The cheerful piano rhythm floats in the open-air garden. As a fixed club for the gathering of celebrities, the threshold of the top floor garden is as unattainable as it despises the height of other buildings. It is qualified only by the personal invitation of the boss behind the scenes.

Many celebrities spend the whole year together with their families before they can barely come up and circle, take photos and punch in to show the improvement of their identity.

I didn't even think I could play on the black-and-white keys of Steinway sons piano, or listen with my cheek.

After playing a song, Su Zhu leisurely sat down opposite Nanxi and smiled softly.

The quiet man closed his eyes, but seemed to see each other's expectations and said, "it's the previous song again. There's nothing new. Don't show your ugliness next time you don't play a new song."

Su Zhu was not seriously injured by the poisonous tongue, but happily agreed: "OK."

Slender white fingers opened the menu, gently touched one of them with their fingertips, and asked, "do you still use walnut pumpkin as an appetizer?"

"OK." Nanxi opened her eyes and looked at the menu that had been turned over to her.

The melody sounded again soon after listening, but this time the sound quality decreased a lot and turned into a mobile phone ring tone.

Su Zhu shook the caller's name in front of Nanxi. She nodded and picked it up and turned on the hands-free.

The producer of Silk Road said hello warmly and went straight to the theme: "Xiao Su, we are usually close, so they entrusted me to ask you something. Shall we learn from the recent hot TV dramas and engage in a protagonist interactive after-sales? If you agree, help big brother persuade Nanxi."

Confidently finish, and the ambiguous meaning of the last sentence is self-evident.

Su Zhu didn't reply immediately. Glancing at Nanxi, who was already frowning across from him, he replied next second: "I'm sorry, my schedule is full recently. I'm afraid I'll forget my fixed task."

The producer said "Oh, oh" twice and took the initiative to say goodbye.

It's nothing more than two people taking a minute or two to operate on time. Even if they can't spare time, it's the same as giving it to the assistant. Obviously, the other party is not happy. There is no need to break it.

"Thank you," Nanxi returned the menu and smiled, "hold on to your favorite food. I'll treat you today."

Su Zhu pretended to rub his hands and answered impolitely, "OK."

After eating slowly, the desktop was quickly cleaned up by the exclusive manager and placed with two specific tea drinks.

The manager left, leaving a quiet flower gallery and turbulent bursts of flower fragrance.

"Xi Xi, you know what? In recent years, the number of people with social fear has increased significantly. We don't want to get along with others, but are infatuated with cats and dogs."

Inexplicable questions break the tranquility and bring back the wandering soul of the opposite person.

Nanxi put the broken hair in her ear back, pinched the fruit tea mixing rod and rotated it counterclockwise.

Yu Guang swept to Su Zhu, who initiated the question, who was still waiting. She answered faintly: "ah." she didn't hear the question clearly and couldn't answer.

"Because people's souls come out early and sell to reality and pressure, the more they live, the more dead they take away their meat. If they have no choice or can't take off their masks, it's better to be sincere with animals. Their love and hate are never mixed with impurities. How real. How long haven't you been sayhi with your real self?"

The agitation suddenly stopped. Nanxi raised her eyes and looked at Su Zhu, who was unexpectedly persistent.

At noon, the burning sun passed through the gap between the trees, and the flickering light sprinkled on the impeccable handsome face. The refracted halo is holy and flawless, which makes his white skin a little transparent and unreal. She was staring at her peach blossom eyes, with a bewitching look, blurred and helpless.

It seems that her evasion is very heinous. Who says beauty is a woman's exclusive blade? It's too one-sided.

The monthly gathering has lasted for four years, which can make Nanxi stick to the agreement, which is nothing more than "comfortable".

They can accompany silently for most of the day, or they can accuse people they don't like without scruples. During this time, Nanxi completely belongs to herself. She enjoys this sense of exclusivity.

She doesn't understand why Su Zhu broke the default atmosphere today. Do you sympathize? The last thing she needs.

"I'm a little tired. Let's go first."

The desire in peach blossom's eyes gradually extinguished as she got up with her bag.

Nanxi nodded with a smile, took his sunglasses and hat, and left on seven centimeter high heels.

Bodyguard brother Zhou and his two younger brothers guard at the elevator entrance. They coldly receive Nanxi and escort her into the car.

Nanxi takes off her hat, stretches her hair and receives Su Zhu's apology message. Press the word "nothing" to reply. It's her turn to say sorry.

I'm sorry, Su Zhu. She's too old to question her soul and complain about injustice. The basic quality of adults is not forgetting pain, but habit.

The driver Xiao Li started the car and asked the destination: "sister, where are you going now?"

Assistant Huang Yi didn't answer and couldn't care. Staring at the people who opened and closed the door and brought in several heat waves, especially Nanxi, who returned three hours in advance.

It can be determined that the other party's state is wrong. It's very wrong. Isn't it happy to party with mysterious people?

Huang Yi took out Nanxi's favorite snack bag from her bag, opened the seal, grabbed the dried potato and handed it to her. She tentatively asked, "as usual, the trip from this afternoon to the evening is cancelled. Do you go home to have a rest?"

Nanxi pushed away the Department and said she didn't eat.

Huang Yi was not discouraged and leaned close to them. Click on the mobile phone camera and put it in front of the two people. He deliberately tooted his eyebrows at the front camera and teased each other in different ways: "Xi Xi, look, is the new ugly filter very interesting? I look like a pig head!"

At the cost of tragic self darkness, Nanxi's mouth evokes a small curve.

"Huang Ma, will the new film silk road be shown at 0 o'clock today?"

Huang Yi nodded repeatedly, put her hands together on the side of her face, and looked forward to saying, "your first kiss on the screen. I'll go to the cinema to support you after work." after a pause, she remembered an important thing and whispered a suggestion: "Originally, there was a box office celebration party at 8:00 today, which was specially sponsored by the Yang family. You know, to help pave the way for her daughter's entertainment circle. Old Yang has made no less than ten calls since yesterday. I hope you can attend. If there are no other arrangements tonight, can you?"


Huang Yi thought she had an auditory hallucination. The next second, she returned to her senses and didn't give Nanxi a chance to repent. Her small fist excitedly knocked on the back of the driver's seat: "go back to the company first. Pass by Amy's house and take her."

Xiao Li: "OK, sister."

In the office building near the river in the magic capital with an inch of land and an inch of gold, the best scenic spot belongs to the eighth floor. A closer look will find that the windows facing south on the eighth floor are opened with a high profile as floor to ceiling windows. Half a wheel of sunset outside the window slowly sinks into the intersection of water and sky, the golden grain ripples, and the whistle of white cruise ships open the chapter of drunken gold fans in advance.

Nanxi leaned against the imperial concubine's chair, turned the book gracefully, and several strands of long hair hung at hand, just like a treasured painting.

Huang Yi pulled out her eyes and called, "Xi Xi, put on your makeup."

Nanxi answered, "well," without any movement.

"Reading that novel again?"

Huang Yi winks at Amy, the makeup artist. Amy is ordered to wait in front of the makeup table. She steals the cat and approaches, ready to grab the book.

Feeling the voice approaching, Nanxi dodged sideways and never left the book. "Mom Huang, give me the last ten minutes."

In order to buy time, Huang Yi had to expose the facts cruelly: "it's been three or ten minutes."

A burst of impatient banging on the door exploded in front of the next section of Lai PI.

"Someone is coming!"

As Huang Yi turned her head back and forth, Nanxi changed her appearance early. She assumed the posture she should have after the national film, wiped the pages with her fingers, closed them and put them back in her bag. She sat upright and pinched the tea cup with her fingers.

Huang Yi felt ridiculous for her worries again. Look at the quality of people. She went to open the door and ushered in a smelly face.

The agent Ning Wei entered, closed the door and shouted: "what's the matter? Why didn't you inform me in time when something so big happened?" it wasn't just that the mobile phone was bought, and I wanted to fall on Huang Yi's face.