The head of the main planet's female Conservation Society for icy king is very fond of this beautiful young female.

She was an elderly female with seven children, each of whom was her darling.

Some of her children already have family backgrounds, and some are still in the process of finding their own partners.

Her youngest son, an orc, has just come of age.

It's about the same age as this little female.

No Orc would not like her. Thinking of the photos I saw, the person in charge thought in his heart.

She will take the little female to the main star, and before more people find her, she will create opportunities for her little son to get in touch with the little female, so as to get her heart.

The first thing you get is the moon.

The person in charge said that I was also a person who had studied the ancient blue star culture.

With the approval of a Zhao, a floating car carrying the official logo of the women's Protection Association of laster city carried her all the way to the ice king transit station, where she was ready to go to the main star.

It will take a long time to get from the small border town of laster to the southern hub area, which is the most prosperous area on ice king.

Fortunately, the inside of the floating car of the association is like a saloon car that a Zhao has seen in the world before, with all the facilities.

She went to sleep at ease.

And missed a Royal Highness who just arrived at ice king.

The association's suspension car, and that silver gray low-key cold sharp suspension car passed by.

At a certain moment, Carlos stopped the car, through the window, his eyes puzzled in the ordinary suspension car for two seconds.

Just now, I had a strange feeling.

However, it is just an ordinary suspension car.

In his hesitation for a few seconds, the white suspension car quickly away, and into a small point, disappeared in his field of vision.

In the not too distant future, when Carlos knew that Zhao was in the suspended car that he had missed, he was very angry.

Because of his carelessness, let his little female go alone to the main star surrounded by wolves.

Those despicable, insidious, cunning orcs, taking advantage of his absence, the little female no one to protect, one by one ran to her courteous, trying to deceive his innocent little female.

I can't bear it!

Now, of course, Carlos doesn't know his little female has left.

With expectation and joy in his heart, he made his way to his destination.

The city of raster.

Carlos contacted his subordinates directly.

Elvin was surprised that his highness would come to this place in person. He rushed over and told Carlos what he had found.

The personal terminal that sent a message to Carlos came from a child in a small, isolated village.

He determined that the personal terminal still came from the backward technology of more than a decade ago, and no one in the village had the strength to break Carlos' highly secure defense system.

Besides, Elvin has one more thing to tell Carlos.

"Not long ago, people in this village found a very beautiful underage female outside, and they took the person back to the village."

Beautiful underage females?

Carlos almost instantly thought of the little girl who made her throb.

"What about her?" He could hardly wait to ask.

Elvin showed his hand: "people in the village said she left."


Carlos: it's 15 chapters, the author. When can I see my Nao Po [begin to pull out the knife]