25 Blood of the fallen...

Name:Raging love Author:Christianatal880
As In carriage who is carrying Klover take a stop at the dungeon klover looks how much blood has came from the fallen as Klover walks towards the cave he notice and counted how many died over a thousand layers there lifeless bodies soaking blood "poor people but at least vampires weren't the ones they would have all been sucked dried"Klover said as he continues to walk one of the fallen soldiers had grabbed him by the leg and as Klover was scared he accidentally kicked the helmet off and saw the young boys face he was short and barely 16 Klover thought he was probably a new recruit as he looked at the face he saw his mouth move and trying to talk "papa is that you papa...please I want to go home" "I'm not your father young boy but I'm the king and I promise you will go home to your parents I'll take you to the carriage right now and tend to your wounds" Klover said as he picks up the kid and walks him over to the carriage "my lord I'm sorry you just look so much like my dad and you sound like him to I'm sorry to ask you of this but can I call you... dad I really miss him and you look and sound like him ...my name is red" " uh sure look we're here at the carriage I'll carry you the rest of the way ok so just stay awake"Klover said "thanks dad" red said as he started to cry as they entered the carriage he tended to his wounds and thought he would survive and he commanded the driver to go

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At the destruction kingdom

My lord the experiment are you sure it will work especially making blue thunderbolt fallow our every command" "yes I am sure soon there will be another war but this time we will win because we have what they don't a fairy tale" king of destruction said smiling wickedly