A group of people ran out and looked at Shenghai and asked what happened.

Sheng Haigang picked up his mobile phone and looked at this group of people. He was about to say something. His eyes suddenly widened.

He stares at the direction of the left balcony fence.

There, there is a hand from the bottom to the top, like, climbing up the same.

Then a head came out.

Sheng Hai's cold sweat suddenly came out.

Even at that moment, even the heart beat was still.

Because he knew the face.

Just now he watched the man jump from the fifth floor.

He saw it with his own eyes and was sure that the other side had fallen.

Who can tell him what the situation is?

Why do people who jump off buildings and fall down? Can they get up by themselves?


"Didn't you just say someone jumped? What is the situation? "


Just at this time, the boy with glasses who jumped out of the building had already climbed up and sat on the railing. Facing Shenghai, he showed a gloomy white smile.

From the beginning to the end, no one saw him.

Sheng Hai is completely confused.

He called out, "lying in the trough!"

Without saying a word, he turned and ran to the stairs.

What a terrible world!

He's going back to his bedroom!

The rest of the group of boys who were woken up by him were forced to look at his back. At this moment, the people below also looked around to make sure that there was no one who jumped out of the building.

"You're insane. You make rumors in the middle of the night, which frightens people to death!"

"I have to beat up the grandson wocao if he is to be met by me tomorrow."

"Where are you from?"

At the moment, Sheng Hai, who is regarded as a neuropathy, has completely neglected whether he will be beaten up tomorrow.

He felt panicked and disorganized at the moment and thought the world was terrible.

He, want, go back, sleep, room!

Go back to the bedroom!

Yes, go back to bed and get up tomorrow. It's just a nightmare.

He comforted himself so much.

However, things are not so simple.

He had just run to the fourth floor, the pace of death forward is a stiff - stairs against a gentle looking boy.

Tall and thin, with glasses, pale complexion.

No, it's the man who just jumped out of the building No, probably not people.

Sheng Hai felt that if it was a dream, it would be too real.

My heart beat so fast that my back was wet with sweat and my legs were shaking.

"What are you running for?" The glasses boy looked at him, as if puzzled.

Sheng Hai:

I'm a normal person. When I see ghosts, I don't run away. Do I still drink and chat with you to create revolutionary friendship?

"You, you, you, you..." He pointed to the man with glasses. "Are you a man or a ghost?"

"I'm a ghost," admitted the eye boy

Sheng Hai:

At the moment, he felt that he was not like the protagonists of those supernatural stories, and directly fainted.

How easy it is to pass out.

Eye boy, no, it's the glasses man who came towards Shenghai.


"Don't come here!" Shouts Sheng Hai.

He felt that his frightened and stiff expression must be like an innocent girl facing an evil gangster.

The man with glasses didn't listen to him and walked slowly towards him.

Sleeping trough!

Sheng Hai's mind has been a blank, desperately want to retreat, but found that he simply can not move.

Seeing that the glass ghost's pale hand was about to touch him, Sheng Hai was so lucky that he almost spent his whole life shouting: "rich and strong!"

A golden light that was so faint that it could hardly be seen was born out of thin air.

The man with glasses made a big move.

A look at Sheng Hai, there is drama!

He quickly continued:




Sheng Hai: Science saves me.


Good night, la la la, and continue to ask for the monthly vote