The most important thing is that Nanxi is afraid that Huang Yi knows a little. She takes pains to turn back and needs her to type words for each other. At that time, the tofu will be stirred into meat.

She can't scold and say no. she can be called the most troublesome. To train Huang Yi again, we have to choose a time when there is plenty of time.

Nanxi's sweet words coaxed Huang Yi and no longer insisted on the application for performance.

On their way home, the three received an official announcement from zhongsida, in which the operation of throwing the pot was inevitable, but Liao Yu didn't dare to inject water on two core issues.

According to Duan Jingyuan's requirements, he formally explained Duan Jingyuan's contribution to zhongsida, especially made a sensational MV to commemorate his former meritorious heroes.

Liao Yu is just playing tricks on scolding children. He expressed the hope to the outside world that everyone will play an exemplary role as a net pioneer in the future, and called on everyone to jointly protect the healthy growth of minors.

The face of a righteous man never apologized.

As for Duan Jingyuan, Liao Yu insisted that his men did not operate the purchase of water troops, saying that they wanted to do it, but the time was set for tomorrow.

In order to prove his innocence, he specially sent the chat screenshots with time records to Duan Jingyuan.

Duan Jingyuan sat in the nanny car and casually turned over a few pages of chat records. She felt very ridiculous.

"President Liao is really trying to cover up the truth by all means. He and I have parted ways and refused to tell the least truth. It will always be the case. He will only keep a bright image in front of people and secretly cooperate with Lao Li to make shady activities."

As soon as Huang Yi heard scolding her opponent, she immediately helped add fuel and vinegar with righteous indignation: "no, look at their faces. They are all crafty facial features. They are not strong enough and dirty."

After scolding, he urgently needed to seek recognition, turned his head and looked at Nanxi, who rested in the last row: "Xixi, do you think so?"

After asking, no one spoke. Huang Yi lay on the seat back.

Like a hanging ghost, he stretched his tongue close to the window and asked, "Xi Xi, what are you thinking? Is it lost? Do you need me to help you find it?"

Nanxi had long been used to Huang Yi's tricks. She was not frightened. Duan Jingyuan, who listened attentively to the corner, made her back shake.

"It's all right." Nanxi answered faintly and gathered a few wisps of cold color from the bottom of her eyes.

With his index finger, he pushed away the fat Ni with a red tongue and asked about the business: "did he Lao talk back?"

Huang Yi shook her head like a rattle drum and helped the old man find an excuse to explain: "it's eleven o'clock right away. Old he should rest. Don't worry. There's no one who has just finished the board of directors today and will go through the signing formalities and announce the signing information tomorrow." the old man always carries the pot for Nanxi. It's very hard and worthy of her respect.

"The iron needs to be hot."

Nanxi lights up her mobile phone and looks at it at 10:45.

Then unlock the mobile phone, turn dignified, enter wechat and edit the message: Mr. He, I know you are waiting for Zhang Yichen's permission. But I think some things are a foregone conclusion, and there is no need to delay a good opportunity for an instruction. Please send me a message. I have something important to tell you.

Nanxi didn't lock the screen after sending it, holding it in her hand and waiting.

Huang Yi couldn't bear to see it and advised, "don't worry, Xi Xi. Tomorrow, he Lao will see it and will come back to you."

"He has seen it," Nanxi said firmly.

Huang Yi was speechless at the conclusion without evidence. She sat back in the front of the chair, patted Duan Jingyuan and pointed down in the direction of Nanxi.

Duan Jingyuan nodded to understand and then said, "yes, Xiaoxi, I've worked hard for several years. Let me rest for a while."

Although she promised Nanxi that she would work together and return to the peak to protect her loved ones, she also cared about Nanxi. She didn't want Nanxi to suffer in her trouble.

Nanxi said, "OK, I see."

The action of holding the mobile phone has not changed a bit, and the line of sight has not left the mobile phone.

The stubborn look made Huang Yi distressed, "Xi Xi."

A call fell, and Nanxi finally looked up, but not for her.

Nanxi makes a "Shh" gesture to Huang Yi and connects the voice conversation.

"He Chengli is here. I'm very sorry to bother you so late."

There was a helpless sigh across the phone: "Hey, I doubt that I really owed you and Yichen the evil in my last life and need to pay it back in this life. Xiaoxi, my wife went to bed early. I let you and Yichen toss about this meeting. Let's make a long story short if we have anything."

"OK, it's hard for you. It's an honor for me and many stars to have you worry about Tianyu entertainment all the time." Nan Xi put a soft tone and used his good selling.

"Come on, keep your compliments for a while. When you're done, don't scold me behind my back." he Zhixing interrupted Nanxi.

Nanxi groaned wrongfully, "how can you? You have stood up for me several times. I thank you for not coming yet."

"If you really want to thank me, let's get down to business."

The old man who was in a hurry to go to bed didn't have ink, and told the situation straight away: "the arrangement that Yichen just gave me was to ask Duan Jingyuan to sign again for a while. Now it's easy to misunderstand that we pry people from zhongsida, and use extraordinary means to get evidence and force zhongsida to bow down."

Nanxi guessed that she would receive a response of rejection, and calmly replied: "well, I know there is a great risk of signing immediately."

"Just know." he Zhixing lowered his voice and took out the tone of coaxing the child: "go to bed early and have a beauty sleep. Your efforts have been done. No matter to your friends or others, they are all in place. The old man often talks about personnel and listen to destiny. People, if you look down on your ideas, you will live more easily."

Destiny, Nanxi sneered and gently 'hum' and wanted to ask, is destiny Zhang Yichen? If he dares to call himself such a name, he is not afraid of losing his life.

Nanxi scoffed in her heart, and quietly lowered the sneering "hum" ending twice, subtly turning her voice into an uncomfortable whisper.

"You always listen to me say two more words, just two."

He Zhixing hesitated to hang up and was sent abroad all year round to help Zhang Yichen guard the import and export trade barrier. He Zhixing hasn't heard of the younger generation being coquettish for many years, and his heart is soft.

He greeted his wife who came to the living room and patiently explained, "it's Xiao Xi's call, that's Yi Chen's super beautiful star wife. Let's talk about business. You go to bed first and I'll come right away."

"OK, I'll turn off the living room light and leave you a night light. Pay attention to your feet. Don't trip around the corner of the table like last time. I can't get you to the hospital without my son."

He Zhixing agreed with disgusting words: "uh huh, I know. I can't move it. You didn't accompany me when I was ill."

"You, you, just one mouth will say."

Let Qiang feed Nanxi, who is full of sugar, clear his throat and call, "he Lao."

She really didn't want to interrupt the two old people's daily love interaction, but she was afraid to continue the ink. He Zhi guild casually perfunctorized her and was eager to go back to the bedroom to accompany her wife.

"I'm listening. Go ahead." he Zhixing's tone showed obvious absentmindedness.

Nanxi raised her tone and analyzed: "in fact, I don't need to say more. You also understand that controversial people in the entertainment industry represent heat and topics. We take advantage of the heat, sign sister Duan, and send her to reality shows and other variety shows, so the heat will be continuously and steadily improved."

"Are you going to let Duan Jingyuan take the black and red route?"

He Zhixing corrected his way without waiting for Nanxi's reply: "No, if Duan Jingyuan is forced out immediately, she is in the position of victim, and netizens will not say anything more about her. But as long as she is slightly wrong, Tianyu will be blamed. With less resources, netizens will accuse Tianyu of just taking her heat, regardless of her. With more resources, netizens will gossip about Tianyu and zhongsida, and will only squeeze artists. Are you going to let her When she went to the variety show, she found netizens to scold us for lowering our post movie coffee, deliberately winning the heat of the topic. "

He paused, tensed up a little seriously and asked, "Xiao Xi, you give me a bottom. You are anxious to operate this. Are you really going to make plans for the company? Or do you want to give Duan Jingyuan the umbrella of the company this morning? "

Apricot glanced at the party. The other party had already sat next to Huang Yi. They posed to brush the video. In fact, they were eavesdropping on her conversation.

Nanxi lowered her voice and replied decisively: "of course, it's for the company. I'm afraid the company will miss the chance given by God."

He Zhixing didn't let Nanxi's infatuated soup faint, and more and more felt that things were particularly troublesome and inoperable. He grabbed his head and refused again.

"Xiao Xi, I have the same opinion with Yichen on this matter. Let it go. At least set aside a few days to pave the way for our hard work. Don't worry. Sign it immediately. It's getting late. I'm an old man. My body can't stand the night. Let me have a solid sleep."

In the face that he Zhixing wants to end the dialogue on the grounds of his body, Nanxi will only disgust the other party if she insists more.

She pursed her lips sadly and promised, "OK, you can rest. I wish you a dream."

The lost tone undoubtedly picked up the hearts of the old people left behind in China and helped to say more suggestions: "you have the time to talk to me and hope to convince a puppet executive director, why not go directly to Yichen. It's more convenient for husband and wife to talk and do business than to find me an outsider."

"Well, thank you."

Nanxi waited for the other party to hang up first and conveniently locked the screen of her mobile phone. She doesn't know to find Zhang Yichen more directly, but the directness here doesn't just mean the directness is good.

Especially in Zhang Yichen's eyes, people who don't care are equivalent to a pile of data evaluated by risk control.

Zhang Yichen is not the hero in the dog blood TV series. He is in love as soon as he falls in love. Regardless, he only wants the female owner to be happy, has no bottom line to please the female owner and the people the female owner cares about.

Nanxi remembered that he had read a special dog blood novel, in which the female Lord met the male Lord with super power, who could cure all diseases. As for her, she has a childhood sweetheart who is terminally ill. The female Lord begged the male Lord to save her boyfriend with her nose and tears, and threatened her life and death. Finally, the male Lord promised to save her boyfriend.

It would be nice if Zhang Yichen didn't strangle his boyfriend's throat with his own hands.

With Zhang Yichen's aloof character and the cold-blooded attitude of outsiders. If she rashly goes up and says she must sign Duan Jingyuan, Zhang Yichen is likely to promise her to sign immediately and use Duan Jingyuan's tenderness and kindness to send someone to put pressure on her.

Finally, Duan Jingyuan begged her to agree to sign later. When she thought about it, she felt that she should not scare the snake.

She has to have 50% reasons to stand on her feet and act like a spoiled child to win the other party's consent. It's no use acting like a spoiled child alone.

Compared with Zhang Yichen, she was willing to lose.

"Xiao Xi, don't try to affect your mood. I really want to show you something funny."

Duan Jingyuan handed over her mobile phone and added: "let's take a look at President Liao's cheeky dialogue. It's clear that the Navy he bought took out his ancestors' 18 generations to swear in order not to apologize."

Nanxi took the phone and flipped it up and down. Her eyes lit up and sighed: "yes."

"What's there?" Huang Yi asked the gossip.

"It's all right," Nanxi looked out of the window. "It's yunshang. You get off."

Fat Ni looked at Nanxi carefully and saw her face as usual. She was sure that she was suspicious.

He took up his backpack, waved his hand and said, "OK, bye, Xi Xi and sister Duan."


After seeing Huang Yi off, he took Duan Jingyuan home.

When only Nanxi and bodyguard brother and Xiao Li are left in the car, Nanxi looks cold and calls Zhang Yichen.

When the other party connected, Nanxi omitted the polite passage and asked in a deep voice, "are you busy?"

"Madam's patience should not wait for me to finish my work in a few hours, so I specially spare half an hour for madam."

Listening to the intimate words, Nanxi almost cried and replied with the same hypocritical politeness: "thank you, dear brother Yichen."

Some politeness want to save, but they can't.

"You're welcome. It's what you should do for your husband to solve your problems for your wife."

Zhang Yichen said it affectionately and seriously. If she didn't know him very well, Nanxi might have been infatuated with flowers, fell into deep love and forgot her original intention to call.

"Brother Yichen, will you really solve problems for Xier?" Nanxi, like an innocent girl, put all her expectations on this question and passed it on to her lover.

If full of expectations, grasp Zhang Yichen's heart. He replied in a deep voice: "yes, as long as Xi'er's business, I will try my best to help you realize it."

The affectionate announcement made Nanxi's heart tired to close her eyes. How clear the other party said, her things.

Fortunately, I've figured out how to deal with it in advance.

"Brother Yichen, why did you arrange for Mr. He to invite someone to scold me for being a son? Right and wrong in the adult world should not be brought to the child."

Zhang Yichen laughed: "I just put an end to the hidden dangers that may occur on the board of directors in advance."

Facing the confessed attitude, Nanxi sipped her lips with boredom. Zhang Yichen even omitted the minimum scene words and didn't ask who was her son. And keep the style without explaining anything too much.

It really overwhelmed her. She knew where the hidden danger mentioned by Zhang Yichen pointed. If Duan Jingyuan's determination was not determined in advance. At the difficult board meeting, Duan Jingyuan is likely to take the initiative to say that she won't sign Tianyu.
