Fang Rui watched the scene excitedly.

After accepting the fairy settings of marshmallow, he didn't feel shocked when he saw these things. He was full of "lying in the trough, really forced".

Fang Rui is also a public figure now. Instead of living with his family, he bought a house in a high-end residential area with good security.

He usually lives alone in this house. Now there are many marshmallows. There is no problem.

When the assistant went back, Fang Rui rubbed and began to sit beside the marshmallow.

"Gods! What are you here for? Are there any secret missions? Do you need my help? I know a lot of people, I.... "

Fang Rui talks a lot.


He was confused for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't have any task. It's an accident to come here. It's just a play. When my parents find me, I'll go back. "


However, marshmallow thinks it's not very good that the white zhanren in his master's house are cheap.

He looked serious and said to Fang Rui: "I've been living in your house for a long time, and I've accepted your affection. In this way, if you have anything you want, as long as it is within my ability, I can try my best to help you achieve it. "

Fangrui was silly.

What's more, is there any advantage like this?

He thought about it carefully, but he didn't seem to want anything.

Marshmallow looked at him puzzled and reminded him, "for example, how rich are you? I can give you a lot of wealth, and I can also give you the best luck, so that you can win the lottery, pass every exam, and everyone will love... "

There is no denying that Fang Rui is very excited.

But he thought about it and refused.

"Well, it's nice to think about it like this, but life is meaningless, isn't it? Our family condition is still good, not very short of money, my parents are in good health, I, business is still successful, although there are sunspots, but fans are very supportive of me... "

Fang Ruisi came to think about it, and finally made a conclusion: "my life seems to be very good, there is nothing I want in particular."

Marshmallow looks at him in surprise.

When he followed Aung through the world, he met all kinds of people.

Mean, kind, greedy, lustless

Fang Rui's such a contented and happy person is really rare.

"You are a very good man, and you will have a good life."

He doesn't need to be given good luck.

Because he can live.

People who are really satisfied in their hearts will get real happiness.

Fang Rui looked at this kind of marshmallow funny.

No matter what his real age is, he looks like a child of five or six years old.

Of course, different from ordinary children, he looks better, delicate and lovely. Maybe because he is a fairy, he also has extra aura.

At the moment, Xiao Zhengtai was sitting on the sofa, wearing a strange but beautiful little robe, and his legs were dangling in the air because they were too short.

It can be said that a photo from any angle can be directly washed out and hung in the room.

But he had no idea of his appearance and tried to put on a serious appearance.

However, no matter how mature the expression is, in this baozi face full of baby fat, it will only become cute max.