What is boundless snow doing?

After his state became worse and worse, every time he wrote "seeking immortals" to be updated, he would think of Chu's spring and Autumn Annals.

Think of the killing fairy.

Think of yourself in pay so much, the end is just such a result.

Thinking about him is not reconciled.

He also felt that the spring and Autumn period of the Chu family was really loved by heaven.

The more you think about it, the more you can't write it down. If you force it down, you won't be satisfied with what you write.

Also because of restlessness and anxiety, insomnia all night long.

So he broke the watch.

A person packed up and went to a famous tourist resort to relax.

The beauty of nature is really amazing, and even the recent bad sleep has improved a lot.

This night, he was so relaxed that he went to bed early.

Then he had a dream.

The dream is a familiar environment.

S City, when some of their good friends meet.

At that time, he and Chu's Chunqiu were old friends for many years and had no estrangement.

He looked like an outsider. He looked at himself with wine to complain to Chu's Chunqiu. He took advantage of the fact that Chu's Chunqiu was drunk. He did the next thing, which he would be ashamed of, but did not regret.

But the development behind this dream is different from the reality.

In reality, Chu Chunqiu didn't do anything after he issued the book.

Just pull black him, two people tacitly never become friends.

But it's not the same here.

He saw Chu's spring and autumn coming to him and questioning him.

His young and handsome face was full of disappointment and questioning: "Xuehai, why do you do this?"

If it is in reality, the sea of snow will not be so frank, now that the technology is so developed, who knows whether there will be ears in the walls, who knows what recording equipment Chu Chunqiu will not bring with him?

But the sea of snow is boundless, very clear oneself is in the dream.

It's all fake. It's all gone.

"Seeking immortality" has already been one's own creativity. No one can take away his own setting.

There is also a reason: snow boundless himself, also want to have an absolutely safe place, can let him talk.

A person with such a secret in his heart will feel tired.

So he opened his mouth to the spring and autumn of Chu in his dream.

He said: "spring and autumn, although you pulled me black and didn't want to talk to me again, I do owe you an apology. I'm sorry. "

Chu's Chunqiu sneered: "sorry? Can an excuse me offset what you've done? "

Snow sea boundless shakes his head: "originally does not forgive me, is your matter, the way does not apologize, is my matter."

Chu's spring and Autumn period was expected to be angry.

The sea of snow is boundless, but the mood is very calm.

He took the opposite "Chu spring and Autumn" as an emotional vent bucket.

"Spring and autumn, I know you hate me and want to kill me, but we have been friends for so many years. How do I treat you? Don't you know?"

"Why don't you think in my shoes? Who am I? I'm a sea of snow! One of the pillars of Tianqi literature network at that time! I used to be so beautiful and had so many readers. When a book came out, the major companies scrambled for my copyright... "

"When you Chu's spring and autumn was still a newcomer, I had already stood at the top of the net text circle!"

"But now?"

"How did I get through these two years? Others don't know. Don't you know?"