In the first year when Zhao Yin was officially established as the crown prince, many ministers asked to add more people to the East Palace on the ground that the Palace should not be too empty.

Huizong took a look at the king of Beiding, who was standing at the head of the group of ministers, and at the prince, who was indifferent and unmoved. He refuted his request.

After that day, the king of Beiding visited the ministers one by one.

For a long time to come, no one dares to mention it again.

The third year when Zhao Yin was made Prince.

The ministers asked for more people in the East Palace on the ground that the crown prince and princess had no children for many years and the royal family needed to open branches and scatter leaves.

Huizong remained silent this time.

On the contrary, the prince was resolute and did not hesitate to refute a number of ministers, estranged the prince's husband and wife feelings.

Coincidentally, on the day of the next Dynasty, the good news came out that the princess was pregnant.

The next year, a Zhao gave birth to a pair of twins in the east palace.

At that time, it had been snowing heavily in winter for half a month, and disasters continued everywhere.

When the first baby cry came from the East Palace, a ray of golden sunlight broke through the clouds.

Good luck.

No one else talks about it.

When a couple were five years old, someone once again mentioned the emptiness of the east palace.

Huizong, who had seen through his son's mind, simply pushed the problem to the prince.

Children and grandchildren have their own good fortune, so he will not be a villain.

At this time, the prince and his wife were close together.

The ministers thought in their hearts that no matter how good the relationship is, the husband and wife can not stand the exchange of time.

Moreover, even if the Crown Princess looks beautiful, after all, she is old, can she compare with those young and fresh girls?

The prince's strength slaps the face, when the court says frankly, in addition to the prince princess, he will not accept any other woman in this life.

The whole dynasty was startled.

In this era, it is common for a man to have three wives and four concubines. The merchants who are usually rich in wealth have to add one or two wives and aunts, not to mention the Royal relatives and nobles?

Not to mention the king of a country?

Some ministers don't believe it. They send Meiji and the prince to the banquet. The prince turns over his face and leaves in a hurry.

The minister was dismissed the next day.

At this point, the group of ministers finally stopped.

Another few years.

Huizong realized that the crown prince was enough to take charge of his own affairs and intended to abdicate. He retired to the Imperial Palace and became an idle old-age supreme emperor. He enjoyed watching plays and fishing with the king of Beiding every day.

When the crown prince succeeded to the throne, he was called mingzong, and the Qin family, the crown prince's concubine, was established as the empress.

When the ritual department was preparing to seal the harem, he suddenly realized that there was no harem at all!

The crown prince and the princess have even been like ordinary husband and wife, sleeping and eating together. The prince's own bedroom is completely decorated.

At this time, the officials were already used to their majesty's affectionate establishment. They were not even in the mood to mention the scene of opening branches and scattering leaves in the back palace. Anyway, they would be rejected, and their majesty would take revenge on them, and the fool would continue to run into the wall.

The ministers who had experienced the reign of emperor mingzong began to feel extremely incredible when they recalled their old age.

Their majesty, the king of a country, has been guarding the empress all her life.

No beauty can make him see more.

In the gentlewoman circle of Yandu, there has been a rumor that the empress is jealous.

Whenever a young ambitious young girl is eager to ask about this, some old ladies who have experienced the world will warn them with a little envious tone:

"jealous? It's just a bunch of really jealous gossips who just make rumors

"There is no jealous woman in the world who can control a man whose heart is not in her body."

"There is no one in your Majesty's harem. It's always because he only has the queen in his eyes."


today's fifth shift, the story is over. There is no update in the early morning, see you in the daytime tomorrow.

Please ask for a recommended ticket. Good night ~

thank you