Jiang Li's face has returned to calm.

He said, "if what you say is false, then you deceive me; if what you say is true, then you must have taken a great risk. I don't want to owe you so much."

He sighed: "although I don't know what kind of identity and purpose you have, ah Zhao, in my eyes, you are just a young girl."

"Dress up well and live happily."

Marshmallow made the evaluation: "listen to this, it's really moving."

A Zhao looked at Jiang Li with a smile: "but I like you so much. Only when I see you, I don't need to live in fear every day. I can be happy when I get together with my family

Jiang Li:


He looked at the girl in front of him.

It's not the first time she's said something like that.

Every time, the face with a shallow smile, casual.

Even if Jiang Li, who has always been controlling people's emotions, can't tell whether what she said is true or false.

He gave a wry smile and said, "ah Zhao..."

He sighed and looked straight into the eyes of Shanga Zhao: "you know your charm very well. I am also a man of high blood. If it's not from the heart, don't say it to me in the future. "

A Zhao snickered and asked, "how do you know it's not true?"

"Are you Jiang Li asked.

Ah Zhao gave him a look: "you are too cunning. It's a question you want to guess for yourself. You ask me in turn

She got up and yawned. "I'm going to sleep. Don't call me for dinner."


From this day on, a Zhao began the daily life of young girls.

She fell in love with a new girl's game. In addition to live broadcasting for an hour every day, she would not give up her mobile phone when she was eating, and all the money she earned from live broadcasting was also invested by her.

She's already a big live fan with a lot of regular fans.

Her fans are also the Qingliu of that live broadcast platform. The screen of bullets is always advocating the beauty of the host.

Because they found that as long as they praised ah Zhao's good-looking, ah Zhao would laugh happily.

When a Zhao smiles happily, she looks even better.

So the fans got even crazier.

Once in a while, new viewers who accidentally enter the live room are frightened and forced to think that they have entered some large-scale evil cult brainwashing scene.

In this case, a Zhao's income became very high.

These all throw into the game, also let her become the server famous krypton gold big man.

Jiang Li advised several times, and finally robbed her mobile phone. Then he made a rule: at least when to eat, eat well.

So half a month passed.

Jiang Li will also go out.

He once went to see Zhong's husband and wife from a distance. More time, he was quietly inquiring about the situation of his organization.

When he finally found a chance to go to the organization's headquarters in the suburbs, the police came.

And it's not one or two, it's not ordinary criminal police.

It's a fully armed special forces unit.

Jiang Li was thrilled to see those people surrounded the villa area.

Obviously, this is prepared with sufficient evidence.

Some time ago, the words almost forgotten by him reappeared in his mind.



Ah, there is also the third watch. Before 12 o'clock, we will see you ~

by chance