Shi Li was wrapped in his arms. The vampire's chest was cold and hard. She rubbed her bruised forehead and struggled to raise her head.

Full of doubt, he asked, "so after you told the whole world that you want to welcome your bride, then you left a pile of mess and turned around and disappeared for a week, in fact, to prepare a surprise for me?"

"Shh, don't talk yet." Field automatically filtered the questions in front of him, smiled and nodded: "it's a surprise you'll like. Look forward to it."

Shi Li: "

She doesn't want to look forward to it now. She just wants to kill people. She wants to kill field when it's convenient!

Field's hand covered her eyes, and the guy knew he had to make a stunt before surprise.

I can't see anything in front of me. I may feel that there is a vast expanse of white in front of me from her fingers, and they are flying rapidly.

It wasn't long before field stopped.

"All right." With a smile in his tone, he slowly opened the palm of his hand from his eyes, "this is a surprise prepared by the king for you."

"What a surprise, I just..."

Impatiently opened his eyes, the voice stuck in his throat and caught his eyes

It's white

A vast expanse of white

A sea of white flowers.

From now to the distance, you can see the past, the invisible end, and countless white.

In the cold winter of huohuoxing, there is no snow, because it is dry all year round, extremely short of water, and there is little precipitation in the sky. Therefore, when you see the outside, it is generally a piece of yellow sand. Only when the weather gets warmer, green will rush out.

So white is extremely rare.

There is only one kind of white flower in the whole Huohuo star.

Silky flowers.

It symbolizes giving everything and becoming... Your bride.

This kind of flower is invincible all year round. As long as it blooms, it will not wither even in severe winter, but the number is very small, because it requires very strict living conditions from seed to germination, and it can not be cultured artificially.

She can only let herself struggle in this bad environment alone.

Finally, it blooms, dazzling and dazzling white flowers.

Before, when I was able to find silk flowers, it was also because it was a limited supply of the royal family. It was a great luxury to change one every two weeks.

And this number of precious flowers are everywhere here.

It's like moving all the flowers of a whole planet. The white that pierces into your eyes is like holy snow.

When you are in it and watch the petals swaying gently with the breeze, the scene is... Wonderful. It's so shocking that you can't spit out half a word.

In his ear, field spoke with a slightly satisfied tone. He said briskly and firmly: "look, Ben Wang knows that you will like it."

"The king found all the places where silk flowers might appear on Huo Huo, dug them all and transplanted them here."

Shi Li was stunned. "Is it really... A whole flower of Huohuo star, yourself... Found it one by one?"

Shi li... She was shocked and speechless. She never thought that field would suddenly do such a thing.

A gust of wind blew, with a faint faint fragrance of silky flowers, rolling up his long silver hair.

With his back against the silver sea of flowers, his smile was as light as a dream.

"Do you know that siduohua has another flower language?"