When a Zhao saw the news, the meeting just ended.

On the mobile phone with the conference mode on, it shows that there are two missed calls from Bai Muye.

She thought about it for a moment, and then she got on her almost ruined social account.

Lu Zhenzhao Benzhao: believe in my boyfriend. I love him?.

Bai Muye, who paid close attention to her, received a push immediately. When he ordered in, there were n replies to a Zhao's news:

two one makes five: ha ha, is this the legendary self deception?

Rest when you are tired: good elder sister, so aggressive! My general manager Lu is not the same as the ordinary coquettish!

I'm not a disaster: do you need a girlfriend? It's the kind that can be coquettish, cute and cook.


Lu Zhenzhao Benzhao: @ I have a boyfriend.


Bai Muye: Well, I love you @ Lu Yuzhao Benzhao.

A roll of toilet paper: who do I see in the sink? @Is baimuye the original?

Lvluo Er: 666, the keyboard is not delicious at all: I don't know why, I seem to smell the sour smell of dog food?

Hee hee hee: feel serious reply, I have a boyfriend, Mr. Lu, a little cute?


A Zhao didn't read or reply to the following comments because she received a call from her boyfriend.

"So believe me?" Bai Mu Ye laughs.

Ah Zhao said of course: "you can't find a girlfriend who has more money than me, looks better than me, and loves you more than I do. Why do you have to look for someone else?"


Is there something wrong with this focus?

He was happy because of his girlfriend's trust, but now he felt a little subdued, and took the initiative to pull up the topic: "you don't wonder, is that picture true or false? If it's true, who is the woman around me

Ah Zhao naturally followed his words and asked, "so, is that picture true or false? Who are the women around you

Not angry at all, as if those comments on the Internet have no half effect on her.

Zhaoli, but you are a big smile

"That's my mother."

A Zhao's eyes widened.

Although she didn't believe those rumors on the Internet, she didn't expect that the man was Bai Muye's mother.

Bai Muye didn't expect that his mother would come to see him on his own initiative.

Mrs. Koo said: she was so handsome by the stills she had smashed from her own family, and instantly she felt that it was not so bad to be an actress.

From a strong opposition to become a half fan sister.

The cold war between mother and son naturally disappeared.

It's just that Mrs. Koo didn't expect to see her son. Those netizens could even make up for some dirty things.

"My mother wants to see you." Said Bai Muye.

Mrs. Gu was dissatisfied with Lu's reputation, but Bai Muye directly said that she had been identified in her life. In addition, a Zhao's response made her very satisfied.

Forget it, my son is so old, his life should be his own choice.


Concerning the affair of Bai Muye, except for a dynamic made by a Zhao at that time, the party concerned did not make any response, and even Tianxing did not do any public relations under the direction of a Zhao, allowing this matter to become more and more intense.

Those who scold on the Internet, those who support Bai Muye and those who eat melons are slaughtered by Bai Muye.

Until the third day of the event fermentation, baimuye finally had an action.

He had only taken two pictures and added the following sentence:

the two most important women in his life.