In this case, the aura of "being good-looking is doing what you want" is simply the ultimate effect.

This kind of narcissism to a certain level of discourse, in addition to a few impure sunspots there scolding some ugly words, almost all of the bullet screen is reward and a slip of "666", "ha ha ha".

Sunspot's words were submerged in it, and a Zhao didn't even have a look.

An hour passed quickly.

A Zhao looked at the time and said, "that's all for today. We'll see you tomorrow morning."

He quit the live broadcast.

Then I went backstage to have a look at today's income.

A Zhao held his face in his hand and said happily, "my face is really valuable."

Jiang Li:

A Zhao will backstage money into their own account, and then sat down solemnly opposite the man.

"Now, let's talk about you."

Jiang Li raised eyebrows: "my business? What about me? "

A Zhao pondered: "your organization, what is your idea?"

"What do you mean?" Jiang said

A Zhao did not hide his intention: "I want to get rid of it. Literally. "

Jiang Li looked at a Zhao like a ghost: "do you know what you are talking about?"

His organization is a giant.

He is just a small assassin organization, the tip of the iceberg of the whole headquarters.

Over the past few years, Jiang Li learned through some channels that this underground force, in the whole southern province, is almost open and dark, and there are people from all walks of life in commerce and politics.

Break it?

What do you do with it?

The king of the underground kingdom in the southern province was not even seen by many people.

In Jiang Li's eyes like a madman, a Zhao gave a slight smile: "I naturally have my way."

"Now, I want to hear from you."

Jiang Li said faintly: "I have no opinion."

He doesn't think ah Zhao can do it.

I don't want to get involved in this muddy water.

"But Jiang Li. You failed in your mission, lost track, your colleague was caught by the police. What would your organization think? "

Jiang Li was not willing to let go. He treats me as a traitor, and now he is searching for my trace. Once he finds out, he will never die. "

A Zhao looked at Jiang Li and sighed: "Jiang Li, you are a poor man."

Jiang Li frowned: "don't look at me like this. You should understand that it doesn't work for me. "

A Zhao shook his head: "I didn't use any tricks against you. I just want to tell you a story. "

Jiang Li frowned: "I don't want to hear stories."

"You have to listen!" A Zhao said that in his own family, he was so unreasonable.

Jiang Li:

A Zhao turns on her mobile phone and turns up a piece of news. The front page is a picture of a middle-aged couple in full dress.

"Do you know these two men?" Ah Zhao asked.

Jiang Li took a look and nodded: "how can we not know half of the real estate enterprises in southern province?"

A Zhao put his mobile phone on the desk in front of him and said slowly, "this news says that Zhong Hao, chairman of Nanhua real estate, donated 10 million yuan to build hope primary school at the charity dinner the day before yesterday."

Jiang Li's expression did not change at all, and said faintly, "Oh, fishing for fame."

It's not that he is pessimistic, but he has seen a lot of secret information that ordinary people can't see in recent years.

Many of the ostentatious rich have done something disgusting in private.


there is another one.