clerval luckily has some thickness in him, which Zhe Chouhen liked. He kept on squeezing and lifting up those legs higher, tossing the pants over his shoulder.

With clothes on, he rubbed himself over the poor author whose mind has gone haywire from the turn of events. His hard dick made a tent on those tight Victorian Era pants, and he whispered like a madman over Daoist Panda's ear.

"I thought I only wanted to do this with the MCs... but it's hard to not get mad at you and want to retaliate a bit." He took the belt off his own pants and lowered them down.

At this, Panda really did push him away this time. "Are you stupid!? We're doing this right now, in the freaking kitchen where people could come back and see..."

Zhe Chouhen did not care nor responded to anything. He instead did something unexpected.....

And used his belt to tie Daoist Panda's hands together!

"H-Hey! Are you insane, ahhh! Ah! Stop!" Panda pleaded as Zhe Chouhen kept on prodding at his entrance while tying him up. Once he successfully wrapped those hands together, he raised them over his neck. They can't be a nuisance and bother him again.

"Zhe Chouhen.... you... ahnnn~" Panda was fully red now, from head to toe. The embarrassment of being treated like this is getting to him, and Zhe Chouhen seems to relish making him so ashamed like this.

He inserted it.

Tears streaked from Daoist Panda's eyes from the pain. He restrained his shouts, for the fear that the visitors and the MC who is supposed to be the ones experiencing such a thing like this may be near. He bit his lips, but groans still came to the back of his throat. His warm walls contracted, finding it difficult to adjust to the foreign object that entered without warning. 

In and out. It came in and out again and again. Zhe Chouhen was ruthless, and with every thrust, he would connect his Daoist Panda's lips. He tormented him right on that kitchen counter, with no sense of control nor guilt from the pain he brings to the poor silver-haired man under him. 

"Ah.... Nnn.... Hah..... Stop.... mmm...."

It was like that from the beginning, outright denial and rejection of this aggressive embrace. But eventually, the walls had relaxed, and secreted juice to help with the situation. Panda realized that he is squirting, and became even redder because of it, redder than a block of cinnabar.

"Why is it so... Hahh.... M-More.... Chouhen........ Nnngh..."

Zhe Chouhen grinned at him, to which Daoist Panda returned a lazy look. The ahter asked, a little mischievously. "Do you want more? Do you like me, Daoist Panda?"

And suddenly...

Daoist Panda sneered back at him.

"You already know that, you scum bastard. That is why you think you can do whatever you want with me, right? treat me as just an object for pleasure?"

To this, Zhe Chouhen rose up from bed, sweat dripping down his forehead.