Marshmallow is telling the truth. No one else knows.

Zhong Hui only thought that the child was raised too well.

Good looking, intelligent, polite, sharing

He is even more shameless to eat children's food.

Finally, Fang Rui stood up and said that he also had something to eat. There was marshmallow indeed. A few people appreciated the cotton candy's kindness.

Each of the guests and staff got a little bit.

Originally, the people on the bus smelled the fragrance and thought that the dried fruit would be delicious.

But when it's in your mouth

Mom, what a wonderful delicacy!

The fruit juice and fragrance are perfectly preserved. The taste is soft and glutinous. After eating one piece, your lips and teeth will be fragrant.

For a moment, the carriage was quiet and wanted to get down.

The camera was fixed in a position where the whole car could be seen and began to eat.

The camera faithfully recorded the scene.

The audience who are watching the live broadcast are crazy.

"Damn it! I've searched the whole room, but I can't find anything to eat! "

"I've got chips, chocolate and ice on my desk. It's delicious

"Who can tell me that I'm watching a parent-child reality show, not a live food show."

"I just ordered two bags of dried fruit from a certain treasure."

"I'm eating dried fruit, why don't I feel so delicious?"

"Answer upstairs, because you're not eating dried marshmallow."

"Answer upstairs, because you are not eating dried fruit made by mother marshmallow."

"Answer upstairs, because you are not eating dried immortal fruit."


Because the marshmallow fruit dried in, the rest of the trip was unexpectedly smooth.

The children were in a good mood.

By the time the guests were about to live on the island, it was dusk.

The guide of the program led five groups of guests to a very spacious and gorgeous island villa.

"Parents and babies, this place is where you will live for a week in the future. There are many rooms, you can choose by yourself. Everything in the house can be used, and hints may appear everywhere

"Please note that from the very first moment you enter this villa, the identity of the parents and the baby will be changed. Everything in the family is the baby, our parents can give proper guidance, but can not make their own opinions. If you violate the rules, you will be punished. "

Parents looked at each other.

However, they knew this rule in advance, and there was no accident.

Wait until the person in charge of the guidance leaves.

There were only five groups of guests left in the whole process except for the photographers.

"Well, let's choose a room first." The emperor said.

I have just finished.

A man in black and sunglasses suddenly appeared.

He said coldly: "Zhong Hui violated the rules and cancelled the dinner order today."

Zhong Hui, who was suddenly cancelled dinner:

The man in black looked at him coldly: "now is the baby in charge, parents please don't trespass."

Zhong Hui:

The rest of them were surprised: is it so strict?

Fang Rui asked cautiously, "well, if we ask the baby's opinion, there will be no problem?"

The man in black did not speak.

The other four children were confused.

At this time, the marshmallow suddenly opened, and the crisp voice sounded in the hall: "Zhouyi, Xiao Anyang, bubble, small mint, let's choose the room to live in first."


it's over today.

Jiaqun, the big baby who grabbed the four chapter Sofa & lt; 612524226 & gt;, will not wait until 10:00 p.m. on the 27th.