
An Mingyu trembles all over. How can it be!

In my dream, isn't Jiang Shi rebellious? How did he become him?

There was a ferocity in his eyes. Suddenly he squatted on the ground with his head in his arms and howled.

they hurt! As if his head had been split a few pieces, he rolled on the ground in pain.

After half an hour, he stood up wet, with a trace of venom in his eyes.

He looked at the small apartment he was staying in. There was nothing in it, and there was not much money in the bank card.

With a trace of resentment on his face, he remembered. He should be elegant all his life, but Jiang Shi didn't die?

It's all Jiang Shi's fault! Why didn't he die to help himself?

"Yes! It's all his fault. Kill him, kill him, and everything will come back to you... "

An Mingyu's heart emerged a cold voice, but with the temptation of silk, people can't help indulging.

An Mingyu took a knife from the kitchen, just like a walking corpse. He had only one idea in his heart, that is to kill Jiang Shi!

So everything can go back to the way it was.

"Didi didi!"

In his sleep, Jiang Shi was woken up by the system, his eyes half narrowed, with a trace of impatience, "what's the matter with you?"

System: "Xiao Yi is in danger! If the host does not save him, the mission will be judged as a failure! "


Jiang Shi was very surprised and worried.

"Bang!" The voice of the chain rang out and bound him tightly. There was a trace of anxiety on his face, struggling hard, and his wrist was red.

"System, do something about it!"

He looks very nervous. There is only one thought in his heart, that is, Xiao Yi can't die!

System: "deducting ten points, is untiing the iron chain for the host."


The sound of the chain falling to the ground, Jiang Shi hurriedly put on a piece of clothes and rushed out.

"Damn it Jiang Shi hits the door with a fist. In order to prevent him from escaping, Xiao Yi changes all the locks at home into electronic locks.

He doesn't know the code at all.

"System, lead the way!"

System: "Ding, deducting ten points, inquiring escape route."

Jiang Shi had a cold face and dark eyes. He slowly climbed down from the window.

He was afraid of heights. At this moment, his forehead was covered with cold sweat and his whole body was shaking. He did not dare to look down.

As if underground is the dark abyss, devouring him mercilessly.

Jiang Shi bit his red lips, eyes closed, slowly down.

I don't know how long later, his toes point to the ground, as if he had survived the general, all over the soft.

System: "Xiao Yi is nearby."

Jiang Shi, with a pale face, walks towards Xiao Yi.

The light in the yard lights up. It's Xiao Yi who comes back. There's a light in Jiang Shi's eyes.

When Xiao Yi came out of the garage and saw the river standing in the yard, his face was tense.

Jiang Shi turns around and sees Xiao Yi. He runs towards Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi is relieved.

As long as he doesn't run away.


Blood dyed the dark floor red, in front of the people lying in Xiao Yi's arms, but with a white face.

An Mingyu, with a crazy face behind him, yelled: "go to hell!"

Jiang Shi's fingertips are cold. He holds Xiao Yi tightly and spits out a lot of blood.

"It's really... Fuckin 'painful..."

"Xiao Yi, I'm dead. Donate my heart to my sister..."

"Don't be like that. It seems that the whole world has abandoned you..."

Jiang Shi's consciousness is more and more blurred. His hand is powerless and is held by Xiao Yi.

"You are my world."