A zhaoti's request is to let Chongli stay with him for a month.

God has an endless life span, and the period of one month is just a flick of one's finger.

Chongli didn't understand: "it's easy for Chongli to fulfill the requirement of goddess. Isn't it worth it for a drop of precious divine dew? "

"No, no!" Ah Zhao shook his head in a serious way.

"This divine dew is precious and rare to outsiders, and to me it is nothing but a dead thing."

"But the master of the world of stars has not gone out for tens of thousands of years, and he has such a beautiful face. I just look at you, and I feel very happy."

A Zhao stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "do you think it's worth a drop of dead things for my happy January?"

Chongli didn't say whether it was worth it or not.

But he stayed.


A Zhao felt like an experiencer and a bystander.

Through another person's body, she experiences a life that she has no impression at all.

She watched the man named Chongli accompany ah Zhao through every part of Jiuyi mountain, and walked with her in the sea of Tanhua, leaning against the ancient sacred tree that gave birth to ah Zhao, and talking about the piano way

The two men, one is the master of the stars, the other is the goddess of Jiuyi, who is the most beautiful woman in the world. When we stay together, even the most demanding immortals can't say anything wrong.

The January period is as fast as you can imagine.

Between these two people, can see clearly.

But ah Zhao didn't speak.

Chongli did not mention it.

At the end of January, Chongli took shenlu as he wished and said goodbye to a Zhao.

Two people standing on the top of the mountain, the mountain wind will be blowing two people's clothes, words are also fragmentary.

A Zhao pricked up his ears and tried to hear what the man in front of him said clearly, but an uncontrollable force came from the void.

At the next moment, her consciousness has been detached from ah Zhao out of control and plunged into darkness.


By the ancient road in the starry sky.

The voice and shadow of the silver haired man disappeared.

The small Zhengtai, carved with jade, has changed back to the shining white ball.

Her eyelashes trembled and she opened her eyes slowly. All the changes in her body faded away like the tide.

"Marshmallow." A Zhao blankly looking at small group son, "I seem to have had a dream."

"Ah Zhao, what did you dream of?"

I don't know if it's an illusion. A Zhao always feels that cotton candy's voice seems to have a trace of cautious expectation.

She tried very hard to recall the content of the dream, but she was disappointed to find that with her eyes opened, those dreams that should have been experienced in the destination were like the abyss that no one could find.

No half impression.

She shook her head. "I don't remember."

The cotton candy lost "Oh".

"But..." A Zhao raised his eyes and looked at the boundless starry sky in front of him and whispered, "it must be a beautiful dream."

She reached out and stroked her heart.

That kind of pure joy and happiness is not deceiving.

There is a kind of premonition in a Zhao's heart.

This dream is definitely not a random dream.

Although she did not remember, she was sure that everything in that dream was true to what she thought was herself.

"Marshmallow." A Zhao suddenly called out the marshmallow.

"Ah?" Marshmallow muddled back a sentence.