There is no end to the snow.

Chumu sat up, trying to figure out what he was saying.

But it's hard.

The opposite person's mouth is open and closed, but those words fall into the ears, and the confused thinking is difficult to fully accept, and then transform into the meaning that they can understand.

Xuehai boundless said a lot of himself, has not heard Chu Mu response.

He looked up strangely: "spring and autumn?"

In front of him, Chumu looked serious and sat upright. When he heard someone calling himself, he nodded solemnly.

There seems to be nothing wrong with it.

The sea of snow is boundless, and I didn't find anything wrong at the beginning.

Until he took Chumu to talk again, Chu Mu always thought about it for a long time, and only then did he answer it slowly, and occasionally his foreword didn't match the following words.

"Spring and autumn, are you drunk?" he asked tentatively

Chumu is really drunk.

He thought for a few seconds before he nodded seriously.

The sea of snow is boundless

I don't know how to admit that I'm drunk.

The sea of snow makes me laugh.

Today, when I saw Chu mu, he was calm and upright. He had a good family background and a good personality. Although he was young, he was inexplicably exemplary.

In short, sitting there makes people feel constrained and unable to get up.

It's hard to see him like this now. It's hard not to tease him.

He didn't think about anything at first, so he asked, "what kind of story do you want to write in your new book?"

Chumu was stunned for a few minutes.

I didn't expect him to say anything for a long time.

Who knows, Chu Mu obeyed his train of thought and actually said it.

At the beginning of the boundless snow sea, while drinking slowly, listening to Chu Mu's story carelessly.

Slowly, slowly, he used to lean on the seat of the body to sit up straight, the glass in his hand is no longer continued.

Chumu's logic is clear, although drunk, but the overall idea of the new book is to think for a long time, speak slowly, but very complete.

The sea of snow is boundless, the more shocked, while shocked, but have to praise a, really exquisite.

He can be sure that such a novel setting, coupled with the appeal of Chu's spring and autumn pen name, matches the old and spicy writing style and control power of Chu's spring and Autumn period.

Absolutely another hit.

After the praise, he suddenly felt a strong sense of loss.

He had known Chu for seven years.

When they first met, Chu's Chunqiu was just a newcomer, and he, with boundless snow, was already one of several great gods carrying the tripod in the weather literature network.

He appreciates this talented descendant very much, and believes his own vision, this person is bound to fire.

It is also a good thing to make friends with a future God in advance.

He hung up Zhang Tui to Chu's spring and Autumn Annals and publicized his books among readers. Many readers of Apocalypse also know that there is a good relationship between the boundless snow and the spring and Autumn period of the Chu family.

Over the years, I watched Chu's spring and Autumn Annals better than one, and became more and more popular. There was no jealousy in the boundless snow sea.

But tonight it's a little different.

He was at a low ebb, and he didn't know where he was going.

The other party is at the peak, and the new book is a sign of great popularity.

Plus a little wine.

Listen, listen, I don't know how, a crazy idea appears in the boundless brain of the snowy sea.



See you in the afternoon