Nanxi was puzzled and was about to ask, "what's the heat?"

Duan Jingyuan stopped and pushed out her soft boneless hands. Her arms naturally hung down and held each other in front of her.

Standing in the middle of the red carpet to the main hall, coupled with Elie Saab's most famous water drop dress, Duan Jingyuan is as noble as the queen who has just attended the coronation ceremony. He raised his arrogant jaw and looked contemptuously at the people coming ahead.

Nanxi quickly sorted out her manners. The lost hand first came to her ear, naturally put the broken hair behind her ear, and then laid it flat on the hand holding the brocade embroidery bag.

From a distance, Nanxi looks like an action to adjust her posture, rather than being deliberately pushed away.

"Trust me."

A lower reminder than just asked came.

Aware of someone approaching, Nanxi gathered up and looked straight ahead.

A delicate beauty with small bones came slowly and stopped in front of them.

For a time, all the sensitive entertainment notes hid in the dark with long guns and short guns. Press the shutter madly at a distance they think is safe and reasonable.

The two people looking at each other in the center of the camera are wearing identical dresses. On such an occasion, it is no different from who fake who exits. Exit not only refers to the exit dinner, which will make the media ridicule everywhere for at least a few months. It is equivalent to saying goodbye to the black recruitment in the entertainment industry for half a year. Even if we can carry through the black recruitment period, whether the remaining heat and reputation are enough to maintain normal business work in the future is worth pondering.

The people who come here are not an leisurely. An leisurely coffee can't go to this kind of dinner.

Moreover, Nanxi's dress was changed only in the afternoon. The do family didn't even come to announce and publicize. After she came to power, she was ready to keep up with the follow-up publicity. The release has invited the hard and soft media.

Therefore, this smoke free struggle is destined to have nothing to do with her, only belong to the arrogant queen around her.

"Ah, sister, where did you get this dress?"

Gu Nali opened her red lips in surprise. She seemed to inadvertently lift her wrist and cover her mouth. She looked back and forth at the next segment of Jingyuan, and her eyes were full of ridicule.

A piece of hand embroidered lace with broken diamond cuffs slides down to reveal the gorgeous watch on gunali's wrist. Piaget's latest full diamond has a good turn.

This is undoubtedly intended to prove the authenticity of the dress through the financial support of other brands.

Many stars with average popularity will take the initiative to find each other if they don't have good contact with the brand side and apply for wearing something to appear, so as to improve their status.

Gu Nali certainly didn't have to lose her worth to do this, but from all her accessories and the rare color matching of Hermes in her hand, she was thinner and simpler than Duan Jingyuan, who was only dressed in a dress.

The company handed over the dress from the official head of Elie Saab to her personally. Duan Jingyuan's pirated thing was kind and embarrassing.

Duan Jingyuan didn't think so. She hooked her mouth slightly and replied in a very contemptuous tone: "where does my dress come from? You can ask President Liao in private in the evening."

Gunali's face changed suddenly. She stopped her watch hand on one side of her cheek, put down the falling price and raised her face.

Duan Jingyuan only gave an informative response, and her face remained calm.

Compared with the appearance of gunali's angry little daughter-in-law, she is much more calm and steady, and the Queen's aura is more calm in the face of danger. It's an aura that gunali can't have no matter how charming she is, and it's also a height she can't catch up with.

Although both of them spoke in a very light tone, only Nanxi around Duan Jingyuan could hear the specific content they said.

But the entertainment reporters are not willing to miss the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to squat in the right place and set up the camera.

If the people of China Star public relations have not intervened, they will immediately announce the content of the film.

Stars attend fashion dinner. From the moment of admission, the secret battle has opened.

The reporters with cameras in their hands can't hear the conversation clearly, but they can at least distinguish the level of the gas field and give Duan Jingyuan more shots at the same time.

Some passing stars did not stay, but lamented in their hearts that the dispute between zhongsida and Shuanghuang is destined to take away all the attention tonight.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the luck of Nanxi and happened to accompany Duan Jingyuan.

"Oh, lily, why are you here?"

A woman ran out of the main banquet hall. When she saw Duan Jingyuan and Nanxi opposite gunali, she was so scared that her feet were in the wrong position and almost tripped to the ground.

His pale face has a retreat, but he must stand up for his duty. Go to the point in front of gunali to protect and block the line of sight of the media lens.

Politely, he nodded to Nanxi and shouted, "Hello, empress Xi."

Nanxi smiled and responded.

Then he flattered Duan Jingyuan: "sister Duan, please come in."

Gunali's face immediately became more and more ugly. She frowned, lowered her voice and asked Lily, the agent arranged by the company for her: "what's the matter?"

Lily rushed at gunali with one hand and made a downward gesture to tell her not to worry.

But where did gunali suffer such grievances? She pushed Lily away, raised her head, looked up at Duan Jingyuan who was half a head higher than her, and asked, "sister Duan, we have personal grievances again. After all, they all represent the face of the company. I know you have a grudge against me for robbing your endorsement. After all, you are an elder. When you go back to the company, I can bring tea and apologize to you."

He said, deliberately glancing at Nanxi, with a sharp voice: "there's no need to let outsiders see jokes?"

"Outsider?" Duan Jingyuan sneered and hummed, handed Nanxi the upper arm bend, and the tone was soft for a few degrees: "let's go, Xiaoxi, come in with my sister."

"OK, sister Duan."

Nanxi catches up with Duan Jingyuan again, and they enter gracefully, leaving Lily and Gu Nali standing where they are.

"Xiaoxi, this may be the last time my sister has helped you create heat. I have to take good care of myself in the future."

Nanxi readily agreed and said his blessing: "I see. Go and live a happy life with your brother-in-law and stay away from right and wrong."


After the two took their seats, Duan Jingyuan glanced around with strange eyes. The stars sitting nearby took back their eyes at the same time and took out a posture that had been practiced hundreds of times to facilitate camera capture.

The bitterness in Duan Jingyuan's words picked up Nan Xi's alert heart, hurriedly moved down his chair and turned to the position facing Duan Jingyuan.

"Zhongsida gave all your resources to gunali?"

Since Lily rushed out and spoke for gunali, Nanxi noticed that there was a problem. Lily once acted as Duan Jingyuan's agent for seven years. She suddenly protected gunali and spoke for her, which proved that zhongsida took the best agent away from Duan Jingyuan and arranged it for gunali.

No, it should be said that as early as they collided, gunali's fearless provocation was enough to prove that zhongsida really changed the dynasty.

Duan Jingyuan did not answer. She unscrewed the mineral water bottle for Nanxi and handed it over: "don't worry, drink water first."

Nanxi took the mineral water, sipped it and pressed her anger.

Just after putting down the water bottle, a man came by. He nodded to Duan Jingyuan, leaned close to Nanxi, and said softly, "Xiaoxi, come with me. Something's wrong."

Nanxi looked at Lu Yu whose intention was unknown, then looked at Duan Jingyuan, and shouted, "sister Duan."

"Go, don't worry, gunali won't be present tonight."

Duan Jingyuan turned and sat upright, facing the stage. In a very obvious but clumsy way, reject the idea that she still wants to communicate.

Even knowing that Duan Jingyuan won back the home court, Nanxi was flustered and confused, raised an ominous hunch, and couldn't tell the specific reason.

But Duan Jingyuan's attitude is doomed to ask no questions, so she can only choose to leave with Lu Yu and go to the backstage dressing room where Lu Yu arranges to empty the good place in the morning.

Lu Yu will choose the dressing room out of frustration. In public places, even if people are arranged to sweep the entertainment records in advance, it is impossible to prevent it.

"Sit down and I'll tell you slowly."

Lu Yu took out his makeup chair and winked at Nanxi. He didn't touch Nanxi from beginning to end.

Nanxi looked at Lu Yu's special makeup artist who came with them. The other party opened the powder box, held the makeup brush, and waited for her to take a seat.

Nanxi knew it clearly and sat down in the chair in public, closed her apricot eyes, and let the non stick powder makeup brush rush past her face and neck.

"Xiao Xi, your sister Duan will take the initiative to terminate the contract with zhongsida tonight. You know her soft nature and hard work for nearly ten years. Now people plan to step on her shoulder to launch gunali, and she must not agree. Endure humiliation and try to sign the contract with Lao Liao until tomorrow. She plans to kick zhongsida tonight."

Nanxi didn't speak and cooperated with the makeup artist in the performance.

But Lu Yu clearly saw in the mirror that the beautiful people's eyes were gradually cold, and the violent ups and downs of his chest showed irrecoverable anger.

"Your sister Duan came to me a few days ago and hoped to sign a new cooperation with our company. I refused her. She said she understood very well and asked me to keep it secret. The reason why I told you is to remind you that you must not affect your judgment because of compassion. I know you are angry and sympathize with your sister Duan's situation, but don't continue to be involved with her. You know the rules of the entertainment industry Then, she is familiar with the means of zhongsida. Tonight, she stabbed zhongsida in public and revealed the old background of zhongsida. Zhongsida is bound to press all her black material through various channels so that she will never turn over. "

Lu Yu leaned back against the makeup table beside Nanxi's seat. He couldn't look directly at the disappointment in the face of those exquisite eyes.

But he must finish his prepared persuasion: "you know, in his early years, China Star cooperated with Hong Kong and Taiwan, started from restricted films, and used his female stars to accompany dignitaries to open the mainland market. Up to now, they are still doing this kind of activity with the beautiful girls in the training camp. From tomorrow, Duan Jingyuan's ugly scandal will fly all over the sky."

Lu Yu looked through the mirror of the opposite dressing table. Nanxi could only see the look on his side face. As he thought, without people looking at him, Nanxi showed the most real and primitive anger. Just like the anger that can burn all things, Lu Yu only looked at it and hurriedly withdrew his eyes. He was afraid that the anger included the blame for his inaction.

Lower your voice uncontrollably and say the last prepared words in your heart: "I believe your sister Duan hasn't asked you to join Tianyu. She's so biased. She favors your future so much, but let me act as a bad person who selfishly refuses her. You should see from her attitude all night, she just wants to do the last thing for you and doesn't want to involve you. She chose the way of fish and death, and it's not right to let zhongsida pay We should respect her choice. "

Lu Yu struggled for several hours in the morning, but his instinctive selfishness finally failed to resist and wanted to protect Nanxi's heart. Duan Jingyuan is deeply in the mire and can choose to protect Nanxi from his sister's point of view. How can he be willing to fall in the wind.

"I see."

Nanxi only said four words faintly and got up to leave the dressing room.

On the way back, she met Huang Yi who was in a hurry to find her.

"Xi Xi, come on, do you speak on the stage in 15 minutes? Is the manuscript familiar?" Huang Yi took Nan Xi's small hand and accelerated her steps.


The low reply did not attract Huang Yi's too much attention. Until she sat back with Nanxi, she found that her delicate apricot eyes were full of congested red silk at the bottom of her eyes.

"Xi Xi, what's the matter with you? Are your eyes uncomfortable?" Huang Yi asked.

Nanxi shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

Yu Guang swept to her side. There was no one. Duan Jingyuan announced that she had voluntarily terminated the contract, causing an uproar. She left the scene with all her attention, leaving the overwhelmed host and the actors full of masks.

The official temporarily changed Nanxi, the finale, to midfield, which was purely helpless and purely to save the field.

When Nanxi came on to sing a song and the host interacted with her, she never mentioned Duan Jingyuan. Although Basha knew that they had a close personal relationship and played together, they could get a lot of first-hand information, they were afraid that Nanxi's too real answer would make the scene out of control again, and they became the loser of zhongsida farce.

After all, bazaar fashion night is mainly the first shot for the fashion wind direction index of the new year. There are many brands that invest in advertising, far exceeding the small amount of money given by zhongsida.

There is no need to affect the publicity effect of the whole dinner for the heat of gratitude and resentment.

Nanxi finished what she should do as usual and left early.

In the nanny's car, Huang Yigang just finished the major entertainment headlines and hot search, and learned about Duan Jingyuan, including the active termination of the contract and the exposure of zhongsida's dirty transaction.

Another careful reporter found that Duan Jingyuan had been flattering Nanxi since she entered the dinner party. She didn't hesitate to lower her identity, hand over a pen to Nanxi, screw the bottle cap and so on.

There is unspoken rule that Duan is too fed up with the rules of the Sino Sida, and wants to climb the high branch of Tianyu. The official account of the paper has predicted Tianyu's attitude and thought that the promise is not likely.

The superficial report can't satisfy Huang Yi's gossip soul at all. She wants to ask Nanxi about the specific situation several times. It can be seen that she looks dignified and only looks out of the window in a daze without saying a word. Huang Yi doesn't dare to make too much noise and is worried about affecting her little ancestor's mood.

"Call me."

Bored for nearly half an hour, the white little hand stretched out in front of the round face.

Huang Yi opened her backpack, reached deep enough to reach Nanxi and handed it back to her.

"Xi Xi, what's the situation with Duan Jingyuan?"