When the sound sounded, Xu Zhizhi only felt a burst of bone chilling air, like a soul, drilling into the pores of her body.

She took a breath of air-conditioning and felt only the pain in her temples.

Then when I opened my eyes again, the scene in front of me suddenly changed.

At the dawn of the lantern, the birds sing and the swallows dance, and there is a decadent sound everywhere.

On the high stage, there are witches dressed in wide sleeved long-distance running dancing.

They wear strange masks, their bodies are soft, and there are all kinds of long haired men without coats around them.

They look amazing,

Xu Zhizhi's heart moved, and the silk and bamboo rites and music in her ears made people involuntarily want to relax.

The smiling man handed her drinks and whispered in her ear,

Such a scene is like a dream water town, which makes people happy.

Xu Zhizhi was in a trance. It seemed that she couldn't tell what the night was, but Wen Yan's soft words were too intoxicating. They held her waist and walked to the bath step by step.


Press down

The water pressure suddenly surged in from all directions, breathing gradually, gradually, losing

Struggling, desperately trying to rush up.

But the pressure on the shoulder is too heavy. The water choked in from the nose, lost breathing, made the chest stuffy and short of breath, and struggled desperately

The silk and bamboo are still playing, the faint Liang Zhu,

There are gentle and affectionate female masters singing,

The water is close at hand, there is heaven, but I am in hell!

But like the end of the world, born on the other side, but never reach the despair.

That kind of dying despair is thousands of times more painful than dying directly

Breathing gradually, gradually

Be completely silent,

Gradually, she seemed to be pulled into the hopeless abyss!

Xu Zhizhi suddenly stared, no, no, no

What pain, what pain

Who will help me

"Bang Dang!"

Xu Zhizhi suddenly fell from her wheelchair and gasped like a dead fish. She looked at the surrounding scene in panic, still in the familiar room.

In front of her, Shen Xiaoling stared at her expressionless.


Not that hell, okay!

Thinking of the pain and despair of being flooded just now, Xu Zhizhi couldn't help shivering all over, the despair of constantly wandering between life and death.

It's a kind of torture that people don't want to experience a second time.

"Is it fun?" Shi Li bent down and said such a sentence lightly.

She slightly hooked her lips, looked at Xu Zhizhi's embarrassed appearance, and showed a dark smile.

"It doesn't matter. You'll play often."

In her long life after that, she will suffer such torture day and night. As long as she is in a trance, she will be dragged into this infernal hell.

Enjoy the pain of torture and suffocation.

Over and over again, back and forth, no ultrasound.

This is a more unbearable punishment than death

"No... what did you do to me? What did you do to me? " Xu Zhizhi suddenly responded, "you bitch, you... What did you do to me?!"

"Nothing." Shi Li straightened up and said, "it's just a deserved punishment. It has nothing to do with me."

"But once the door of hell is opened, it can no longer be closed. Enjoy it. "

She stared at Xu Zhizhi coldly, like a dead object.