He said so, with a little sigh in his voice, and a very strong emotion can be vaguely seen from these words.

It's his secret heart.

I'm so happy.

This extremely fanatical mood has never stopped since I saw you first.

All the blood in the body began to boil, and kept the boiling point, never lower.

That kind of joy, that kind of happiness, is one ten thousandth of ten thousand words.

"Am I dazzled just now? I seem to... I seem to see the marshal smile."

"You must be dazzled. Marshal has been paralyzed since childhood. His expression has not changed. How can he laugh? Don't talk nonsense. He must have read it wrong."

"No mistake, really... Really, I just seemed to see that the corners of the Marshal's mouth were upward, and the marshal really smiled!"

The live shot was released all the time. Because the wedding was public, the lens suspended in mid air can accurately capture the expressions of the two characters at the moment.

Marshal tasir, who had just kissed and left, was indeed slightly hooked up on his face, as if he were smiling.

That's not the point. The point is marshal tasir's eyes.

There seems to be a sea of stars in it.

Gentle is drowning.

In the shocked eyes of the people, marshal tasir slowly let her go, and his look gradually recovered his composure.

But when he was about to leave, his body didn't straighten up completely in time.

Shi Li suddenly moved.

Jump up is a kiss!

Kissing tasir's lips, the other party seemed to have facial paralysis, but the pupil was slowly surprised.

Then he smiled and said, "well. I'm happy, too. "

Although tasir didn't say anything, you can know that he has omitted a lot of steps in this big marriage, and he can feel that he is thinking about himself everywhere.

Shi Lizhen is a person who doesn't know good or bad. If others treat her well, she knows it in her heart and will recognize it.

Tasir was good to her, she knew.

She took tasir's finger and said seriously, "let's get along well."

Tasir: "

Σ ヽ(? Д?;)?!

I! of Small! Sweet! Point! dear! I! It's over!

"Hmm..." his face was stiff, his expression was stiff, and even his body was stiff.

Seemingly very calm, he nodded. When he pulled it, he turned back and walked with the same hands and feet for the first time.

Those with the same hands and feet followed her down the stairs, those with the same hands and feet waved to the people, and those with the same hands and feet went into the bridal chamber.

Until sitting on the soft big bed, tasir was in a state of ignorance.

Of course, communications officer William didn't see it at all.

"Madam, you will have a honeymoon with marshal tasir. The time is about three Kirk days. Marshal tasir will finish his official business in these days."

"OK." It's still a little strange, "what do I need to do?"

"No, your bedroom has been moved into marshal tasir's room. We Ke Xing advocate a high degree of freedom. Even if you have become Marshal's wife, you don't need to bear any burden."

When she was stunned, "what's the difference between that and before I got married?"