But before the plot came to her mind, she felt something sweeping around her face.

And it's very cold. What touches her is like a piece of ice.

Meng Li reaches out his hand and grabs nothing. He opens his eyes to see that the room is gloomy and the curtains are pulled to death. He has a look at the time. It's nearly seven o'clock. It's going to be dark, and it's not all dark.

Now he was lying on the bed, his head was a little dizzy. Meng Li sat up and put out his hand to press the switch beside the bed.

When the light is on, the light in the room is good, but it still gives Meng Li a gloomy air.

She clearly felt the air in the room.

This body's illness should have something to do with this Yin Qi.

Forget it, I'd better accept the plot first. Meng Li lies down again and closes his eyes. Just as he just closes his eyes, the cold feeling comes again.

Meng lisuo doesn't pay attention to his nature. It's still the plot that matters.

The client's name is Shen Jing. Her life experience is very pitiful. Her parents died in a car accident. Then she lived with her grandfather for several years. Finally, her grandfather died when he was old.

The only property left to her by her next of kin is the house.

The city is fairly developed, so the house is also valuable, and it can be regarded as the basis for the client to settle down.

There is still some money in her hand, which is left by her grandfather. She finished high school and university with the money.

When she was still in the internship stage, she was satisfied with her work. When she was in her twenties, she began to look for the other half of her life.

Then a boy named Dickie broke into her life.

In short, the first love is beautiful and sweet.

The only thing that bothers the client is that she has no idea what her boyfriend does.

He's mysterious, but he doesn't seem to be short of money.

Dickinson also told the client not to be curious about this. He could only guarantee that what he did was right.

Will never do bad things, his money is also formal.

There are many ways to make money in the world, but you don't understand it.

The client will not be able to continue to ask.

As the client's internship period passed, her work was officially stabilized, but not long after it stabilized, she began to be in poor health.

How to say?

I always think there's a ghost.

I'm afraid of the cold.

The girl's face changed from a weak one to a sicker one.

Loss of appetite, fatigue and listlessness.

The client feels that her life is like being pumped out with a needle. Time is her countdown.

I feel like I'm dying.

Go to the hospital to see, also did not find out what problem to come, must say oneself bad, the doctor suggests consignor to do a test.

Take a look at your brain.

The client is helpless.

I told my boyfriend that he listened carefully and was very kind to the client.

She was taken care of by all sides, and her face and eyes were full of love.

There's not a bit of fraud.

She also took her to see doctors everywhere, including traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine and folk prescriptions.

It's said that some professors are masters. According to the clients' contacts, they can't be found.

The client has always felt extremely lucky to have this boyfriend.

But her body was still weakening day by day, and she felt that something was playing a trick on her.

It's like


She told her boyfriend about it. He said that if you were afraid, I would accompany you.

So my boyfriend moved in.

Since her boyfriend came, she has been teased less.

This gives the client a lot of peace of mind.

Finally, they got married. After they got married, they went to live with their boyfriends. They didn't feel teased by invisible things any more.

It's just that the body is still not good.

Finally, the client died three years after marriage.

After she died, the client looked at her husband holding her body and couldn't cry for herself. She was also extremely unwilling. She wanted to go back to accompany her husband.

I want to go back to my body.

This obsession is so deep that it is caught by the organization's system.

However, as a result, an extremely cruel truth emerged in front of the client.

Dickens was born into a metaphysical family. Nowadays, there are few such people. After all, most people believe in science.

But people who believe in these things have great respect for Dickens.

They mainly decorate fengshui, expel evil spirits and fortune telling. They are similar to doctors. They can cure and harm people.

But today, the family of metaphysics has long gone.

Nowadays, there are few people, not to mention, who are willing to inherit their family property and continue to do this.Aunt and uncle diqian did not want to learn this, but broke off the relationship with the family. Only diqian's father learned it.

Then it was Dickens' turn to learn.

Dickens didn't notice the client, but the client's constitution was very special.

It's the Yin constitution. If this constitution had existed hundreds of years ago, it would have been difficult to survive to the present. But now that there are few things, the client is hardly affected by it.

Because Dickinson was curious about whether the client was troubled in her life, she was attracted by the client when she got to know her.

They love each other.

It's just that diqian has a younger martial sister, a child adopted by his father.

This is a girl. She is very intelligent. Her father likes her very much. This girl's name is difeiyuan. She has been in love with diqian secretly.

When she learned that diqian was in love, her heart was full of self-evident feelings.

Dickinson only told the client that she was his sister, so the client treated her like a future sister-in-law.

Make good friends with her and often leave her at home for the night.

However, the jealousy in feiyuan's heart is more and more intense. She thinks that the client is not worthy of Dickens. They have no common language at all.

And I don't think the client will understand Dickens and his family at all.

Still holding a breath in my heart, I want to be superior.

We should see who is the most important in diqian's mind between ourselves and Shen Jing.

Of course, she also had the heart to get rid of Shen Jing, but she didn't want to face the evil in her heart.

So she put a curse on herself. This curse is very vicious. Once a kid gets entangled, she won't let go.

According to the truth, it is easy for their metaphysical family to deal with a kid.

But how could feiyuan allow diqian to solve the problem like this.

She's gambling on her health.

And the most amazing thing about this mantra is that if the imp doesn't voluntarily leave its identified host, forcibly take it away, or force it to leave, the damage to the imp will be equal to the damage to its identified host.

So even diqian couldn't get rid of the imp by force. After all, to hurt the imp is to hurt feiyuan.

But I can't bear to see feiyuan troubled by the imps.

At this time, diqian's father said that if there was a person with Yin constitution who would attract the kid, feiyuan would not be troubled.