Chapter 40 - You Have My Eyes

Tik-tik One...two...three...four...

'What the fuċk... Grandma...I fell in love with this boy!'

Lina never thought not only she will experience the fluttering buŧŧerflies in her stomach when she met Lu Jianjun but also her heart will flutter inside her body when she saw this Little boy.

Who is he? Where did he come from?

No wonder, she never fell in love at first sight before because no man was as wonderful as this little creature is. He's magical.

Lina's blown up expressions were a treat to watch. She stood like a statue with an awe-inspiring face. The ravenous tigress from before was long gone.

Bai Tian's lips twitched. He just wanted to pick up Little Tiger and run as fast as possible and as far as he can, in his eye's Lina really looked like a wild tigress, who finally found her prey. But there was no rescue as the tigress was barring the den's door.

How to save the Little Cub? When his mother is neurotic...

Slowly, the shy Little Tiger came out of hiding, in nervousness his chubby hands lightly tugging and pulling the hem of his black panda T-shirt as his head hung and his eyes roamed around the floor never resting at a point. Clearly, He was feeling guilty so he presented himself by stepping forward for the punishment.

Staring at the pandora's box in front of her, Lina forgot everything. Where's she? Who's she?...everything aside from this purely innocent soul. Her eyes wide open as well as her mouth, affectionately she gauges his little frame not missing an inch of him. Her was heart beating loudly almost wants to leap towards the little fella out of her ċhėst. That's strange...

Unintentionally, Lina's feet took her towards the boy. As she slowly covered the distance between them but the Little Tiger was taking his steps backward, yet, she didn't mind taking an extra step to reach him. Standing in front, a smile crept on to her face unknown to Lina.

Frightened, Little Tiger doesn't want to see raged face because he was thinking she was mad at him.

When Lina noticed his guilt-ridden look and she saw the bowl on the table and chopsticks on the floor. Immediately, she understood who was the culprit.

Lina crouched down as her eyes flowed his to catch his wonderous gaze but he was too terrified to look at her. Just as she raised her hand to pinch his white and fluffy cheeks, the boy shrinks himself, he stood at his ground but Lina can see his body trembling uncontrollably wanting to retreat badly. Seeing him like this she felt like her heart was stabbed with a knife. If she knew there was actually a delicate child inside then she would have restrained her anger.

Her happy smile diluted into a sad one. Still, she couldn't restrain herself from touching him. Instead of pinching him she brushed the end of his plump and red lips maybe because her culprit was eating too hastily that he spill some out.

"Hey, Little guy. Did you like that soup?" She gently cleaned his dirty face with the back of her fingers and wiped it clean with the thumb.

Watching Lina's polite behavior. Bai Tain and Lu Junhui were shocked. They had the same expressions.

'Fucking hell!!!...Who is this woman? I don't know her!! Damn it, she was communicating with Little Tiger.'

Huh...Unbelievable!!' They glanced at each other at the same time, this disastrous woman was unknown to them.

Both the men deeply hate Lina just because of the way she treats Little Tiger like a burden. They saw Little Tiger's hard work just so he can communicate with her. Many times, they even tried to talk to her and then lastly warned her to act nicely with Little Tiger. But the damn woman was intentionally neglecting the boy. They witness her toying with the young heir of the Lu family but couldn't do much. After all, it was Little Tiger who loved her and wasn't ready to give up.

If not for Lu Jianjun's interference to end this, then who knows how much Little Tiger would have suffered.

And now, out of the blue, she was showing the motherly love. Why is she acting so nice to him? Either this woman has damaged her brain or something sinister was brewing in her mind. No matter what, they couldn't trust her.

Stunned by her actions, Little Tiger looked at her, his eyes went wide with another blow of shock. She was smiling at him and talking too. "Hmm?" unable to comprehend her strange behavior Little Tiger could only hum in response.

He saw her talking and smiling with others and really thought that she didn't like interacting with him as he was not a normal child and maybe that's why she hates him. Little Tiger could only sulk and observed her from a distance. He had accepted his fate to stay away from her and now his mother was actually showing affection to him. Emotionally, he felt like his world was crumbling down.

Little Tiger's eyes felt a sting of pain as his legs grew limp. He stumbles upon his feet to get away from her. He doesn't know this woman. His mother doesn't like him.

Instantly, Lina held him steadily. "Careful, my boy."

Little Tiger froze from her firm touch. She was still smiling at him.

Stunned, Li Na clearly saw his hauntingly beautiful eye's which looks like the exact copy of hers, these words slipped from her mouth. " have my eyes!" Instantly, her brain started to work on its own. Her ability, attention to details which actually felt like a curse now.

He...have my eyes?

"Who's his father?" Although, she doesn't need to ask that as the Little boy's dashing features were clearly indicating who else it could be other than... Lu Jianjun.

Bai Tian smirked as he clicked his tongue in disdain. "Tsk, Why do you care?"

"I want to marry him."

Everyone's mind suspended. "..."