When Tang Zhou retreated, a Zhao looked at him. His face was red as if he was about to drip blood.

So shy.

A Zhao was a little shy, but by contrast, that feeling was diluted.

She couldn't help laughing.

"Now do you know the answer?" She asked with a smile.

Tang Zhou: "it's just

"It's soft and comfortable," he murmured after a moment's silence

A Zhao burst out laughing.

When the two returned to the classroom.

The whole classroom looked at them.

I think the younger brother has already shared the news that the eldest lady and senior tangzhou are in love.

And, this news in this short lunch break, quickly spread throughout the whole Shengying middle school.

However, hearing is better than seeing.

Others do not dare to ask, the class spent more than two years of old students, but is not afraid.

Then the front table turned around and looked at them in surprise: "I just heard that you two..."

He pauses for a moment, trying to figure out what to say.

A Zhao has already said, "are you in love?"

The front table nodded stupidly.

A Zhao carelessly said: "yes, I am in love with tangzhou."

She took Tang Zhou's hand, stood up, facing the class: "introduce, just my boyfriend, Tang Zhou."

The whole class was silent and was shocked by the declaration.

Tang Zhou had no choice but to laugh.

He looked at a Zhao: "at this time, you behave so hard, let me be a boyfriend, very difficult."

Ah Zhao raised her eyebrows: "is that right?"

Tang Zhou held her hand tightly and said to the students who had not recovered: "this is my girlfriend, wanqizhao."

Tang Zhou's voice was like opening a valve.

The dull students responded one after another.

At first, it was whispering, and then the clear applause came out.

It's mengfeiying.

She could not see any emotion on her face, but she took the lead in clapping.

"Bless you."

Mengfeiying takes the lead.

It was like a signal, and the rest of the class responded and clapped.

The two people's love, so lightly announced.

A Zhao kept a low profile for a long time and then made a high profile again.

There is also some injustice.

Because this high-profile, just for her, is a passive high-profile.

What is passive high profile?

The cause is on this day.

The weather is fine and the wind is pleasant.

There is an hour and a half of free time between classes in the morning.

Many students like to relax on the playground.

A black spot appeared in the sky.

The distance is not noticeable.

But soon.

Those black spots are near.

The students raised their heads and were attracted by the things in the sky.

That's a team.

The planes stopped over Shengying middle school.

Six planes.

Then the planes moved.

Have you ever seen a flight drill?

It's the kind of, in the layman's eyes, constantly rising, diving, spinning, forming a variety of formations, that kind of ornamental first-class drill.

Now these six planes are sitting at the same time.

The flight show lasted about ten minutes.

Many students who were not on the playground came out one after another.

They are all curious, where do these planes come from and what do they want to do?

A Zhao and Tang Zhou are also here.

Moreover, after seeing these planes, a Zhao had a bad feeling in his heart.